Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Popular Split Znjan Beach to be Transformed into Construction Site

January the 4th, 2023 - The wildly popular Split Znjan beach is set to be transformed into a construction site, the Dalmatian port city's largest construction site of all, to be more precise.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Znjan beach is Split's largest city beach, and at this moment in time, there are no more coffees or walks taking place there, and this summer there will be no swimming either. The much loved Split Znjan beach is turning into the city's largest construction site. The Znjan beach area, which can be compared to around forty football pitches, will eventually boast numerous interesting recreational facilities, and the investment is worth an enormous 35 million euros, reports HRT.

"We inherited this project from our predecessors, the urban planners did everything necessary to bring it to the beginning, and I hope very soon, we'll do the same to the end," said the mayor of Split, Ivica Puljak.

"Recently, we signed a contract with the competent ministry whereby our company received a concession for a period of forty years. We've made sure we meet all the prerequisites, we've had all of the building permits, and now we're drawing up all of the documentation for the tender, which they'll announce soon, after which we'll find contractors and start the works this spring,'' said Puljak.

"We hope that these works will last for one year and that in the summer of 2024, the Split Znjan beach will really become the most beautiful beach in all of Croatia, and beyond, which all the citizens of Split will finally be proud of," he said. However, this Znjan transformation isn't the only project brewing, and plans are heading more towards the east coast, that is, to Split's ferry port. That area is also set to undergo works as part of the wider Split east coast development plan, which also involves the much loved Riva (promenade).

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated news section.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Split City Company Granted Znjan Bay Concession for 40 Year Period

November the 13th, 2021 - The Znjan bay concession in the City of Split has been granted to the Znjan trading company for a period of forty years by the Croatian Government.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, at a session held on Thursday, the government decided to grant a forty-year concession to the Znjan trading company for the purpose of building and the subsequent commercial use of the beach in Znjan bay in Split, and the Znjan bay concession holder is now free and obliged to invest a total of 225.6 million kuna in this location, classed as maritime domain.

The total area of ​​the maritime domain that has been handed over as part of the Znjan bay concession covers 218,322 square metres (m2), and the time of the concession starts from the day of the conclusion of the concession agreement itself, for which the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butkovic, was authorised to do behalf of the Government.

Based on the Government's notification from back on the 14th of January, three bids were received for the Znjan bay concession, with the only one of them being assessed as acceptable - that of the Znjan trading company, founded by the City of Split.

As Minister Oleg Butkovic reported, the amount of the offered sum of the permanent part of the Znjan bay concession fee is 5 kuna per m2 of occupied total area of ​​maritime property per year, 1.09 million per year kuna, with the fact that after the 10th year it will increase every five years by 0.5 kuna per m2, which for the entire period of the concession amounts to a total of 54.6 million kuna.

"We expect that putting this part of the maritime domain into some form economic function will increase the revenues of the state and local budgets, ensure additional employment of both permanent and seasonal workers and increase the quality of offer and services to both tourists and locals," said Butkovic.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Žnjan Receives First Temporary Objects (Video)

But don't worry, these are just for storage. 

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Žnjan Progress from Above: Will Everything be Ready in a Month? (Video)

What does Žnjan look like today?

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Plans for Žnjan this Summer Revealed: Temporary Cafe Bars, Toilets, and Terraces Worth 11m HRK

The plans Žnjan beach this summer have finally been revealed. 

Friday, 23 February 2018

Young Architects Who Designed New Žnjan Have Big Plans for Other Split Areas

The young architects who have designed the new Žnjan have big plans for Split's forgotten areas, including Duilovo. 

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Žnjan Caterers Prepare for Closure with "Goodbye" Parties

Next season on Žnjan could look totally different.
