Saturday, 3 September 2022

Swimming For All, Now Surfing: A Wild Boar Spotted on the Danube

September 3, 2022 - You’ve seen tourists of all nationalities, you have even seen a deer swimming in the Adriatic. Move over everyone, wild boars have got places to be. The summer might be on its way out, and the humans and animals visiting the Adriatic coast are enjoying the final weeks of sunny beach days. The Adriatic is not the only body of water where you can have some fun, though. It has never occurred to us before, but is looks like the Danube might be good for surfing. At least this wild boar thinks so.

And it is not only the Croatian Danube that hides many gems. This time in Serbia, in Belgrade, a wild boar went surfing on what looked like a wooden board. As reported by Espreso, the pictures were taken by random passers-by and shared on Facebook in the group Beograd bez maske (Belgrade without a mask). It was then shared on Reddit, in r/AnimalsBeingGeniuses, by u/djukanovics27. Head on there for some random Saturday entertainment.


Facebook Group Beograd bez maske

So boars are turning out to be fairly interesting with a diverse range of interests. With the ability to swim for up to 12 hours straight, this beneficial physical activity seems to be quite high on the scale of their preferences. One even made a lengthy journey from Brač to Split.

Last, but not least, as previously written on TCN, a deer was spotted going for a dip in the Adriatic, at the Pokonji Dol beach on Hvar. It ran down the beach, tested the water, and jumped in for a plunge! It was a hot day, after all. 


Nada Kordic Bezic

Who knows, maybe this is the dawn of a brand new series on TCN? Stay tuned.

In the meantime, for more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Hvar Safari Video from Secret Hvar

I must admit, I was convincing myself, that running into a wild boar is highly unlikely when walking through my favourite vineyard paths. But as more and more vineyards are wiring up for protection and with my then 4 year old accidentally touching one of the electric fence last year, I am pulled back into the wild-boar reality of the island.
