Sunday, 16 January 2022

Bagatin Global Anti-Aging Treatment: For Flawless Skin Even During Split Bura

January 16, 2022 - How the Bagatin global anti-aging treatment brought life back to my bura-broken skin in Split. 

There are several reasons why Bagatin Polyclinic is the best.

And it's not just because they were named the International Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year at the prestigious IMTJ. Or that they became the first clinic in Croatia and only the 65th in the world to receive the coveted TEMOS Accreditation - in the fields of Medical Tourism Excellence and Quality of International Patient Care. Or that 11 Bagatin Clinics’ doctors made the list of best doctors in 2018 chosen by patients from all over Croatia ( 

Or even because Bagatin Clinic was named the leading dermatology clinic in Europe according to the analysis of European dermatology clinics, as compiled by Global Clinic Rating – an international accreditation body for medical institutions.

The Bagatin success story is evident in many ways, but perhaps best shown in how it grew from a small Bagatin brothers' operation with a turnover of only 30,000 euro offering just aesthetic surgery in 2008, to over 100 employees in 2018 and revenues of 5.5 million euro with four departments (and 120 employees in 2019). 

And once you finally visit the Bagatin Polyclinic, all of these accolades make a lot more sense. 

While I have written about Bagatin's honors over the years, I first visited the Split clinic late last year after a skin flare-up prompted me to take a deeper look into what was going on under the surface - and the VISIA Skin Analysis was just what I needed. 

Whether I left the appointment happy or not, I can't say, but that had nothing to do with the standout experience itself. However, learning that only 1% of my skin was not inflamed, my rosacea is off the charts, and the 2+ liters of water I drink a day is doing nothing for my dehydration was precisely the wake-up call needed to kick my skin into shape. From that point on, I was dedicated to investing in my skin health and was grateful for the treatment map medical cosmetologist Daniela Šestan personalized for me. 

Now that the holidays (and excessive eating and drinking) are over, I took the first step to new skin with the Reviderm global anti-aging treatment earlier this week. And it could not have come at a better time. 

I, fortunately, made an appointment at Bagatin on the final day of bura in Split last week.

My skin - parched. My lips - cracked. My broken capillaries - fresh. 

I needed rehydration - and fast.

I had no idea what to expect other than that I needed to spare an hour and a half for the treatment. Professional as can be, Daniela promptly greeted me in the Bagatin waiting room right on schedule to begin.

"You don't need to do anything other than relax," she said, which are words I rarely hear, so I made sure to make the most of it. 

The treatment began with Daniela cleansing and cleaning my face with massage-like strokes that almost had me asleep within the first 5 minutes of the treatment! After a thorough cleaning, Daniela used an ultra-light enzyme scrub so as not to damage my skin any more than the wind already had. After a gentle exfoliation, it was time for mild microdermabrasion, which Daniela ensured would not hurt, nor would it be too harsh for my skin type. You could really feel the crystals working off the dead skin cells, which in turn improves the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and acne scarring. 


After every section of my skin was thoroughly treated, Daniela used a series of serums, which were penetrated deeper into my skin thanks to ultrasound therapy, which helps the skin create new collagen while improving its firmness and elasticity. The painless ultrasound therapy was done in two 12-minute parts on each side of my face. The warmth from the treatment even helped me nod off a few times! Daniela said my forehead lines reacted very well to the ultrasound, which I could still notice four days later. 

The most unique part of the treatment is the final act - the collagen wrap. After more serums were smoothed on my skin, Daniela wrapped my face with pure collagen, covering my eyes and mouth with only open space over my nostrils to breathe. While this may sound scary, the collagen wrap is activated with a cooling liquid and is kept on for 20 minutes - or 'nap time' as Daniela called it. And I promise you won't remember another time you napped so well. 

Daniela finished the treatment with moisturizer and the most important ingredient them all - SPF. An hour and a half later, my skin journey had taken its successful first step. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed a glow I hadn't seen in years, fewer fine lines, and an immense reduction in the redness I've just accepted as the norm. But it doesn't have to be. 

As with any treatment plan, dedication is key, and the Bagatin neuroscience treatments are up next in my healing process. 

Your skin doesn't have to suffer in Split so long as you have Bagatin around.

You can find all of Bagatin's services on their website

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Bagatin VISIA Analysis: An Eye-Opening Experience for Your Skin

December 2, 2021 - A deeper look into the Bagatin VISIA Analysis and why it was exactly what my skin needed. 

Something about being in your early 30s awakens a wellness side of you that didn't quite exist before. At least not during your far-more careless 20s. 

Your age also becomes slightly more visible after you enter this new decade, with lines forming in places you once believed your skin would never see. I now understand why my godfather begged me to stop being so animated with my face when I was 10 - "because those lines will stay." I should have listened. 

But laugh lines don't worry me that much anymore. Sure, they're more prevalent at 31 than at 28, but they also add character (so I kid myself). 

However, I was more interested in seeing what kind of shape my skin was in, given a long history of issues, from acne in my teens to early 20s to learning I had rosacea at 25. It had been too long since I had visited a dermatologist, so before booking a treatment that would set me back 100 euros and may or may not be suitable for my skin, I decided to visit the best and dig deep into all of my skin's layers with the Bagatin VISIA Analysis. 

Located in the Dioklecijan Hotel & Residence building, Bagatin Polyclinic confirmed its status as the best dermatological clinic in Europe in 2018 by opening a Split location in January 2019, guaranteeing the best possible approach, staff expertise, and state-of-the-art technological equipment for all skin changes, but also in erasing signs of aging. This new clinic brings Croatia's best wellness sanctuary to Splićani without having to trek to Zagreb. And I am so happy they're just a 10-minute walk from my house. 


So, what is this Bagatin VISIA Analysis anyway? 

At Polyclinic Bagatin, we provide our clients individual consultation and analysis with the help of the advanced digital skin analysis system VISIA. This scientific approach uses a perfected imaging system combined with direct consultations with one of our medical experts. The VISIA skin analysis system's results help create a framework for any treatment programme, adjusted for each client.

Knowing your unique skin profile is the first step towards complexion health and vitality. VISIA can determine the state of your skin, both on the surface and underneath it. The multispectral image and analysis from the VISIA system give a clear, multidimensional insight into the individual aspects of your complexion, which affects your overall look and serves as a guide in a personalized skin treatment programme.

Namely, the VISIA system uses multispectral imaging and analysis to look deeper into six areas - wrinkles, spots, pores, complexion evenness (variations of complexion color), porphyrins (presence of bacteria in pores), and UV spots (photodamage characteristics and typical for excess exposure to sun).

VISIA also gives a thorough analysis of your complexion compared to other women in their database containing thousands of profiles. The analysis itself takes a few minutes, as the machine takes photos of the left, front, and right sides of your face. The Bagatin specialists then suggest the best treatments and skincare regimens right for you.

I met with Daniela (yes, we share the same, which made the experience all the more fun) for my analysis, who shared an incredible amount of expertise into skin issues, especially about issues I thought had passed. For example, learning that my true skin age was essentially right on target (phew) but that my poor skin is extremely dehydrated due to various conditions (rosacea, broken capillaries, and inflammation, all of which should be treated soon) was incredibly eye-opening. Learning that most of these fine lines will likely vanish after taking the proper care was also an enormous relief. 


I spent over 30 minutes with Daniela, who explained each intricate detail, from natural tips to treat problem areas and products I should stop using now based on my skin type. She even advised against using cotton pads or makeup remover wipes as they can be too abrasive for my sensitive skin. 

The overall experience, while humbling, was perhaps the biggest surprise I've had in my 30s so far - in a good way. Daniela created a treatment plan she thinks would help my skin issues, with pricing explained and products to follow ONLY IF my skin takes to them during the treatment. 

Daniela's patience and non-pushy attitude made me want to book my next appointment ASAP, though it's probably best I wait until the holiday season ends to get the best results. 

Bagatin, you've certainly earned your status as the best dermatological clinic in Europe.

You can read more about the Bagatin VISIA Analysis HERE and their other services on their website

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Ognjen Bagatin on Conscious Entrepreneurship and Leadership at 53rd Business Cafe

He is one of the most positive, dynamic and inspirational people I have met in my time in Croatia. When Ognjen Bagatin is not busy growing his extremely successful Bagatin Clinic - one of the leading in the region voted the best dermatology clinic in Europe last year - he can be spotted in suit and red and white Croatian chequered tie in various international cities promoting the Croatian medical tourism industry and strengthening links with the Croatian diaspora. 

Bagatin is also a very good motivational speaker, and his latest speaking experience was at the 53 Business Cafe gathering in Zagreb. I could not attend personally, and Business Cafe boss Kristina Ercegovic kindly agreed to send me this report. 

Conscious entrepreneurship and leadership as a hot topic on a summer edition of 53rd Business Cafe 

Business Cafe events gathering small entrepreneurs continue to open all topics regarding entrepreneurship. Guests not only talk about their success stories and failure along the way but about all sides of entrepreneurship in Croatia as well.  

The 53rd edition held on Thursday July 11, 2019 was committed to doing conscious Business which means to have not only profit as the only measure of success, but a higher purpose, contribution, impact and joy as well. 

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Guests discussed topics such as doing fair business, honest marketing, selling and negotiating, paying the full price and on time, respecting your suppliers and competitors, developing long term win-win relationships, not having double standards one for us and our clients and other for vendors and employees etc.

Many answers came from Ognjen Bagatin, co-owner and CEO of Poliklinika Bagatin, a man who successfully runs his business, connects the diaspora and Croatia, is devoted to promoting health tourism but also a man who openly speaks about his mistakes on the way, a man who is a simple and humble guy, an example of servant leader, who is trying to develop people, help Croatia develop an entrepreneurial mindset and culture of success, and someone who always says when others are doing great we are benefitting from that. So we should not only want but also help others succeed. 

He is a great example of a new, different kind, a conscious and authentic leader, so rare not only in Croatia but all around as well. 

ognjen-bagatin-business-cafe (1).jpg

He invited everyone in the Business Cafe audience to talk openly about their mistakes and to take responsibility to always focus on what can we do and not whose fault is something. He stressed out that to be a conscious leader one must first lead himself, to be able to be present in the moment, to be highly emotionally intelligent and to learn all the time. He said he listens to many audiobooks, has his own mentor, is into personal development and always starts with himself, while remaining focused on his vision and goals.

He is honestly happy when someone succeeds and shares all the rewards and recognition info He is honestly happy when someone succeeds and shares all the rewards and recognition info 

He said we should all do that, share info when we succeed and share when others do. That is the way to build a culture of success we desperately need here.  

Being devoted to developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Croatia Ognjen's magazine and portal Poduzetnik together with EY are organizing a conference of the same name on September 12th. 


The most successful and inspiring names from the Croatian entrepreneurial world will join as speakers, and almost everyone has already featured in Business Cafe events for the past nine years. 

Empathy and authenticity as well as being human and doing good, those were the main messages of the 53 rd Business Cafe in Zagreb. 

Business Cafe continues on August 26th with its International edition sharing foreign entrepreneurs stories in Croatia, and then on September 19th sharing Croatian success stories as usual. In the meantime, Kristina Ercegović, Business Cafe owner will moderate one of the panels on September 12th at the conference Entrepreneurial mindset. 

There IS a better Croatia. Come join us all and let's all build a great place to live and do business here.

To learn more about the Entrepreneurial Mindset conference, click here

For more information about Business Cafe

To connect with Ognjen Bagatin and the services of Bagatin Clinic.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Medical Tourism Ambassadors Bagatin Clinic to Open Doors in Split

The City of Split and all of Dalmatia will receive a major boost in quality health tourism as the Bagatin Clinic plans to open its doors in the Dalmatian capital. 
