Tuesday, 5 December 2017

European Museum of the Year Award 2018: Meet the Croatian Nominees

Two Croatian museums have been nominated for the renowned award that recognises excellence and innovation in the museum sector

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Maestri of Murter: Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding

We live on an island. We could say the ship came first, the islanders second. One had to build the ship in order to arrive at the island and become an islander. A fascinating insight into the shipbuilding tradition on Murter island in the Betina museum

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Clam Feast and Female Rowing Regatta in Betina on Sunday!

Just like every big manufacturer would tell you their product is the best one on the market, every tourist board claims their town is the most beautiful one on the Croatian Adriatic. Unlike the first statement, there's some truth in the second – picking just one destination on the coast is like choosing which child is your favourite.

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