Made in Croatia

Friday, 23 July 2021

Zagreb Company Pri Suncu Delights Lovers of Traditional Ice Cream

July the 23rd, 2021 - The Zagreb company Pri Suncu is definitely a hit among all those engaged in a constant and often losing battle with a sweet tooth. This father and daughter team are all about Italian ice cream, sorbet and more. As Ivan Tominac/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Nina and Mario Saric are a father and daughter team whose family business, the Zagreb company Pri Suncu, has firmly won over all the palates of Croatian confectionery lovers, and the focus of their business story is the production of original Italian ice cream. It all started while Nina was still in her…
Sunday, 18 July 2021

Croatian Startup Airt Presents Innovative New Learning Algorithm

July the 18th, 2021 - Innovative and unique Croatian startups keep on popping up all over the place, and the Croatian startup airt is just another in a line of impressive companies. This startup has presented a brand new learning algorithm. As Novac/Ljubica Vuko writes, the Croatian startup airt, founded by Hajdi Cenan and Davor Runje, presented a new algorithm for learning and predicting behaviour from structured data, which is most often used in the business world, and applied for a patent for its global protection. As they explained, the Croatian startip airt is building a platform for creating predictive…
Saturday, 17 July 2021

Croatian Film ''Murina'' Wins Caméra d'or Award At Festival de Cannes!

July 17, 2021 - Excellent news, after the Croatian film ''Murina'', directed by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović, won the prestigious Camera d'or award for the first film! The 74th edition of the Cannes festival has come to an end, and today the winners of the various awards given by the most prestigious film festival in the world have been announced. Among the winners is the Croatian film ''Murina'', directed by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanović in her debut feature film, and starring Gracija Filipović, her muse, and with whom she also previously worked on her short film '' Into the Blue ''. which participated…
Saturday, 17 July 2021

Croatian OptimoRoute Software Going from Strength to Strength

July the 17th, 2021 - The Croatian OptimoRoute software is gaining traction and attention, and with it some big ambitions indeed. As Novac writes, the Croatian OptimoRoute software is a piece of route optimisation software already used by several thousand companies and is developing very strongly. The American investment fund Prelude Ventures invested a massive 6.5 million US dollars in the company last year, estimating that OptimoRoute has a great chance of conquering the global market. "Our investors believe that we can, with a little luck, reach a value of one hundred million dollars, and they think we're not far…
Friday, 16 July 2021

Split Company GetByBus Becomes Part of Israeli Bookaway Group

July the 16th, 2021 - The Split company GetByBus has made a new business move and will become part of the wider Israeli Bookaway Group. As Novac/Ljubica Vuko writes, the Split company GetByBus sold its very first online bus ticket back in late March 2014, it was the only ticket sold that day. By the end of 2014, they had sold a total of about 25,000 tickets. The number of tickets sold grew from year to year, the number of bus carriers and countries where their services were available increased. Now they've reached an important milestone which means new growth and…
Thursday, 15 July 2021

Croatian Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) to be Financed by Google

July the 15th, 2021 - The Croatian Green Energy Cooperative (Zelena energetska zadruga/ZEZ) is the first and only organisation in all of the Republic of Croatia to be financed by no less than Google itself. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes, the Croatian Green Energy Cooperative is the only organisation from Croatia that has been provided funding under Google's Impact Challenge to promote inclusive economic growth and create an equal chance for success in the digital world. A total fund of two million euros will be distributed to selected organisations for their respective projects from Google. Google launched the aforementioned competition…
Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Croatian TheGepek Platform Allows Anyone to Become "Deliveryman on the Way"

July the 14th, 2021 - The Croatian TheGepek platform (TheBoot/Trunk) allows quite literally anyone to become a ''deliveryman on the way'', and the coronavirus pandemic is the one ''to thank'' for its creation. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes, over recent years, Croatia has experienced the expansion of various courier services, and the coronavirus crisis has raised this micrologistics to an even higher level. Today, delivery is organised within deadlines that are measured in hours or even minutes. Their added value came to light during the height of the pandemic when many people weren't leaving their homes and still needed to send…
Monday, 12 July 2021

Former Rimac Engineer Tino Sturlic Builds Electric Solar Boat

July the 12th, 2021 - Former Mate Rimac engineer Tino Sturlic has mixed his obvious innovative nature with the desire to protect the environment, creating no less than a solar electric boat. As Morski writes, Tino Sturlic from Zagreb is a former employee of Rimac Automobili and recently finished work on his boat, and the key modifications were the installation of solar panels and electric motors, writes He bought the boat as a joint venture with his brother and sister two years ago, but he wasn't satisfied with the ''vibrations'' of the old Tomos 4 pente, so he immediately sent…
Monday, 12 July 2021

Tonbe Skateparks Turns Down German Jobs to Complete Croatian Skate Parks

July the 12th, 2021 - Tonbe Skateparks would much rather finish Croatian skate parks than take jobs in Germany, which shows a dedication that few have against an offer even fewer could resist. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes, there is almost no 10-year-old child in the entire world who doesn't own a skateboard, a BMX or some form of scooter at home. They ride them along the streets, in car parks or in city squares, as well as on specially designed concrete playgrounds. Skate parks are playgrounds specially made for all such children and they will often spend hours, days…
Saturday, 10 July 2021

Fancy Some Hack3r Beer? Croatian Brewery and Combis Team Up

July the 10th, 2021 - Fancy drinking some cyber safe beer made in Croatia? Now you can, thanks to the teaming up of Combis and a Croatian brewery. Meet Hack3r. As Poslovni Dnevnik/Lucija Spiljak writes, Hack3r craft beer is a new drink designed and marketed by the IT company Combis and the Varionica craft beer company. Hack3r is part of the #GetInvolved initiative, and is also the new star of the 30SEC cyber security campaign that the company has been working on for several months in an attempt to warn and educate the public about the varying and very real online…
Saturday, 10 July 2021

Croatian Winemakers Won 254 Medals at the Decanter World Wine

July 10, 2021 - Croatian winemakers continue to win, receiving 254 medals at the 18th edition of the prestigious Decanter World Wine Awards, 28 more than last year. The long-awaited results of the 18th edition of the Decanter World Wine Awards 2021 have been announced, Turističke priče reports. The world’s largest wine competition has had the biggest challenge to date, with a record 18,094 wines from 56 countries applying. For 15 consecutive days in June, nearly 170 wine judges, including 44 wine masters and 11 sommelier masters, declared the 50 best wines and 179 platinum, 635 gold, 5,607 silver, and…
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