Sunday, 20 June 2021

Croatians Prefer Non-carbonated to Carbonated Water, Survey Shows

ZAGREB, 20 June, 2021 - As many as 89.1% of Croatians prefer tap water, 76.7% think that bottled water is not better or healthier than tap water, and 59.9% choose non-carbonated water when shopping, a survey showed. 

The survey was carried out by Ja Trgovac magazine and the Hendal market research agency in May on a representative sample of Croatian citizens above the age of 16.

It showed that 44.8% of respondents drink more than five glasses of water on average a day, 37% drink three to four glasses, 12.1% drink two to three glasses and 6.1% drink at least one glass of water a day.

As many as 89.1% prefer tap water and 10.9% more often buy bottled water, either carbonated or non-carbonated, 11.1% drink bottled water every day, 17.7% do so several times a week and 14.3% once a week, 22.3% drink bottled water several times a month, 19% do so several times a year and 15.6% never buy or drink bottled water.

As for the type of bottled water, 59.9% of respondents mostly buy or drink non-carbonated water,  36.3% prefer non-carbonated water and 3.7% like flavoured water.

Asked whether they think that bottled water is healthier or better than tap water, 76.7% of respondents said that it is not better, while 23.3% think that it is.

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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Can You Drink Tap Water in Croatia?
