Friday, 3 September 2021

Infinity Luxury Smart Showers Enter US Market, First Delivery to Boston

September 3, 2021 - Infinity Luxury smart showers have made their way to the United States, with the first shipment to Boston!

Infinity Luxury is a Croatian company that produces designer outdoor showers of stone, ceramics, and HPL. In parallel, they develop their own brand of high-tech products. They currently also offer a solar shower with solar power and water activation on motion sensors, reports HRTurizam.

Infinity Luxury has become a Croatian export product and in the past year has opened the markets of Australia and New Zealand, and France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Interestingly, the opening of new markets can be attributed to communication on Linkedin, so today, Infinity Luxury is available through agents in the markets of Israel, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Poland, Dubai, Austria, China, Georgia, Serbia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, and Slovakia.

Infinity Luxury's designer showers have now hit the American market, more precisely, Boston.

When asked what the plans are for the US market, Stefano Ladavac, CEO of Infinity Luxury, said that they are currently writing a new history of the company to be talked about in the future and that all employees participated in the first packages for the US market.

"It's the first of two shipments to America. The first delivery is stone showers made of Istrian stone. A beautiful story also happened. The distributor of Pazin stone came to us through them, so now two Istrian brands and manufacturers merged with one distributor for the American market. The first shipment goes to Boston, and one part will also go to New York. The company's goal is to focus on developing the American market, because for us it is one of the markets with the greatest potential, along with the markets of Australia and the Middle East," Ladavac points out and adds that there was a lot of emotion when packing the first shipment, knowing that someone in America will shower under their Istrian-made products.

Otherwise, the company's business model is based on b2b communication, i.e., according to architects and distributors, which is a great example of differentiation in the market and branding of products outside the category of classic outdoor showers.

"We had great help from the co-owners, Marko and Nikola Jurman from the company Filix d.o.o. who solved all the documentation and paperwork, i.e., everything that was needed for the first shipment because they would not know it themselves - neither how to start nor what needs to be prepared," adds Ladavac and emphasizes that he sees a big problem for all small companies, especially manufacturers, as it isn't easy sending products to foreign markets, especially the US.

"Often companies have the will and look to foreign markets, but do not know how and where to go. It would be great if there were companies or business angels who may not necessarily have to invest in companies but have answers to all questions related to opening new foreign markets. I think it would be a great help to small companies, who would then get concrete answers and even contacts from partners and distributors, to make the whole process as fast and best as possible and start exporting. We can now, for example, help someone open some markets, such as the United States, while a year ago we did not know that. It would be great if some organization or company would help such companies in the beginning and show the way or open the door. Both with knowledge, skills, and contacts. Later it is much easier when you already have some experience and framework," concludes Ladavac.

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