Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Croatian Lighting Design for Vatican Nativity Scene, Controlled from Pula

December 6, 2022 - Few have the opportunity to come up with a solution for lighting the Vatican nativity scene with 18 life-size statues that adorn St. Peter's Square. This year, that honour went to the Pula company specialising in lighting design, Skira.

As HRT / Poslovni report, illuminating the scene of the birth of Jesus in the main Vatican square with the help of seventy invisible lighting fixtures is a real technological feat.

"I suggested making a circle in the floor of the stage, cutting it all into an ellipse, painting it matte black, and hiding all the spotlights underneath," explained Dean Skira, lighting designer.

It was also necessary to coordinate the light with the music to tell the story of the birth of Jesus. "We created the scenography so that the children appear first, then everything else, sculptures of people who are in the story around the birth of Jesus," explained Skira.

Preparations for this demanding project took months because each reflector has its own effect. "There is a timeline of how the effects take place, and various effects are superimposed that rotate in real-time," said Božidar Pustijanac, the designer.

It is unbelievable that the lighting of the Vatican nativity scene can be controlled from Pula, all using just a mobile phone. "Each statue can be viewed separately, each reflector is separate, now everything is turned off because it's daytime, I can light each separately, I can do whatever I want," said Godvin Poropat, the designer.

The lighting was ceremoniously switched on the day before yesterday, and the Pope himself received the representatives of the Pula company. "I must say that it is an experience that goes beyond the professional segment of my life. It is a very significant spiritual moment that happened when I met the Pope and when he shook my hand. I am very proud that we Croats had the opportunity to participate in such an important event", emphasised Skira.

This is an excellent recognition for the Pula company, which already has forty international awards for projects worldwide.

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