Saturday, 26 February 2022

Amount of Possible Tax Refunds in 2021 Similar to 2020

ZAGREB, 26 Feb 2022 - Croatia's Tax Administration estimates that the amount of tax returns this year will be similar to last year when approximately HRK 1.89 billion (€252 million) was reimbursed to taxpayers for excess amount paid to the state budget.

The tax filing deadline expires on 28 February, while the reimbursement of overpaid tax starts on 2 May.

In response to an inquiry from Hina, the Tax Administration has said that until 20 February 2022, the procedure of the assessment of tax base and tax liability concerning the income tax was conducted for 694,674 tax payers. It has been established that 633,278 of them paid excess amount as tax and they are entitled to the tax refund in the amount of 1.73 billion kuna, while 50,006 are expected to pay an additional HRK 107.25 million as tax in arrears. The remaining 11,390 tax payers had nothing for reimbursed tax refund or for additional payment.

Persons obliged to fill out their own tax returns are owners of enterprises, freelancers or for instance,  seafarers on international shipping lines and Croatian residents who earned income abroad in previous years.

After income tax was abolished for young people up to 25 years of age and taxation for those between 26 and 30 was cut by 50%, about 142,000 young people were covered by this scheme in 2020 when they received about HRK 700 million in tax returns based on changes to taxation in the fourth round of reform which entered into force at the start of 2020.

The Tax Administration expects the similar number of tax refunds and the similar amount of reimbursement under this scheme this year, too. 

The Tax Administration is the administrative unit within the Ministry of Finance whose basic task is to implement tax regulations and regulations concerning the payment of obligatory contributions.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)

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