Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Water Crisis Averted in Slavonski Brod - Or Is It?

April 11, 2018 - Already plagued by terrible air pollution from the oil refinery across the border, residents of Slavonski Brod recently had their drinking water supplies cut off following a contamination incident which has yet to be fully explained. TCN's Australian-Croatian correspondent in Slavonski Brod on the whole experience as a concerned young mother, as well as the official assurances that seem increasingly less than reassuring, and the MANY questions which remain unanswered. 

Saturday, 7 April 2018

The Rocky Road of Croatian Political Satire

April 7, 2018 - We are delighted to welcome Borna Sor to TCN. Part of the legendary News Bar team and the banned Montirani Proces, Borna will be helping us with our new direction, through a mix of writing video and podcasting. He starts with a look at the history of Croatian political satire.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

The Tradition of Cheating the System in Croatia, and Its Origins

April 4, 2018 - An email to the TCN inbox:

"I was inspired by your article "Glasovi iz lude kuće: promjena smjera..." to write something that would give more insight about the situation in Croatia to its "diaspora" people, especially as you mentioned that many of them don't have much chance to read independent news in English. My article is not about a specific person or event, more about overall reality here, but I hope it will be interesting enough." Our correspondent requested that the article be published anonymously.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Voices from the Diaspora: Part 3 - Becoming the Teacher

March 28, 2018 - The third and final part of the view from Croatia from Australia through the eyes of three generations of one diaspora family. Read Part 1 here.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Voices from the Diaspora: Part 2 - Learning about Croatia from Croatia

March 27, 2018 - The second in a 3-part series looking at the view of Croatia from Australia through the eyes of three generations of a diaspora family. Read Part 1 here.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Voices from the Diaspora: Part 1 - Learning about Croatia from Australia

March 26, 2018 - TCN will be starting our new series, Asylum - Voices from Croatia, the Diaspora and Beyond, after Easter, but we are delighted to introduce Dobri Duh Down Undera, with his view from Australia - the first in a trilogy looking at Croatia from Down Under through the eyes of three generations. 

Sunday, 18 March 2018

That Time Elon Musk's Mum Maye Came on the Nikola Tesla EV Rally in Croatia

The third LEAP Summit ended on March 17, 2018, three days of great energy and ideas - and some rather surprising revelations about the past. 

Monday, 12 March 2018

Metaphors of Modern Croatia: Croatia, Full of (No) Energy

March 12, 2018 - As we prepare to launch our new series depicting the realities of life in the modern Croatia, Voices from the Asylum, a look at one small snippet of the modern Croatia which has become its metaphor, at least to this correspondent. 

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