
Art Along the Coast: Mediterranean Wind and Traditional Boats of the Adriatic

By 13 November 2017

Having just visited the phenomenal Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding on Murter island, we’re all about traditional maritime crafts around here this week.

You know what’s even more appealing than traditional wooden boats? Miniature traditional wooden boats – the mentioned museum boasted a dazzling display of perfectly crafted boat models, and it was a pleasure to admire the level of skill and precision of the model maker.

Even if Murter turns out to be a bit out of your reach at the moment, you have a chance to see another collection of gorgeous wooden boat models on the mainland. The Croatian Maritime Museum in Split is currently housing a wonderful exhibition titled ‘Mediterranean Wind: Traditional Boats of the Adriatic’, featuring an array of stunning ship models created by Luciano Keber, a true master of craft who’s been building scale models for decades now.


We haven’t mentioned Murter just because we wanted to draw a themed parallel – even though the exhibition in Split would have been an attractive event on its own, we were more than delighted to find out that Mr. Keber is the very author of all the models exhibited in the Betina Museum. The best kind of coincidence – one that takes you further on a journey of exploring this beautiful facet of Croatian cultural heritage.

‘Mediterranean Wind’ opened on October 26 and will remain on display until November 20, so you still have a week left to go see this magnificent collection. The Croatian Maritime Museum is open for visitors every day except Sundays, from 9 to 15.

Hrvatski Pomorski Muzej Split (Gripe fortress), Glagoljaša 18, Split
