Friday, 30 July 2021

Croatia's June Unemployment Rate Slightly above EU Average

ZAGREB, 30 July 2021 - The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate fell both in the EU and the euro area in June 2021, while in Croatia it was slightly above the EU average, a Eurostat report showed on Friday.

The EU unemployment rate was 7.1% in June 2021, down from 7.3% in May 2021 and down from 7.3% in June 2020. The euro area unemployment rate was 7.7%, down from 8.0% in May 2021 and
from 8.0% in June 2020.

An estimated 14.916 million men and women in the EU, of whom 12.517 million in the euro area, were unemployed in June 2021. Compared with May 2021, the number of persons unemployed decreased by 487,000 in the EU and by 423,000 in the euro area. Compared with June 2020, unemployment decreased by 397,000 in the EU and by 339,000 in the euro area.

Highest unemployment in Greece and Spain

The highest unemployment rates in June 2021 were recorded in Greece and Spain (both 15.1%), followed by Italy (9.7%) and Sweden (9.2%). The lowest rates were observed in Czechia (2.8%), the Netherlands (3.2%), Malta and Poland (both 3.6%).

In Croatia, the unemployment rate was 7.4%, down by half a percentage point from May. A total of 132,000 people were out of work in Croatia in June, which is 10,000 fewer than in May. Compared with June 2020, their number declined by 23,000.

Youth unemployment

In June 2021, 2.967 million young persons (under 25) were unemployed in the EU, of whom 2.431 million were in the euro area. The youth unemployment rate was 17.0% in the EU and 17.3% in the euro area, down from 17.6% and 17.9% respectively in the previous month. Compared with May 2021, youth unemployment decreased by 112,000 in the EU and by 78,000 in the euro area. Compared with June 2020, youth unemployment decreased by 152,000 in the EU and by 110,000 in the euro area.

The highest youth unemployment rate in June 2021 was registered in Greece (37.1%), followed by Spain (30.4%) and Italy (29.4%). The lowest rates were observed in Czechia (7.1%), Germany (7.5%) and the Netherlands (7.6%).

In Croatia, which is not required to submit monthly reports on youth unemployment, but quarterly,  the youth unemployment rate in the second quarter of the year was 22.9%, up by 2.1% compared with the previous quarter. A total of 33,000 young people in Croatia were out of work in the second quarter, 4,000 fewer than in the first quarter. Compared with the second quarter of 2020, their number fell by 5,000.

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Friday, 21 May 2021

April Sees 1.2% Fewer Jobless YOY

ZAGREB, 21 May 2021 - At the end of April 2021, there were 1.53 million persons in employment in Croatia, up 0.6% on the month but down 1.2% on the year, while registered unemployment dipped 0.4 percentage points on the month, falling below 9% for the first time in six months, according to the national statistical office.

At the end of April 2021, 148,744 persons were registered with the Croatian Employment Service, down 4.4% on the month and 6.6% on the year. The registered unemployment rate for April was 8.9%, the lowest since September 2020.

Raiffeisen Bank analysts say that is a direct consequence of the decrease in the number of persons registered as jobless and the simultaneous increase in the active population (1,675,699).

The expected recovery of economic activity will have a limited positive effect on employment indicators given that the government mitigated with a set of measures the unfavourable trends on the labour market during the strong economic downturn last year and at the beginning of this year, the analysts say.

Therefore we expect a mild drop in registered unemployment to below 9% this year, while the survey unemployment rate could drop to 7%, they add.

For more news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page

Thursday, 4 March 2021

EU Unemployment Stable in January, Croatia Below EU Average

ZAGREB, 4 March, 2021 - The unemployment rate in the European Union and the euro area remained stable in January 2021 compared with the previous month, while in Croatia it slid below the EU average, a Eurostat report showed on Thursday.

The EU unemployment rate was 7.3% in January 2021, stable compared with December 2020 and up from 6.6% in January 2020. The euro area rate was 8.1%, also stable compared with December 2020 and up from 7.4% in January 2020.

A total of 15.663 million people in the EU were unemployed in January 2021, including 13.282 million in the euro area. Compared with December 2020, their number increased by 29,000 in the EU and by 8,000 in the euro area. Compared with January 2020, unemployment rose by 1.465 million in the EU and by 1.010 million in the euro area.

The highest unemployment rate was recorded in Spain, of 16%, while all other member states had unemployment rates of below 10%. The lowest rates were registered in Poland (3.1%), the Czech Republic (3.2%) and the Netherlands (3.6%).

In Croatia, the unemployment rate in January 2021 was 7.1%, down from 7.6% in December 2020. A total of 126,000 Croatians were out of work in January, or 9,000 fewer than in the previous month. In January 2020, the unemployment rate in Croatia was 6%, with 107,000 people out of work.

No data was available for Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy and Romania.

Youth unemployment unchanged

The EU youth unemployment rate remained at 16.9% in January 2021, unchanged from December 2020. The euro area rate was 17.1%, down from 18.5% in the previous month.

In January 2021, a total of 2.929 million young people were unemployed in the EU, including 2.356 million in the euro area. Compared with December 2020, their number increased by 3,000 in the EU and decreased by 15,000 in the euro area. Compared with January 2020, their number rose by 184,000 in the EU and by 89,000 in the euro area.

The highest youth unemployment rate was recorded in Spain, of 39.9%, ahead of Portugal (24.6%) and Sweden (24.1%). The lowest rates were registered in Germany (6.2%), the Netherlands (9.1%) and Austria (9.7%). 

In Croatia, which is not required to provide monthly data on youth unemployment, the youth unemployment rate in the last quarter of 2020 was 22.2%, with 31,000 young people out of work.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Croatia Has Third Highest Youth Unemployment Rate in the EU, Says Petir

Joblessness among the youth continues to be a major issue in Croatia.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Croatia Records Biggest Drop in Unemployment Rate in the EU in July

New Eurostat report shows that Croatia experienced the highest falls in employment rates in the EU in July this year. However, Croatia still has a double-digit unemployment rate along with four other countries in the EU.

