Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Trešnjevka Hockey Club: The Best Way for a Foreigner to Integrate into Zagreb

March 2, 2022 - After a year and a half in Croatia, I have finally found my platform where I can be active and have a social time, while learning the language, culture, and history in a different way than through books. Here is my story and I hope it can be inspiring for others in my situation, who want to integrate but have not yet found their platform. Meet Trešnjevka Hockey Club.

My name is Erik and I want to integrate as much as possible in Croatia. I am 34 years old and moved from Norway in November 2020. All my life I have been active, as a junior player at the national level in football and ice hockey, in addition to being active in a whole range of sports and activities, such as floorball, badminton, disc golf, futsal, golf, padel tennis, fly fishing, etc. I even play on an international level to this day in a sport called Crossminton (

Since I moved here, I have constantly practiced various sports - both with Croatians and other foreigners. A few months ago I passed a local field hockey club, Trešnjevka Hockey Club, when I was out for a walk with the dog. We stopped and I saw how the game was played, and immediately I became interested. Without any previous knowledge of field hockey, I could see that the field, the game, and the movements were very similar to football. The biggest differences seemed to be the ball, which was more like a hard version of a floorball ball - and the stick, which was shorter and quite different from the one I was used to from ice hockey. My first impression was that this was a combination of three sports that I love and played in my younger days, so I had to check if I could try it out.


At HK Trešnjevka boys and girls, men and women of all ages can participate. The youngest player in the club is born in 2014, while the oldest active member is born in 1965

I sent an email to the club, and after a few minutes, I received an open invitation to participate in training. The only thing I had to bring was myself and training clothes, the rest I could borrow there. A few days later, at the clubhouse, I was greeted with friendly smiles, everyone shook hands with everyone (not only me who was new but also those who had known each other for 20 years. It is a form of respect and courtesy that forms culture, which is easy to become a fan of). Out on the court, with a new type of stick that for me was the "wrong" direction in ice hockey and floorball (all field hockey clubs are right-handed, i.e. that you move the ball on the right side of your body with your left hand at the top), I felt like a real beginner. Few, if any, of my receptions and passes were good, and I was not even close to starting to think about how I was going to dribble. But, despite the fact that I felt like Bambi on ice, I received nice feedback and praise from my new teammates. Their interest in me as a human being in Croatia, how I had found my way to their country, their sport, and their club was great, and they all gave me a sense of mastery of the sport. But, most importantly, they gave me a feeling that I was welcomed, wanted, and invited as part of the team. 


Even during Christmas, a mix of players from junior, senior, and veteran teams met for a friendly game of hockey. The author of this article on the top right in the picture had just recently joined the club and was happy to take part in a local Christmas (and active) tradition

Now, four months later, I feel like an equal member of their club. I am training with the men's senior team and will represent the veteran team in the championship matches. At the club, I meet and talk with people of all ages, that are working for the same goal; to have fun while being active. Through this experience, I have made new friends, met people I respect and learn from. Not only regarding field hockey, but also the language, the culture, and the history. Since I moved here I always wanted, and have worked hard to learn the language and become integrated. I see that as my responsibility as a foreigner in Croatia. I should and wish to take part in everyday activities and also contribute by sharing my experience and history. Now I have found my platform, which I can warmly recommend to everyone in my situation, regardless of age and gender: Trešnjevka Hockey Club.

In May, this year's league game begins and I sincerely hope to see more foreigners in our team's kit throughout the season. The club has room for and welcomes all new members. 

I have found my platform and invite you to be part of it too. 

About Hokej klub Trešnjevka;
Adresse: Zagorska 5, Zagreb 



Youth training  

MON 16.00 - 17.30 

TUE  17.30 - 19.00 

THU  17.30 - 19.00 

1st WOMEN'S TEAM & Recreation 

TUE 20.30 - 22.00 

THU 19.00 - 20.30 

VETERAN'S TEAM & Recreation 

TUE 20.30 - 22.00 

THU 19.00 - 20.30 

1st MEN's TEAM  

MON 20.30 - 22.00 

TUE 20.30 - 22.00 

THU 19.00 - 20.30 

Registration or any further information is available by contacting the head coach: 

Goran Jamičić 

091 19 22 474 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page
