December 4, 2020 – Accepting all known knowledge of the Coronavirus risk and the announced vaccines, security and risk experts International SOS have published their latest, annual Travel Risk Map. It says Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors
With the end of the life-halting Coronavirus in sight, thanks to several effective vaccines announced, which country would be best to visit next year? Well, Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors.
It's been a long, difficult year for everyone. It's maybe hard to believe if you live in Croatia and haven't much travelled outside the country, but the residents of Croatia have had it no more difficult than anywhere else. With only around 4 million inhabitants, there's lots of space in Croatia to move around.
Take in comparison Britain's London. That one city (1,572 km²) alone has 9 million people. Croatia has 56,594 km² for less than half the number of people. But, this generous amount of space in which to move around is not the only reason Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors.
On 2 December 2020, Total Croatia News published the annual report based on the Global Terrorism Index, identifying Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 in regards to the absence of terrorist threat and effect. Now, according to the latest annual Travel Risk Map, it has been designated that Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors.Security and risk experts International SOS's Travel Risk Map for 2021.
The map, created by security and risk experts International SOS , ranks the safety of countries across the globe taking into account medical, security and road risks. It assesses the risk of political violence, social unrest, and the threat of violent and petty crimes – and, most importantly this year, the impact of the pandemic.
For the first two categories, countries are given a rating out of five, while road safety is rated out of four based on the mortality rate per 100,000 people. The places with the highest risk level for security issues are mostly in Africa, with South Sudan, Mali, Yemen, Somalia and the Maiduguri region of Nigeria listed under the most dangerous, along with the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the Ukraine.International SOS's map showing the countries with the most and least Covid-19 disruption. Very low-risk countries are marked in white, low risk in grey, medium in blue, high in purple and very high in pink.
Very few countries rank above Croatia in the new safety map, New Zealand, Tanzania and Nicaragua among them, meaning Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors.
For the residents of crowded cities elsewhere in Europe, Australia or the USA who have felt more than restricted in 2020, it might be worth remembering when planning next year's escape that Croatia is one of the most safe countries in 2021 for visitors.
August 6, 2020 – For years, Hvar has been too expensive to be a popular holiday destination for domestic tourists. This year, the lower prices and general accessibility have attracted an increased number of domestic guests on Hvar.
Traditionally, the largest number of tourists on Hvar were from the USA and the UK. According to Petar Razović, director of the Hvar Tourist Board, "the main reason for the increase in domestic guests in Hvar Town is, unfortunately, COVID-19, which affected the sense of security of local guests who may have spent their holidays outside Croatia, as well as the general accessibility of Hvar for domestic guests.''
For the past five years, domestic guests have accounted for 8 percent of the total arrivals. From the beginning of this year to the end of July, their share was as high as 18 percent.
All tourism workers have well estimated that prices are the factor that will attract domestic guests.
Discounts and service customization
However, significant changes in prices and services have made Hvar more accessible to all guests this year, not just locals. In some private accommodation, prices have been reduced by up to 50 percent, while in hotels, the service itself has been increased.
"After several years in Hvar Town, hotels have once again introduced half board possibilities, rooms of a higher category were awarded free of charge (in the sense of free upgrades), and excursions were offered included in the price of the room," explains Razović.
Catering facilities have introduced discounts for domestic guests between 10 and 20 percent.
Source: Hvar Tourist Board
In addition, this year, the prices of motorways, catamarans, and ferries haven't changed, which are all essential to arrival on the island of Hvar. However, on the other hand, there is a problem with parking in Hvar Town, because this year most tourists, both domestic and foreign, are coming by car, and not by plane as usual.
Comparisons with previous years
Director Razović compares 2020 with the 60s of the last century when Hvar had a unique marketing strategy all over the world where guests could get various discounts. Free overnight stays were offered for rainy and snowy days because Hvar has always been promoted as the island with the highest number of hours of sunshine in the world.
"If we look at the recent past, today, Hvar Town is recording the same tourist results as in 1996, so it's easy to compare the impact of COVID-19 with the Croatian War of Independence,'' describes Razović.
Plans for the future
The number of domestic guests in the future will mostly depend, of course, on price fluctuations, and the Tourist Board will continue to promote Hvar on the domestic market.
Domestic guests will be invited to mostly visit Hvar in the pre-season and post-season when they can enjoy cultural events (the Za Križen procession, Hvar Theatre Days, the Lavender Festival), sports events (the Hvar Half Marathon), as well as agricultural activities such as organised grape and olive picking.
They also plan to open hotels and private accommodation earlier, which will offer guests additional facilities.
Razović says that he is "convinced that prices will still be at this year's level and that domestic guests will opt for their vacation in places that gravitate to the city of Hvar, namely Milna, Sveta Nedjelja, Jagodna, Bojanić Bad, Velo Grablje, and Brusje. "
Source: Hvar Tourist Board
Hvar's prices have dropped drastically, local guests decided to take advantage of that and spend their holidays on Hvar, which might not have otherwise been the case. Thus, Hvar has finally become more accessible to domestic guests who want to enjoy a quality and safe holiday in their own country.
For Hvar, the rule has always been that you have to visit it at least once and enjoy all its charms.
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