Monday, 12 June 2017

Sailing in Croatia: Can You Learn to Sail in One Day?

On June 11, 2017 Total Croatia Sailing took to the water with Ultra-Sailing School in Split, to find out the answer to the question - "Can you learn to sail in one day?"

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Characters of the Sea: Meet Tonci Regjo, Split Harbour Pilot

Tonci Regjo has spent his life at sea, from attending Maritime High school and the Faculty of Maritime Studies, to working his way through every position possible to find himself in a highly sought-after job – pilot for the Split Harbour.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Gourmet Split: Mazzgoon Featured in Financial Times

The Split Gastronomy scene is on the rise and the world is starting to pay attention. The latest restaurant to stand out from the crowd is Split’s Mazzgoon Restaurant who was recently featured by the Financial Times, after a visit by New York-based chef, Daniel Boulud.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The 8th Edition of the Omiš Guitar Festival Begins Today!

The Omiš Guitar Festival begins a day early due to an unprecedented number of applications, and so, is gearing up to be another record-breaking year!

Friday, 14 April 2017

Well-known Croatian Artists Gather for a Humanitarian Action, but Create So Much More

On Saturday the 7th April, well-known artists gathered at Hotel Split for a humanitarian action, Total Split was there to witness the magic in motion.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Croatia Boat Show Has Seen Better Days

The 19th Edition of the Croatia Boat Show 2017, fails to live up to its name and prior successes.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Digitalization of Split Starts Now

The Split social sector is about to be launched into the modern world with Hack4Split.

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