Monday, 11 November 2019

Maro Jokovic and Andro Buslje Nominated for Total Waterpolo Player 2019

November 11, 2019 - Andro Buslje and Maro Jokovic are fighting for the title of Total Waterpolo Player 2019 organized by the water polo portal of the same name.


After Sandro Sukno became the first Croatian to win the Total Player title in 2017 and Luka Loncar won the title of the best center in the world for two years in a row, Croatian representatives once again have the opportunity to gain the highest individual recognition in water polo.


In choosing the best, along with the voices of the profession, the votes of the fans can be decisive. You can cast your vote for Croatia’s top water polo players on the official Total Waterpolo Player 2019 website by November 30, with the winner announcement taking place on December 16, 2019.

Turning stars in Legends.png

Interestingly, this year, there are eight Croatian representatives among the 77 jury representatives from 18 countries. In addition to men's and women's national team coaches, Ivica Tuck and Marija Caleta, votes will also be cast by coaches Zoran Bajic (HAVK Mladost), Ivan Asic (VK Jadran Split), Elvis Fatovic (Australia coach), Dean Bauer (Sport news), portal, and Sandro Sukno (Total Player 2017), who joined Croatia’s national team staff last season after retirement. You can follow the expert jury's voices, which are published daily here.


Last year's winners include former Jug Dubrovnik player Felipe Perrone and Russian Ekaterina Prokofyeva.

About the Total Player Award:

The Total Waterpolo Player Award initiative originated from the water polo community in a bid to popularize the sport and enhance the sporting spirit among different countries. Taking into account the opinion of everyone who matters in water polo - like the fans, media, and coaches, the Total Waterpolo Player Award enables the best players to receive independent and professional recognition for their work over the past season.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page
