Saturday, 4 February 2023

Zagreb Kneeling Men Met by Croatian Women's Network Counter-Protest

February 4, 2023 - If you live in Zagreb or were lucky enough to visit on the first Saturday of the month in the last four months, you might have witnessed the unforgettable sight of a bunch of fully grown men kneeling in the Ban Josip Jelacic square, praying in unison. This Saturday, the Zagreb kneeling men were met with a counter-protest by the Croatian Women's Network, joined by MEP member and SPF presidency member Fred Matić.

As 24Sata writes, the Zagreb kneeling men organized another one of their protests at the Ban Josip Jelacic Square, praying for the chastity of women in Croatia. This time, though, they were met by a counter-protest of the Croatian Women's Network on the Square, in which Fred Matić was one of the participants.

He pointed out that he is afraid that the Zagreb kneeling men are a prelude to what happened not that long ago in Poland, which resulted in the ban on abortion and encroachment on other women's rights.

"I came to support these people standing around me. What is happening on the other side of the Square is irresistibly reminiscent of Poland and Hungary, and when we mention those two countries, we have no reason to be too optimistic. In addition to so many problems and so many women who are beaten and killed every day, the biggest concern in Croatia is how women dress, whether they will be polite, or whether they will cook them lunch. It would be smarter to show women that they are equal and that they love their wives. Many Iranians are not proud to be Iranian because of all that is happening in their country. Only in Croatia can you see people who want to be those Iranians, and we will not allow them to do that. I stand very proudly on this side of the Square. I have nothing against anyone praying. What is hidden behind those prayers, however, we have seen where it leads historically - to the bonfires. As long as I am alive and engaged in politics, I will not allow my female colleagues, wife, and sister to be treated as secondary. Women are certainly not to blame for what Croatia is like. I think that women bring an additional quality of life and lead to betterment. All these prayers and stories of theirs cause a quiet chill in me. They take us back to the Middle Ages", concluded Matić.

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