Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Due to Zlatni Rat Beach Scandal, HDZ Changes Candidate for Split County Prefect

Current Prefect Zlatko Ževrnja has decided not to run for re-election.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Cappelli: In 2 Years We Financed Over 30 Pools for Private Renters in Imotski

Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli officially visited Split-Dalmatia County at the invitation of Mayor Zlatko Ževrnja. The meeting was held in Imotski, given the real tourist boom in recent years to the destination.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Split-Dalmatian County Prefect: New Tourist Information Centre in Dugopolje Will Open Next Year

(photo: Dalmatinski Portal)
The Split-Dalmatian County Prefect Zlatko Ževrnja spent a day touring the Dalmatian Hinterland with electric vehicles in order to promote eco-driving and successful economic and tourist potential of the county, informs Dalmatinski Portal.

"Electric vehicles are the pinnacle of technology, they are the most environmentally friendly vehicles and the driving experience was excellent. We received a grant in amount of 1,3 million kuna for a project related to electric vehicles. We used the money to install five electric filling stations, created and app for e-licensing issuance for our line carriers, created an app for cell phone signal tracking, aimed primarily to tourists, so that our employes get information about their habits and heavy traffic occurrence..", said Ževrnja.

His first stop was in Dugopolje. A new project was presented - The Tourist Information Centre, which will be located at the commercial zone Podi, near the largest hub on the highway - Dugopolje.

"Analyses have shown, that this is the most optimal location and it is the nearest to all tourist, who use the highway. We made a conceptual design, obtained the location permit and now the obtaining of a building permit is in progress. We expect to get it by May 1, when we will be publishing the construction tender. I hope, that we will start with the works during the summer and have everything done by the next tourist season - announced Ževrnja.

The project is worth about 7,5 million kuna and this is what should be all available at the centre..

"All information with all textual and visual data from all tourism destinations of our county will be available at the centre. Browsing of several locations will be possible and there will be a space for tasting of local food and wine, as well as the possibility of buying souvenirs on spot," said Ževrnja.
