
Ognjen Bagatin on Conscious Entrepreneurship and Leadership at 53rd Business Cafe

By 14 July 2019

He is one of the most positive, dynamic and inspirational people I have met in my time in Croatia. When Ognjen Bagatin is not busy growing his extremely successful Bagatin Clinic - one of the leading in the region voted the best dermatology clinic in Europe last year - he can be spotted in suit and red and white Croatian chequered tie in various international cities promoting the Croatian medical tourism industry and strengthening links with the Croatian diaspora. 

Bagatin is also a very good motivational speaker, and his latest speaking experience was at the 53 Business Cafe gathering in Zagreb. I could not attend personally, and Business Cafe boss Kristina Ercegovic kindly agreed to send me this report. 

Conscious entrepreneurship and leadership as a hot topic on a summer edition of 53rd Business Cafe 

Business Cafe events gathering small entrepreneurs continue to open all topics regarding entrepreneurship. Guests not only talk about their success stories and failure along the way but about all sides of entrepreneurship in Croatia as well.  

The 53rd edition held on Thursday July 11, 2019 was committed to doing conscious Business which means to have not only profit as the only measure of success, but a higher purpose, contribution, impact and joy as well. 

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Guests discussed topics such as doing fair business, honest marketing, selling and negotiating, paying the full price and on time, respecting your suppliers and competitors, developing long term win-win relationships, not having double standards one for us and our clients and other for vendors and employees etc.

Many answers came from Ognjen Bagatin, co-owner and CEO of Poliklinika Bagatin, a man who successfully runs his business, connects the diaspora and Croatia, is devoted to promoting health tourism but also a man who openly speaks about his mistakes on the way, a man who is a simple and humble guy, an example of servant leader, who is trying to develop people, help Croatia develop an entrepreneurial mindset and culture of success, and someone who always says when others are doing great we are benefitting from that. So we should not only want but also help others succeed. 

He is a great example of a new, different kind, a conscious and authentic leader, so rare not only in Croatia but all around as well. 

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He invited everyone in the Business Cafe audience to talk openly about their mistakes and to take responsibility to always focus on what can we do and not whose fault is something. He stressed out that to be a conscious leader one must first lead himself, to be able to be present in the moment, to be highly emotionally intelligent and to learn all the time. He said he listens to many audiobooks, has his own mentor, is into personal development and always starts with himself, while remaining focused on his vision and goals.

He is honestly happy when someone succeeds and shares all the rewards and recognition info He is honestly happy when someone succeeds and shares all the rewards and recognition info 

He said we should all do that, share info when we succeed and share when others do. That is the way to build a culture of success we desperately need here.  

Being devoted to developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset in Croatia Ognjen's magazine and portal Poduzetnik together with EY are organizing a conference of the same name on September 12th. 


The most successful and inspiring names from the Croatian entrepreneurial world will join as speakers, and almost everyone has already featured in Business Cafe events for the past nine years. 

Empathy and authenticity as well as being human and doing good, those were the main messages of the 53 rd Business Cafe in Zagreb. 

Business Cafe continues on August 26th with its International edition sharing foreign entrepreneurs stories in Croatia, and then on September 19th sharing Croatian success stories as usual. In the meantime, Kristina Ercegović, Business Cafe owner will moderate one of the panels on September 12th at the conference Entrepreneurial mindset. 

There IS a better Croatia. Come join us all and let's all build a great place to live and do business here.

To learn more about the Entrepreneurial Mindset conference, click here

For more information about Business Cafe

To connect with Ognjen Bagatin and the services of Bagatin Clinic.
