Froggyland, the Best Children Attraction in Split? Sensational!

By 29 May 2014

Sometimes you really have to see an exhibition in the flesh to appreciate just how sensational it is.

I heard about Froggyland last year, a collection of 507 stuffed frogs more than 100 years ago. It really did not appeal. I did, however, decide to check it out last winter, only to find it was not available.

A friend told me recently that it had reopened, and that it was possibly the best kids attraction in Split, as well as a marvel for adults. Taking my daughter to a music audition in Split yesterday, we had an hour to kill, so I put Froggyland to the test. What can I say? It is sensational. 

The background. Between 1910 and 1920, taxidermist Ferenc Mere painstakingly recreated 21 human life scenes of the period by stuffing frogs with incredible skill to leave a truly unique and quite outstanding exhibition for future generations to enjoy. The humour and attention to detail in each scene - frogs at school, exercising, rowing, drinking wine - are superbly done, and there is something for all ages in each display.  

My daughter was more than happy to visit and revisit each exhibit, noticing new things at every turn.  

Photography is not allowed, something I learned after I took this picture, but I include it to give an example of one such scene. The intimacy of the collection is not quite brought out in the official website. There are in essence 21 glass displays such as this one, each depicting a different life scene. 

Entrance is free for kids, 25 kuna for adults, and it is open daily from 10:00 - 22:00.

It is very centrally located, just off Marmontova, and if you are looking for something that will entertain bored kids, this is a sure winner.  

Kralja Tomislava 5,

