Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Telemach Covers Almost All of Croatia with 5G Network

ZAGREB, 14 June 2022 - Telemach Croatia has covered almost all of Croatia with a 5G network and 100,000 households with a fast fixed fiber-optic network, approaching national coverage, to be completed by the end of 2022 or in early 2023 with the integration of Optima Telekom, Management Board President Adrian Ježina said on Tuesday.

Telemach has replaced and/or upgraded close to all of 1,200 base stations for the mobile network, and has so far covered Zagreb, Zadar, and Split with a 10-gigabit fiber-optic network, with Osijek to be covered soon as well, he said.

"We have achieved everything we planned in less than a year," he said, noting that this was possible owing to the support of the parent company United Group.

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Thursday, 3 March 2022

First Telemach Sports Day Held Yesterday in Župa Dubrovačka

March 3, 2022 - Telemach continues to support projects aimed at the well-being of children and young people. By partnering with Plasma Youth Sports Games, the first Telemach Sports Day was held in Župa dubrovačka, where 600 primary school children participated.

As a partner of the largest amateur sports event in Europe, Plasma Youth Sports Games, Telemach continues to promote healthy living habits, striving to encourage children and young people to activities that are the foundation of proper growth and development. Telemach Sports Day, in which children of primary and secondary school age in 25 cities across Croatia will participate in border guard and athletics until mid-June, began with a competition and the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka, while the final event will take place in early summer in Zagreb.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

"At Telemach, we are proud to have the opportunity to be part of this commendable event this year as well, which aims to encourage positive changes among children and young people. In addition to many well-known health benefits, sport teaches us patience, perseverance, and the importance of team spirit, but also respect for diversity, tolerance, and inclusion, and in this regard, we want to contribute to the sensitization of young people. We nurture these values ​​in Telemach, so the partnership of this year's Plasma Youth Sports Games is a continuation of a clear focus on activities focused on healthy lifestyles and children as the greatest value of society," said Andrea Salinovic, coordinator for events and sponsorships Telemach Croatia.


Opening of the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka. (Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games)

The opening ceremony of the first Telemach Sports Day in Župa dubrovačka started at 9 am, and the youngest citizens were greeted and encouraged by Anton Jurkić, school principal, Jure Marić, head of the unique administrative department of Župa dubrovačka and Tihana Butorac, spokeswoman for Plasma Youth Sports Games.

The sports-educational day gathered more than 600 primary school children from the largest school in the Dubrovnik area who competed in border guard and athletics. The best teams and the fastest runners won a place in the state finals of the Telemach Sports Day, which will be held in mid-July in Split.

''Plasma Youth Sports Games, in addition to promoting sports and sports lifestyles, are aware of the impact and responsibility they have towards their participants, and that is to help them develop into responsible individuals of our society who will promote diversity and inclusion. Telemach Sports Day gives an additional incentive to children to become even better athletes,'' said Tihana Butorac from Plasma Youth Sports Games.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

The most skillful teams in the border guard were representatives of regional schools, while the fastest runners were: Laura Radošević, Franko Barović, Dora Vlašić, David Brajko, Maja Matić, Mateo Vučur, Anamarija Rehak, and Luka Vlašić who deservedly won gold medals.

This year's Telemach Sports Day will be held in 25 cities in all Croatian counties. The project is based on the model of sports games, which promote cooperation, tolerance, and socializing, and puts competitions in the background.

"The global problem of insufficient physical activity of children has additionally gained momentum due to the pandemic, so today more than ever before children and young people need to be encouraged to play sports. In addition to the benefits for their physical health, movement and active lifestyle contribute to better mental health and social skills, so we at Telemach are proud to be part of this largest amateur sporting event in Europe for the second year in a row. We take seriously the responsibility towards the community, especially towards children and young people, and in addition to promoting socializing and healthy lifestyles, we want to further sensitize them to key social values ​​such as tolerance and respect for diversity and team spirit,'' said Andrea Salinovic.


Credit: Carlo Šutalo/Plasma Youth Sports Games

Aimed at adopting healthy habits, Plasma Youth Sports Games aim to attract as many children from different parts of Croatia, regardless of whether they play sports actively or recreationally. After the Dubrovnik Parish where the first edition of this year was held, the next Telemach Sports Day will bring together children from the Knin area, on Friday, March 4th.

Source: Plasma Youth Sports Games

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Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Telemach Croatia Continues to Invest in Mobile and Fixed-Line Networks

ZAGREB, 15 Feb 2022 - The Telemach Croatia telecommunications company continues investing in mobile and fibre optics network infrastructure in 2022.

Its CEO Adrian Ježina says that investment in product development might reach €100 million, stressing the importance of further construction of 5G mobile and fixed-line fibre optics networks across the country.

The company has covered the whole of Zagreb with a 5G network. By summer, it plans to replace all existing base stations with new ones and cover all major cities along the Adriatic coast with 5G. After that, it will focus on Slavonia and other regions. Over the next five years, it plans to bring the high-speed fixed-line internet to 500,000 households.

Telemach is no longer just a mobile phone operator, but also a provider of fixed telephony and television services and has now become an equal competitor with the two largest telecoms companies in Croatia, Ježina said, adding that the company is investing HRK 1.7 billion (€226.6m) in the upgrade of the mobile network and the construction of the state-of-the-art fibre optics network.

Telemach Croatia currently employs about 600 people, more than twice as many as two years ago when it took over the former company Tele2. Ježina also noted investment in customer support and the opening of its own call centres in Zagreb and Osijek.

For now, the company is not planning to increase its tariffs despite the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, high inflation and increased energy prices.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Telemach Donates 100,000 Kuna to Petrinja Kindergarten

December 21, 2021 - As a solidarity effort towards the town that was hit hard by an earthquake almost a year ago, Telemach donates 100,000 kuna to a Petrinja kindergarten. The donation will be aimed at equipping the expanded accommodation capacities within its extended part and creating conditions for quality educational work.

In anticipation of the holidays, Telemach continues to help earthquake-stricken Petrinja with the intention of contributing to creating conditions for its youngest residents, reports Although the Petrinjčica Kindergarten suffered significant damage in the earthquake, it was successfully repaired with the help of donors by the beginning of the current pedagogical year, but despite this, a large number of unregistered children remained in regular enrollment due to lack of accommodation. Therefore, the donation in the amount of 100,000 kuna will be directed to equipping the newly built space for an additional five educational groups.

"Faced with the problem of insufficient accommodation capacities, we decided to go for a modular upgrade of the central kindergarten building, which will provide places for all unregistered children. In the current pedagogical year, there were as many as 49 of them who meet all the conditions for enrollment, and since every unregistered child means the potential departure of the whole family from Petrinja, we wanted to avoid such a scenario at all costs. I thank Telemach, to whom this is not the first donation directed to our city, and which we will use for the benefit of our youngest fellow citizens," said the Mayor of Petrinja Magdalena Komes.

Commenting on the current needs related to the upgrade of the central city kindergarten, the director of DV Petrinjčica, Nataša Vidović, reminded that financial resources for upgrading and equipping the kindergarten are provided exclusively through donations, which is why any help is welcome.

"Telemach's donation will be aimed at purchasing didactic equipment and furniture to equip the space under construction for five additional educational groups, so I thank Telemach whose financial support will greatly contribute to creating conditions for a quality educational process and enable our children to grow up happier.", pointed out the director Vidović.

The donation of DV Petrinjčica is a continuation of the activities with which Telemach supports the earthquake-damaged Petrinja. Thus, after the donation of two drones to the Petrinja Public Fire Brigade in December 2020, Telemach continues this year to invest in projects aimed at the well-being of children and youth and will soon raise a balloon inside which will be a large sports hall. 

"The recovery of the earthquake-stricken Petrinja is a long-term process that requires the continued support of the wider community in order to provide adequate conditions that will enable citizens of all ages to meet key living needs. In order to help rebuild the city and keep its inhabitants, especially families with children, we directed part of the funds to create the necessary conditions for the youngest Petrinja in the form of equipping the central kindergarten, while the new sports hall we will soon open to the city. but also the holding of numerous sports, cultural and social events.", concluded the director of communications of Telemach Croatia, Sonja Miočić, reminding that the citizens of Petrinja have not had a sports hall for a full year, without which they were left in last year's earthquake.

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Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Telemach Croatia to Invest 230 Million Euros in Croatian Digitisation

December the 2nd, 2020 - Digitisation in Croatia goes slowly. In fact it goes so slowly that it's rather difficult to believe it is progressing at all when you find yourself standing in line with a bible's worth of paperwork in your hand at Fina, MUP, or some other God forsaken office full of half dead plants and even more half dead clerks. Telemach Croatia, however, understands that this is a process at which it is paramount to be at the very forefront.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, we're still going through the tiresome motions of a very, very challenging year which has been dominated by a public health crisis and economic woes. Despite efforts to maintain stability, the pandemic has slowed down all business activities in all economic sectors, including in the telecommunications sector. The forecasts of various economic analysts are, to say the least, discouraging, and it's to be expected that the period ahead of us will bring with it even more new challenges for the Croatian and the global economy. Investors, especially foreign ones, will be very cautious indeed, which will further slow down economic recovery.

''We're seeing the greatest opportunity in the introduction of new technologies that will enable the continued digitisation of the Croatian economy, and thus the progress of society as a whole. This new situation has clearly indicated the importance of digital transformation and, on the one hand, has accelerated its implementation. We believe that this trend will continue in the future. Our society will increasingly rely on digital solutions, and a prerequisite for this will be having more advanced infrastructure. The above is particularly true for the telecommunications industry, this means that telecom operators will need to provide sufficient network capacityies to withstand the increasing growth of data traffic.

In this regard, investments in telecommunications infrastructure will play a key role. At Telemach Croatia, we want to be the leaders in the digitisation of Croatia, because we consider it the backbone of the accelerated launch of economic progress. That's why the announced investments of our parent company, the United Group, have given us a real spring in our step. This represents one of the largest foreign investments in all of Croatia.

Thus, over the next five year period, we will invest up to 130 million euros in the further modernisation of our mobile network. We'll expand our mobile network coverage, improve the quality of the mobile service we have on offer and also introduce ultra-fast 5G technology. In addition to all of the aforementioned, we intend to invest up to 100 million euros in the construction of a state-of-the-art optical network that will provide private and business users with ultra-fast broadband Internet at speeds of up to 10 gigabits. In this way, we plan to transform the business from a segment-focused operator into a fully converged company that provides customers with high-quality telecommunications services and a superior user experience,'' they concluded from Telemach Croatia.

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Thursday, 5 November 2020

Tele2 Becomes Telemach Croatia as United Invests Massive 230 Million Euros

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes on the 4th of November, as of the 3rd of this month, the popular mobile network Tele2 has been operating under the name Telemach Croatia/Hrvatska, as was announced by the United Group, the parent company of the otherwise very well known Croatian telecom.

The United Group purchased Telemach Croatia back in May 2019, and in the year 2021 it plans to invest as much as 130 million euros in the modernisation of this particular mobile network in order to provide a full 5G experience, as well as an additional 100 million euros in the construction of a state-of-the-art optical network that will enable ultrafast broadband internet at speeds of up to 10 gigabits.

"We're going to continue to provide our customers with the best quality mobile network and new mobile services, with the best fixed network available in the Republic of Croatia," assured Viktor Pavlinic, the CEO of Telemach Croatia. This company will continue to offer its customers products and services under the Tele2 brand, and will present its brand new visual identity only in the first half of 2021. As Victoria Boklag, President of the Management Board of United, added, their investments show commitment to the Croatian market.

"In the telecommunications and media sector, as well as in e-commerce, our platform unites the leading operators and the best producers of media content in Southeastern Europe," she said. Here in the Republic of Croatia currently, the United Group employs about 950 employees with the aim of further growth, and in as many as seven countries by the end of the year it will have about 10 million users and an impressive 11,000 employees.

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