Lists, lists, lists. The Internet is full of them. The 5 best, the 10 not to miss, the 20 before you die.
They are clickable, shareable, easy to quote.
And mostly a complete pile of utter...
As followers of our news portal Total Croatia News may recall, our last editorial was on this very subject: Dubrovnik the Beautiful, Split the Must See, Korcula Before You Die: Enough of International Lists?
And then today, a perfect example of what is killing the true creativity of bloggers with something original and creative to say. Written in May last year, but appearing for the first time in my social media world, a blog called 9 Facts About Hvar That Will Impress Your Mates. This is going to be interesting...
1. Hvar Has the Best Weather in Croatia
Actually the sunniest island in Europe, but ok.
2. Hvar is an Island of Many Names
Four name changes in 2400 years, an average of one every 600 years. I can imagine the mates in the pub back home must be on the edge of their seats.
3. The City of Hvar is Home to the Oldest Public Theatre in Europe!
True, but then a little misleading to have a photo of a totally different theatre.
4. One of Hvar’s Characteristic Products is a Special Sort of Lace – Made of Agava
Actually one of Hvar's four UNESCO heritages (five if you include klapa singing in southern Dalmatia) - now THAT is something which might impress your mates - if they are still awake.
5. Fields of Lavender Everywhere
Really? Where? Fifty years ago maybe. And out of interest, which country has the beautiful lavender fields in the photo above in the article - it sure as hell ain't Croatia or Hvar?
6. There Are Many Impressive Buildings
Picture the scene. Pints at the ready. The storyteller is about to tell the story about a mythical island far away, with 9 mind-blowing 'facts'. There are many impressive buildings...
7. It’s Full of History
Having broken the news that the mythical island has many impressive buildings, one more hook to entice the mates in - It's full of history. Wow, this island is sure sounding unique.
8. Hvar Cuisine Offers a Wide Variety of Local Specialties
A destination with lots of impressive buildings, full of history AND with its own local cuisine! Where else would you find that on planet Earth?
9. One of Juventus’ Former Players Was Born on Hvar
If you are looking for famous people who were born on Hvar, how about Ivan Vucetic, the founder of dactiloscopy.
The photo of the lavender fields alone shows the author has no clue about Hvar, apart from how to use Google. As it was written for a Croatian tour specialist, one wonders what they know about Croatia...
Please, if you have to write such drivel, at least engage someone who has a little idea of what they are talking about.