Heidelberg University Professor Welcomed by the Trilj Culture Society

By 20 September 2015
The Trilj Culture Society welcomed the Professor Ph.D. Michael Ursinus, the Head of the Department of Turkish history and Arabic language at the German University in Heidelberg.
(Information translated from the Trilj Culture Society website by Ivana Župan)
Dr. Ursinus is also a guest lecturer at the Nottingham University in England, where he lives with his family. He is the author of 25 scientific works and 7 books. In his work, he is processing even topics on the Turkish history from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. At the moment, the Klis Sandžak is in the centre of his interest and studies.

During his visit, the professor´s first stop was the newly opened Museum of Sinj Alka. Words of welcome from the director of the museum, Mr. Boris Filipović Grčić and the Secretary of the Alka Knights Society, Mr. Ivan Nasić. After several hours of touring the museum, the professor expressed his delight with what he saw. It is interesting to follow how much time the professor devoted to Turkish swords and inscriptions engraved on them (which he read with ease).

After visiting the museum of Sin Alka, another tour followed - the tour of the Franciscan monastery, of the Church of Our Lady of Sinj, of the Cloister and other attractions. Professor Ursinus did not hide his delight with what he saw and expressed its readiness for a more thorough study of the history of the Ottoman rule in the Cetina area.

The professor already submitted his scientific work and research, which will be published at the almanac of the Zagreb-Sinj Symposium, held on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the miraculous defense of Sinj (1715 - 2015). The article "Sinj and its surroundings towards the Turkish census from 1574" was written in English and translated into Croatian by Petar Bogić, a studen of the language Gymnasium Marko Marulić from Split, who together with Tomislav Perković from Livno were accompanying the professor during his visit.

Before returning to his homeland, the professor visited Split, Salona and the Klis Fortress.


