Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Third Covid Shot in Croatia Begins with Detailed Recommendations

October 12, 2021 - People can receive the third Covid shot in Croatia based on the published recommendations by the Croatian Institute of Public Health. 

The Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) has published recommendations for the third Covid-19 vaccine dose in immunocompromised persons and re-vaccination with the third dose of persons who have completed primary vaccination, which is possible in Croatia as of today, reports Index.hr.

Administering the third vaccine dose is recommended for certain categories of immunocompromised individuals, as an additional dose to those who are presumed not to have developed a complete or satisfactory immune response to the vaccine. The time when the third dose is needed is decided by the specialist doctor who treats the person.

Unlike an additional dose, a booster dose is administered with a longer time lag than the primary vaccination series to prolong the duration of protection against the virus.

Therefore, revaccination is recommended for residents of homes for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities, workers employed by accommodation providers for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities, and other accommodation providers, and health professionals who directly care for patients, health care workers and all persons aged 65 and over.

The third dose is also recommended for all persons aged 18 and over who share a household with immunocompromised and extremely sensitive persons, and for all persons aged 18 and over who suffer from chronic diseases that increase the risk of more severe forms of Covid-19.

Taking into account the specifics of health as well as family and work environment that may be important in deciding on vaccination, all persons aged 18 and over who have passed at least 6 months after completing primary vaccination can be vaccinated after consulting a doctor.

People who recovered from Covid-19 and started and finished primary vaccination after recovering do not need a third dose.

Comirnaty (Pfizer) is recommended for revaccination at least six months after the end of the primary vaccination, as the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has authorized the vaccine dose for this vaccine only.

"For people who have been primarily vaccinated with other vaccines, vaccination with Comirnaty goes beyond the approved indications, i.e., it is an off-label use that we consider justified based on available medical knowledge. An evaluation of the third dose of Spikevax is expected soon (Moderna), and we will revise these recommendations in accordance with the assessment," said HZJZ. 

For revaccination and administration of the third dose, citizens can use all available vaccination channels: unannounced vaccination points, selected family doctor, or on-site vaccination (homes for the elderly, health care facilities, etc.).

HZJZ notes that the priority is to be vaccinated with two doses (or once in the case of the Janssen vaccine) for those who have not yet been vaccinated.

"We recommend revaccination against COVID-19 to the following categories of the population:

a. users of homes for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities

b. workers employed by accommodation providers for the elderly and infirm and adults with disabilities and by other accommodation providers

c. healthcare professionals who directly care for patients: any level of healthcare

d. all persons aged 65 and over,

e. all persons aged 18 and over who share a household with immunocompromised and highly sensitive persons,

f. all persons aged 18 and over who suffer from chronic diseases which increase the risk of more severe forms of COVID-19 disease," the recommendation reads.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated section and select your preferred language.
