Tuesday, 28 February 2023

HAC: Croatian Snowploughs Covered 2X the Length of Earth's Circumference

February 28, 2023 - Removing snow from the road, Croatian snowploughs covered 75,000 kilometers this weekend, almost two full circles around the Earth, the circumference of which is 40,075 kilometers, Croatian Highways (HAC) reported on Monday.

As Poslovni writes, over 181 trucks with plows and spreaders cleared the snow on a thousand kilometers of highways in two days, and more than 3,300 tons of melts was sprinkled on highways, rest areas, junctions, toll points, and border crossings, according to the HAC statement.

On snowy sections, the plows worked for up to 30 hours without stopping.

HAC commented on drivers' complaints that they did not see the plows on the road during snowfall, pointing out that if the ploughs were visible to every driver, then traffic on the highway would be impossible - "that would be a collapse and an absurdity."

As soon as the plough passes a section during snowfall, a new snow cover is created, which is cleared immediately in the next cycle, emphasizes HAC, adding that there are enough working machines for all highway maintenance tasks.

Stormy and snowy weather

Only the carriageway with the approaches to rest areas is cleared in heavy snowfall. It is possible to make the highway passable only after it stops snowing.

HAC reminds of the legal obligation for winter equipment, with which most problems and delays would be significantly less, and urges drivers that if they find themselves behind ploughs, they should not overtake them but drive behind them.

They also warned against yesterday's disregard of the traffic ban for all vehicles by some drivers who took the closed section of the highway from Sveti Rok to Posedarje, which was closed from the early morning hours due to the hurricane storm.

"We can compare this to going through a red light at an intersection. In the conditions of a hurricane, the closed section cannot even be cleared because dangerous snowdrifts are created due to the wind", says HAC.

They added that because of such irresponsible drivers who ignored all prohibitions and instructions, their workers and members of the HGSS service endangered their own lives, saving people from the road until the early morning hours.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated News section.

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Croatia Snow Saga Continues: Roads Still Closed, Winter Equipment a Must

February 28, 2023 - The Croatia snow saga continues. A1 highway is open between the junctions Sveti Rok and Posedarje for all groups of vehicles, and due to winter conditions between the junctions Gospic and Maslenica (Rovanjska) traffic is prohibited for trucks with trailers and semi-trailers, while winter equipment is mandatory for other vehicles.

For trucks with trailers and semi-trailers, there is currently no passable road from the interior to Dalmatia, Rijeka or Istria and vice versa, the Croatian Auto Club (HAK) reported at 7 am, writes 24Sata.

Drivers are urged to respect the restrictions on specific state roads, which are closed to all traffic, that is, to certain groups of vehicles, and not to get on the road without proper winter equipment. Winter road maintenance is in progress, so there are frequent delays behind winter service vehicles, which move slowly. Drivers are urged to be patient.

Closed for all traffic (due to wind and snow): DC1 Udbina-Klapavice and Gracac-Knin; DC27 Gracac-Obrovac; DC42 in Poljanak; DC25 Gospic-Karlobag; DC218 Bjelopolje-Donji Lapac; ZC5217 Dobroselo-Mazin; ZC4030 in Petrov Vrh (Kutjevo); ZC5062 Lic-Lukovo; ZC5032 Mrzle Vodice-Gornje Jelenje; LC59122 Ledenik-Susanj and LC59123 Susanj-Konjsko. *DC = state road, ZC = county road, LC = local road.

The following roads are open for passenger vehicles only: the A6 Rijeka-Zagreb highway between the Kikovica and Delnice junctions (due to winter conditions on the DC3, freight vehicles with trailers are rerouted at the Vukova Gorica rest stop in the direction of Rijeka and the Kikovica junction in the direction of Zagreb); Jadranska magistrala (DC8) between Novi Vinodolski and Senj and Karlobag and Sveta Maria Magdalena; DC54 Maslenica-Zaton Obrovacki; The Pag bridge.

Traffic for double-decker buses, vehicles with trailers and motorcycles (I group of vehicles) is prohibited on the A7 Draga (Rijeka Istok)-Smrika highway, the Adriatic highway (DC8) between Bakar and Novi Vinodolski, and Senj and Karlobag, the state road between the junction and town of Krizisce and the local road Kraljevica-Krizisce (LC58107).

In Gorski Kotar, it is raining in places and freezing in contact with the ground. Roads are wet, damp and slippery in most of the country, and due to low temperatures, the creation of ice is possible, especially on bridges, overpasses and viaducts.

Due to the winter conditions, traffic is prohibited for trucks with trailers and semi-trailers, and winter equipment is mandatory for other vehicles on the roads in Lika and Gorski kotar.

Sljemenska road is closed on the Zagreb side from Bliznec to the top.

There are no difficulties in maritime transport.

At the Tovarnik border crossing, freight traffic waits are four hours at the entrance to the country.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated News section.

Saturday, 25 February 2023

Weather in Croatia: Beast From the East Bringing Sudden Temperature Drop

February 25, 2023 - The rapid change in the weather in Croatia is a consequence of the arrival of cold, unstable air from the north, pulled by an anticyclone stationed over Great Britain and a low-pressure cyclone developing over the Mediterranean Sea over the European mainland. Above the region is a boundary between cold air from the north and warm air from the south, rapidly moving in the form of a cold front from the northwest to the southeast.

As Poslovni / N1 report, with the passage of the cold front, cloudy, windy weather with rain, showers, and thunder is possible. On the night of Sunday, temperatures will drop noticeably; the rain will change to sleet and snow in the mountains. In the southern Adriatic, it will blow strongly from the south. In the afternoon, with a drop in temperature, a northeasterly wind will blow. On the night of Sunday in the northern Adriatic, a strong storm will move over the central Adriatic.

The morning air temperatures will be the highest day temperatures in most parts of the interior. Temperatures this morning were from 8 to 14, and the highest daily temperature on the Adriatic will be from 13 to 16 °C.

Noticeable drop in temperatures n the evening in the inland and the northern Adriatic region.

Tomorrow, on Sunday, it will be wintery, cloudy and windy with rain on the Adriatic, and snow and sleet in the inland with the formation of a snow cover.

Up to 20 cm of snow will fall in mountainous regions, and the wind will create gusts. In the northern and central Adriatic, a strong storm, and hurricane force winds in the coastal area of Velebit. In the southern Adriatic, strong to stormy jugo with heavy precipitation and thunderstorms. The jugo will turn to a storm in the afternoon and evening.

Morning air temperatures in the interior from -3 to 0, in mountainous areas around -4, in the northern and central Adriatic from 3 to 5, and in the southern and islands around 8. The highest daily temperatures in the inland from 0 to 3, and on the Adriatic from 5 to 8. With a strong wind, due to the high cooling index, it will feel up to 5 degrees lower in air temperature. All in all, a real bite of winter, a Beast from the East if you will.

Winter feeling from Monday. It will get colder, and in the first half of the week it will be cloudy with occasional rain, sleet and snow in the interior. A strong gale will blow in places on the Adriatic. Second part of the week will be cold, partly sunny with morning fog inland. Minimum air temperatures in the interior from -3 to 2, in mountainous regions around -6°C, on the Adriatic from 3 to 5°C.

The highest daily temperature in the interior will range from 2 to 5, in the mountainous regions around 0, and on the Adriatic from 6 to 10°C.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated News section.

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Hvar Covered in Snow This Morning Again After Three Years

February 13, 2021 – Have you ever imagined the Croatian island of Hvar covered in snow? It sounds unbelievable for one of the sunniest islands in the Mediterranean, but today it snowed again in Hvar, just like three years ago.

The announced cold front arrived in Croatia, and even in its warmest parts. Even the Croatian island of Hvar was covered in snow this morning.

Three years ago, one of the sunniest islands in the Mediterranean was covered by snow for the first time in 25 years. This morning, the Hvar town people woke up just like in 2018 – seeing their city covered with a thin white blanket.

"It's always nice to see a little bit of winter joy because we don't see it often. We are not used to this, but let it last for a few days. We will endure the cold," said Vedran Dulčić, Hvar native, who sent us a photo from the town of Hvar.


A view from Hvar Fortress (Fortica), an unavoidable place in Hvar, looks like this today. The Hvar port, perfect blue sea, and Pakleni islands in the background, which a beautiful view overlooks during the summer, are now barely even seen.


Facebook Hvar Town

It's also very cold. Hvar residents say that the stormy wind bura started to blow, and they predict (or at least hope) that the snow will not last long. By midday, it already almost melted. However, in 2018, the snow on Hvar stayed for more than a week.

For people who are used to temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius on Hvar, today's only one degree is not pleasant at all, but they try to endure it. Just a few more months and there will be summer, right? Although it is beautiful even in winter conditions, nothing can compare to the beauty that Hvar exudes in summer.


Facebook Secret Hvar travel agency

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Wednesday, 20 January 2021

PHOTOS Unforgettable View of Snow-Capped Alps from Japetic

January 20, 2021 – A white blanket of snow covered many Croatian destinations, including one of the most popular excursion sites – Japetic, the highest peak of Samobor Hills. At this time of year, Japetic offers a beautiful view of the Alps, and photographer Josip Škof captured these unforgettable snow scenes last weekend.

At 879 meters above sea level, Japetić, the highest peak of Samobor Hills, is a favorite Croatian destination for picnickers and hikers. Due to its preserved natural beauties, Japetić has been declared a reserve of forest vegetation.


On one of the trails, not far from the top, a lookout tower was built in 1889, when the Eiffel Tower was also built. The iron pyramid-lookout is 12 meters high and is under the protection of the Ministry of Culture. Until 1960, it was at the top of Medvednica mountain, but it was moved after the construction of the television tower on Sljeme.

A little above the lookout at the top of a steep meadow is the famous mountain lodge Žitnica, from whose terrace you will also find a beautiful open view of the surrounding Pokuplje hills area in the distance.


Popular Japetić lookout offers a view of the nearby peaks of Sljeme, Oštrc, Okić, Klek, Plešivica, Sv Gera, and even Bjelolasica, Risnjak. In clear weather like these days, especially in winter, even the Alps can be seen.

Last snowy weekend, while some people visited destinations such as Plitvice Lakes and ski resorts in Gorski Kotar and Lika, photographer Josip Škof stayed in Zagreb County, capturing the snow-capped Alps from the winter-bound Japetić.


And he was not the only one because Japetić is one of the most exciting lookouts in Zagreb's vicinity, only half an hour drive away. It is an unavoidable destination for visitors during the winter because of the snow that covers the old beech forest, creating a winter idyll, but also because of the unforgettable view of nearby peaks.


"I can't find the words to describe the scenes that were created in front of me. Luckily, I brought my camera, so I can most faithfully show you what views I enjoyed this weekend. I also chose the right day, and my view reached as far as Triglav peak, about 150 kilometers away. A little closer, approximately 120 kilometers, the Kamnik Alps were in the palm of my hand," said Škof in his Facebook post, telling us to enjoy the beautiful photos of his beloved native Zagreb County.


Although Alpine ski resorts are inaccessible to us this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is almost unbelievable that we still have the opportunity to see Alpine peaks from the Zagreb neighborhood. Marked hiking trails from Ivančići and a good road over Draga Svetojanska lead to Japetić.


The ascent to Japetić is not overly demanding, and the scenes of winter idyll are worth experiencing. Josip Škof's photo gallery is calling us to take the opportunity and go to one of Croatia's most interesting lookouts, only thirty minutes away from the Croatian capital of Zagreb.



All photos: Zagreb County Tourist Board / Josip Škof

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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Croatian Interior Minister Warns Parents Against Taking Kids Out in Snow

Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic has a few words to say about Croatia's snowfall.

If the coronavirus pandemic and ever stricter measures wasn't enough, an earthquake or two helped to convince people even more that some sort of Biblical scenario was playing out. If they needed another kick in the teeth, however, Zagreb and many other places across Croatia woke up to freezing temperatures and snow this morning, too.

With all of the anti-epidemic measures now fully in place, Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic made sure to warn parents not to see the usually pleasant sight of snowfall as an excuse to take the kids out and build snowmen or have snowball fights. White stuff or no white stuff, all of the previously introduced measures against the spread of coronavirus are still in full force.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 24th of March, 2020, Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic warned parents to cast aside any thoughts of using this cold and snowy day to get the kids out of the house for some air. If they do that, the authorities will send them home, he said.

The Croatian Interior Minister and the Civil Protection Headquarters made sure to let parents know that the police would be watching despite the snow, and that children and everyone else must remain indoors.

''This is not the time to be going out and having fun in the snow. I'd like to ask parents and anyone who thinks of this snow day being a reason to go out and have fun and leisure, to give up on that idea immediately. The competent institutions will prevent them from doing that and will send them home,'' Bozinovic warned during a press conference at the Civil Protection Headquarters.

Bozinovic also used the opportunity to appealed to traders and others not to advertise discounts and actions for products that are not necessary in these types of situations, because this is not the appropriate time to do so.

Make sure to follow our dedicated section for all you need to know about coronavirus in Croatia.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

And Now Snow! Croatia, Where Winter is Spring, and Spring is Winter

March 24, 2020 - After a  very mild winter with almost no snow Croatia wakes up to a rather colder Spring morning. 

There is only one certainty in Croatia at the moment, and that is that absolutely nothing is certain. 

With the country reeling from the Zagreb earthquakes and dealing with the coronavirus threat, at least the weather was warm in most parts of the country. 

In fact, the weather has been unusually warm throughout winter, with very little snow at all. I remember clearing the drive in temperatures of minus 18 last winter in Varazdin, but I didn't need to get my shovel out this year, and it only snowed twice.

snow-croatia (2).jpg

But this is Croatia, the current global leader in unpredictability, a land where Winter is Spring and Spring is Winter. 

The morning view for Steve Gaunt in Vinkovci.

snow-croatia (1).PNG

And with severe restrictions on travel imposed in an attempt to combat the coronavirus threat, Croatia's motorways resemble a winter wonderland. 

But perhaps the place where the snow and sudden colder weather will be least welcome will be in Zagreb and surroundings. Many are still recovering from the recent earthquakes and unable to return to their homes, while there are still some residents without gas. 


According to weather forecasts, the cold weather looks set to continue in Zagreb for a couple of days before warming up again. 

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