Friday, 25 June 2021

First Croatian COVID-19 Testing App Issued by Dubrovnik’s Marin Med Polyclinic

25 June 2021 – Dubrovnik Marin Med Polyclinic released an app that allows people to order COVID-19 testing.

Travelling in the time of the pandemic has been interesting and sometimes quite frustrating. The situation in 2021 is much better than the previous year, but there are still some hoops that need jumping through in order to get to your dream vacation. One of the most important things to consider when travelling is the need for COVID19 testing. In Dubrovnik, Marin Med Polyclinic is one of the most efficient and hassle-free places where you can do this. Now, they’ve made the entire process even easier by developing a mobile app that enables people to sign up for testing remotely. The name of the app is fit4traveldubrovnik and it is the first of its kind in Croatia.

How Does it Work?

The majority of guests coming to Dubrovnik will need to take an official COVID test before flying back home. By using fit4traveldubrovnik you streamline the process of acquiring proof of being COVID-free before your trip. The app enables users to schedule the testing and choose from the available testing locations. You also pay for the testing through the app. Within a maximum of 24 hours, you will receive the test results via email.


Marin Med has set up a new testing spot in front of Dubrovnik’s Grawe Building in the business district of Gruz. This way, the testing is done in an easy and fast manner without the need for entering the building. Dr. Rikard Lenz, the director of Marin Med emphasised the entire process of scheduling testing, paying, and receiving results can be done via the app, making in-person visits needed only for the actual testing. In fact, with the outdoor testing spot now available, persons in need of a COVID test need to generally spend just a few seconds, up to a minute at the testing site. This makes the entire process not just very fast, but also extremely safe. For more information on getting tested for COVID19 in Dubrovnik, check out the official website of Marin Med.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia check out our COVID-19 section and select your language.
