Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Zagreb Sisak Highway to be Completed by February 2024 Deadline

April 4, 2023 - Work on the construction of the last unbuilt section of the Zagreb Sisak highway, A11, from Lekenik to the Sisak intersection, with a length of 10.9 kilometers, is progressing well, so completion is expected in February next year, it was announced on Monday during the visit of members of the government to the construction site.

As 24Sata writes, in addition to the construction of the highway section to the Sisak junction, work is also underway on the connecting road to Sisak. The same goes for the Petrovec, Sela, and Greda overpasses and the Odran bridge at the entrance to Sisak.

The President of the Croatian Highways Administration, Branko Huzjan, informed the Deputy Prime Ministers, Oleg Butković and Tomo Medved, and the Minister of Planning, Construction and State Property, Branko Bačić, that about 50 percent of the earthworks have been completed, infrastructure facilities are being built on the section, and the access road to Sisak, and by all accounts, the planned completion date of February 2024 will be met.

So far, 36 of the planned 47.5 kilometers of highway have been built and are in operation. The contractors were put to work on the final section at the end of February 2022, with a deadline of two years. The total value of the works is around EUR 38.3 million, with expert supervision worth slightly more than half a million EUR. Six road crossings with overpasses and other infrastructure are currently being built on the highway. The work is carried out by the Business Association of Colas Croatia and Geotehnika.

Croatian Roads is working on the connecting road project from the Sisak junction to the entrance to the city. The project also includes a connecting road from the Staro Pračno roundabout to the Odra bridge and from the Odra bridge to the junction with Zagrebačka Street in Sisak, 3.2 kilometers in length.

The completion of the highway will represent a traffic and economic lifeblood not only in Sisak but also in the Banovina area. Namely, with the construction of the Žažina junction, part of the traffic will be directed towards the central and southern parts of the county, improving the road connection quality between Petrinja, Glina, and Topusko.

Minister Butković expressed his satisfaction with the dynamics of the works and mentioned that all the advantages of the new highway would be fully apparent in the next tourist season. Minister Medved called the highway a capital project for developing the entire Sisak-Moslavina County.

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