Zagreb, April 4, 2020 - At the request of GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative members, the Association GLAS PODUZETNIKA has been founded today. It will as the formal representative of its members - entrepreneurs, artisans, self-employed and private sector employees - continue the active fight not only for the rights of its members but for a better and more modern Croatia.
GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative was started spontaneously a little over 2 weeks ago by citizens, all small entrepreneurs after the Government announced its first economic measure package. It was deemed inadequate by the Initiative founders. The initiative has, in less than 15 days, gathered over 100,000 entrepreneurs, artisans, self-employed and employees in the private sector, and has drawn huge media attention with its uncompromising demands and actions. Many consider the GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative has had a considerable impact on the announced second package of economic measures.
Big activity and engagement in the ground have brought about a big number of suggestions and questions about the next step that the Initiative plans to take. Some have also stated that the Initiative is not a formal organization and that it does not have any legal representative. The next step proposed by the community is to found GLAS PODUZETNIKA as a real association so that the Initiative can legally represent its members. In the poll carried out by the Initiative, 96% of participants stated they would join the formal GLAS PODUZETNIKA Association.
Considering also the public opinion and opinion of its members, Initiative founders and a greater circle of volunteers who were included in the activities of the Initiative basically from the start have founded the Association GLAS PODUZETNIKA today. All documents necessary for the founding were given to the legal bodies for the registration.
At the founding Assembly official bodies of the association were named for a two-year mandate. The president of the Association is Hrvoje Bujas, the executive director is Dražen Oreščanin, two of them are also legal representatives of the Association. The executive board consists of 7 members, Andrej Šooš Maceljski, Berislav Marszalek, Bojan Bajgorić Šantić, Bruno Samarđić, Ivana Matić, Vedran Jakominić i Vuk Vuković. The Supervisory board has 3 members, Aco Momčilović, Gordana Fabijanić and Valerija Knežević. All founders and bodies of GLAS PODUZETNIKA Association are micro, small and medium business owners and they are a representative sample of its future members.
“After a lot of work that was done in the last two weeks, and after imposing ourselves as a relevant player and cooperator in this economic crisis, the formalization of our Initiative was needed.” Regarding the founding of the Association, Hrvoje Bujas stated “We have insisted from the start that politics doesn’t interest us. We are only interested in the wellbeing of not only all of GLAS PODUZETNIKA members but also the Croatian economy and society as a whole. GLAS PODUZETNIKA is not just the voice of the entrepreneurs, but also our employees, with whom we have shared both good and bad for years, as we are doing so in this crisis as well by insisting on enforcing the measures that would help us save their jobs.”
“This is only the beginning of our common fight, a lot of work is still ahead of us. We need to ensure the fast, efficient and unrestricted execution of the measures. There are still a lot of open questions that need answers. We need to ensure that all local jurisdictions give appropriate support to local entrepreneurs by writing off utility charges and rent for offices and public spaces. The Government still has a huge task of agreeing with the banks and leasing houses to freeze the loans and leasings for 12 months, so that the economy can breathe a little when all of this starts rolling again.” Dražen Oreščanin added.
The Association starts with its work right now, and the members can be all legal - businesses, associations and artisans, and all physical persons, firstly entrepreneurs and employees in small and medium businesses. All current members of the Initiative and all sympathizers can apply for the Association starting today through the application form available on:
At the founding Assembly was decided that the membership in the Association GLAS PODUZETNIKA will be free, and all its activities the Association will finance through donations. A decision was also made to open an additional account for donations intended for medical workers and for medical and sanitary equipment needed to fight coronavirus.
Structure and wishes of GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative members
Considering the neverending growth of GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative, that at the moment of writing this text numbers more than 43,000 members in its Facebook group and over 5,600 businesses with over 55,000 employees and permanent associates, a question was raised about giving more structure to the Initiative’s membership system. We consider that a piece of important information for the public considering the perception of entrepreneurs in some segments of our society. We raised a question, which category do our members belong to. The gathered results show that the biggest part of the Initiative’s members belongs to the group of micro-entrepreneurs (less than 10 employees) - 46% to be precise. The next category, numbering over 31%, are artisans. Small entrepreneurs (up to 50 employees) comprise little over 9% of the Initiative, and the next 5% are self-employed. It doesn’t surprise us that more than 4% of members are actually sympathizers of the Initiative or employees in the private sector. There are about 1% of entrepreneurs that employ more than 250 people.
The numbers show that over 83% of them are individuals or very small (micro) businesses, that think they don’t have anyone to systematically fight for their interests.
Big activity and engagement in the group have brought about a great number of proposals and questions about the next steps that the GLAS PODUZETNIKA Initiative has planned. The next step proposed by the community is to found GLAS PODUZETNIKA as a real association, that way the Initiative would get a legal form and the ability to represent its members. To ensure the wishes of the Initiative members, we asked them if they are planning to join the Association GLAS PODUZETNIKA, if and when it is founded. We got an almost unanimous response - over 96% of the Initiative members say they would join the Association, less than 1% think that the association isn’t necessary. 1% goes to those who don’t know yet or they wouldn’t join at all, respectively. From those results, it is obvious that there is a need for this kind of association in Croatia. We think that this would help tens of thousands of people in the private sector, to ease the way they conduct business and to save a huge number of jobs in the ensuing crisis. It would also help micro and small entrepreneurs in the future.
Read more - Pulse of Glas Poduzetnika: Perception of Minister Horvat Changes after New Measures
You can follow the Glas Poduzetnika initiative on Facebook.
For the latest on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section.
April the 4th, 2020 - In the ''exit strategy'' we'll plan for ''coexistence'' with the coronavirus, making it more difficult for it to spread but allowing for a ''smouldering'' infection with double-digit numbers of newly infected people. Croatian scientist Igor Rudan takes a look at our options.
When the crisis caused by the new coronavirus from Asia began to spread to Europe and the United States, and then the virus managed to penetrate beyond the front lines of defense in highly developed Western countries, the rulers of these countries were faced with two very poor options. Both were so bad that they found it difficult to judge which one was worse.
With the first option, the reaction was to be instictive - nations would be pulled into strict quarantines to prevent the virus from spreading rapidly, and the move would protect human lives. But it was clear to everyone that such a measure was entirely unsustainable in the long run. It would be enormously damaging to the entire society if enacted without some sort of strategy for getting out of that situation also put into place.
Namely, after a month, many people will be left without means for the further purchase of basic groceries. Many will start to lose their jobs as restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, transportation, various services, many shops, beauty salons, gyms and fitness centres will shut down. Therefore, the "large quarantine" strategy will be undermined by its unacceptability to a large number of people over time, and it will be increasingly difficult for them to expect to adhere to the responsible behaviour needed to keep the epidemic under control.
Two bad options.
After a few weeks of quarantine, the number of infected people in Croatia should drop from a few thousand back down to just a hundred or even a dozen or so remaining infected people. But, even if it went down to just ten infected people nationwide, if we went back to our pre-COVID-19 lifestyle, it would lead to a hundred infected people within a week of people leaving isolation, and a thousand after two weeks.
Croatia would then need to start a new cycle of isolation at that point, because the most our health system can handle is several thousand infected people. It should be borne in mind that quarantine is really needed when the number of infected people in the population of Croatia reaches about one thousand. This is because with its very next step, one thousand to ten thousand infected people, the virus will be able to make a successful jump to the household members of already infected people while we're in a new wave of isolation.
Any more infections than a few thousand could endanger the health system and the respiratory deficiency for all those in need. So, if the isolation measures we're currently implementing in Croatia manage to curb the infection from a few thousand infected back down to just a dozen or so, and then we leave these isolation measures, we would have a maximum of two weeks of normal life before a new, longer stay in isolation.
Of course, this is only true if during these weeks of quarantine we don't come up with some way of "coexistence" with the virus, where it would no longer spread exponentially after our ''release'' from these measures and in that case we'd still have a much longer time and a relatively normal life than this.
Another option for the rulers of Western countries, quite contrary to this one about defending isolation, was to let the virus spread and infect a significant portion of the population. Many citizens would gain immunity by overcoming the disease. As a result, after a while, the virus would have fewer and fewer people to jump on. So, it would start to spread more and more slowly until we gained "herd immunity". It's a given that we have neither drugs nor vaccines for the time being, we should count on more deaths, especially among the elderly population and among those people with existing diseases, but life would continue normally and the economy would be saved.
Yet, such a strategy was also associated with many risks. First, no one has managed to estimate, with sufficient certainty, just how many human lives this virus could endanger in the worst-case scenarios, if allowed to spread freely. This is because this virus kills not only directly, infecting humans, but also with a very high rate of spread, thus suddenly creating far too many severe cases, and it also kills indirectly, because the overloaded health system can no longer care for other patients.
Given the fact that we don't always know precisely how many people become infected with the virus and don't actually present with any significant symptoms, it's difficult to determine the direct effects of the virus. However, that number should be up to one percent of all deaths at the national level.
However, the effects associated with the rate of the virus' spread and the indirect effects of this virus are significantly more dangerous than the direct ones are, and this is not something commonly encountered in medicine. The speed of the virus in managing to create new and severe cases that cannot then be helped due to a health system overload makes the virus more risky than the fact it infects individuals alone does.
A third related problem is that the consequent overload of the health system indirectly leads to further casualties due to the inadequate treatment of all other diseases. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to estimate the cost of free spread of the virus to the population.
The strategy of allowing the free spread of the virus is very dangerous because no one can predict the mutation of the virus after allowing it to reproduce in so many human carriers. Some new strains could, in principle, become even more deadly than the current one. A further danger of this strategy is that even those small percentages of risk for young people become very high if millions of people are infected. The large number of relatively young victims in the short term would surely become a central topic and undermine any support this plan has enjoyed so far.
Additionally, no one can be quite sure that the immunity to the virus acquired by recovering from COVID-19 will be permanent immunity at all. And lastly, even if this strategy of allowing the virus to spread freely succeeded to some extent or another, even with considerable casualties, the virus would still continue to mutate regardless.
Therefore, next season, in its new circle around the world, coronavirus is likely to shorten human lives again, as the immunity people acquired last year may no longer protect them, just as it doesn't protect them against the flu. In order for anyone among those in power to bet that all these unknowns will turn in his favour during the spread of the virus among the population... well... that ruler must be really, really optimistic.
An important problem in choosing this other possible path, ie allowing the virus to spread, is, once again, the very behaviour of humans. Namely, even if the plan were explained to the population and supported by a large majority, the situation in which the death toll is increasing rapidly from week to week, especially in relation to quarantined countries, will become less acceptable to the population.
In this scenario, too, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain the responsibility and discipline needed to preserve the economy. When they realise that they might end up in intensive care units, many will find excuses to take to their homes and not come out of them for a long time. Then, many businesses will collapse and the number of unemployed people will increase sharply, despite the fact that this plan initially sought to save jobs.
In conclusion, in both the first and the second possible approach to this crisis, the behaviour of the population, which after a while will increasingly decline in terms of the willingness to participate in both plans, is what will undermine their consistent implementation. In the former case, they will resent it for economic reasons, in the latter, for fear of their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
This was quite clear to the leaders of the Western countries, which is why many of them were quick to seek their own, third approach. But the only thing that would certainly be worse than these two extreme scenarios is to fight the virus with one strategy and then change your mind after a few weeks and move on to another approach. Consistent adherence to the first solution would at least save the maximum number of human lives, albeit only temporarily, but it would significantly harm the economy.
Consistent adherence to the other solution would preserve the economy and our lifestyle, but with significant sacrifices that are extremely difficult to assess. But, if it goes one way, and after a few weeks it goes another, then the economy will surely suffer, and the casualties will be quite large. So, governments were facing two seemingly very bad solutions and a third, middle way, which was even worse.
People are always creative and resourceful.
Fortunately, faced with such difficult challenges throughout history, people have always shown creativity and resourcefulness. That's why we're probably the only human species of at least a dozen that have survived to this day. First, China has shown, with its drastic measures, that the epidemic can be suppressed within a few weeks and then maintained with a smouldering one. Another heavily affected country was South Korea, which had an epidemic begin behind the front line of defense, but it showed that by mass testing a huge number of people, it could keep up with the virus instead of constantly cowering behind it.
In addition, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong have, through a series of measures, including very active testing and the continuous isolation of those who are infected and their contacts for two weeks, and with reasonable measures of isolation and social distancing, have succeeded in achieving some coexistence with the virus without risking it ''escaping'' into quite free expansion and then exponential growth, which would lead to too many seriously ill people in too short a time.
All that is required is to prevent the virus from spreading from one infected person to two, three or more healthy people, and to limit its rate of spread in all possible ways so that one infected person transmits the virus just one healthy person at the most. Thus, they will need to live that way until a vaccine is developed, or at least until the first effective medication arrives which will reduce the need for intensive care and respirators for the seriously ill.
What does this mean for Croatia?
We're currently in the phase of "first virus suppression", which needs to be done decisively in order to complete the task as quickly as possible. The goal is to reduce the number of infected people in our country to less than a hundred, a climb down from several thousand. No one wants to remain in isolation for a day longer than necessary, but because of the exponential nature of the virus' growth, it is also important that after isolation, the number of those infected is not too large, because then, it can quickly start growing again.
Croatia will then have to put in place a number of measures that will make it more difficult for the virus to spread to keep the number of newly infected at day counts below 100. The calculation is simple: let's suppose, for simplicity's sake, that the number of severe cases that require a respirator will be about 5 percent of all infected individuals. In addition, let's say that everyone will need a respirator for a month until they recover. If 100 newly infected people are identified every day, it will mean 3000 within a month with some COVID-19 symptoms.
Among them, 5 percent will have such severe symptoms that they will need a respirator, which is 150 people over a month. Croatia's capacities are also much larger, but it's important to leave a significant margin. Namely, if the virus spreads to hospitals or retirement homes, then the proportion of infected people who will need a respirator will no longer be only 5 percent, but perhaps rise up to 20 percent or even 30 percent, so any such incident can overwhelm our health system very, very quickly.
In addition, respirators are needed for patients with other diseases that occur Croatia, so for COVID-19, about 500 of them should be sufficient in all plans. That's why it will be important in the "exit strategy" to plan for "coexistence" strategies with the virus, where we will, in every possible way, make it difficult for it to spread, while allowing for a "smoldering" infection with double-digit numbers of newly infected people every day so that everyone who becomes seriously unwell can receive adequate care.
How do we preserve such good initial results in the fight against COVID-19 in Croatia now, and exit quarantine as soon as possible?
There are several key tasks to complete in the coming weeks. First of all, it should be well understood that this is an epidemic. All one has to keep in mind during an epidemic is that we need to know as much as possible about who is infected and who isn't infected and then actively physically separate the infected from the uninfected. If we're constantly actively detecting new infected people with testing and constantly physically separating them from the uninfected people, then we can't go wrong. But if we have the opportunity to separate the infected from the uninfected, and fail to do so, then we will very likely regret it over time.
An emphasis on hospitals and retirement homes.
The next important thing to keep in mind is that not all uninfected people are equally important. The most important group of uninfected people are immunocompromised people - hospital patients in transplant wards, patients with malignant tumors receiving radiation or chemotherapy, patients with diabetes or cardiovascular disease, especially those with high blood pressure, as well as anyone over seventy years of age.
They should be particularly protected from infection if they already have a chronic underlying illness and if they live together in a large number in retirement homes. These are uninfected persons who should absolutely not be allowed to come into contact with infected persons. In this next phase of the fight, the successes of individual countries will be measured first and foremost by how well they have managed to protect their hospitals and retirement homes from limited COVID-19 epidemics during the isolation period.
Consider the following: A community outbreak can reach figures of as many as a hundred infected people, resulting in only one death of one of those infected persons. However, an epidemic in a retirement home or hospital ward, infecting a hundred people, can cause twenty or thirty deaths. It really is a huge difference and that's why these groups should be guarded now. How do we secure that? It would be advisable to test every day for the presence of coronavirus on all employees in healthcare institutions and retirement homes.
However, it is very difficult to implement that, for a number of practical reasons. Therefore, a register of people in Croatia who have already acquired coronavirus and acquired immunity may be started and entrusted with the strategically important role of "guardian". However, while this idea may seem good in principle, the problem is that this virus is an unknown one and we don't yet know how long immunity against it lasts, or after how long the virus is ejected from the body, so we need to wait for research to be done that can answer these questions for us.
It is obvious that good organisation of hospital care and retirement homes and their protection against the spread of infection will be important in the coming weeks. It is important that hospitals, as far as possible in individual cities, are strictly separated from those hospitals, or at least their buildings or floors, where COVID-19 infected persons are treated from all other places. Other sick and elderly people, as well as healthcare professionals not involved in the fight against COVID-19, should not approach these sites until the epidemic is over.
Inside hospitals, it is quite important for people needing respirators to be exposed to fresh air as much as possible as it enhances the recovery of the airway mucosa. Dry heated air, on the other hand, makes it difficult for the mucous membrane to recover because it dries out, and this benefits the virus. In this new situation, all creative ideas and resources can be of use to us. Therefore, infected physicians with very mild symptoms of the disease, or physicians who, due to contact with infected persons are in self-isolation, may be able to treat individual respiratory patients in tents outside the hospital, which could increase the capacity to provide intensive care in the event of an extreme need.
It is important, at the national level, to preserve at least one institution as a "reserve" to handle any epidemiological incident, as they are always possible. If an outbreak is detected at another hospital or retirement home, the emergency transport of infected patients, doctors, retirees and staff is required, or if incidents occur in smaller locations where the local health service will not be able to cope with smaller outbreaks, all those infected should then simply be transported by ambulances or helicopters to such a "backup" facility, and all the patients with milder symptoms need to be moved to tents outside the hospital, and severely ill patients to that facility.
With such a "back up", I believe that many lives would be saved in the most dangerous situations, namely the spread of contagion in hospitals or retirement homes. In such a ''back up'' facility, the risk of health professionals contracting the virus will be high, so it is good for them to stay within the hospital and receive care from their colleagues, rather than spreading the infection to their families. Such a "back up" establishment would be the last line of defense for all cases where the contagion would begin to spread among the most vulnerable members of the population.
In conclusion, hospitals are currently the most dangerous places during this epidemic. Therefore, wherever the infected can be separated from the uninfected in hospitals, this should be done constantly. It would be reasonable for all patients in hospitals, as well as administration staff, and anyone who doesn't need to be present in the hospitals because their lives are not threatened, to be sent home so that our exposure to hospital outbreaks is kept to an absolute minimum.
How should Croatian citizens behave in order to reduce the spread of the virus during isolation measures?
I noticed that most of the ambiguities of the past few days were related to whether or not people could leave their homes, whether or not it was advisable to sing on windows and balconies, whether or not people should wear masks, gloves, and how to dispose of shoes; and whether or not we should disinfect packaging from grocery stores.
Here, I will briefly try to answer these questions through my personal example and explain it. First, we're being confronted with a virus that has shown that it spreads rapidly and very successfully among humans, and it is not yet clear how it does so. Such viruses are usually transmitted by droplets of exhaled air, but also by fingers after someone who is infected touches their eyes or their mouth and nose, because we can expect the presence of the virus in tears, and in mucus from the nose, as well as in saliva.
Another person may inhale it, but also touch the location or object that an infected person has previously touched. What does this mean for the issue of leaving our homes? This, in fact, means that you're only safe while in your home. As soon as you go out onto the stairs, you can breathe in the air where someone has previously coughed or spoken loudly, you can touch the handrail where someone infected by the virus has touched it, the same is true for door handles. The risk of being infected in this way is, of course, extremely minimal, but the transmission of the virus in such a way is no longer impossible and it will continue to spread in that way at least somewhere. Because of this, I personally avoid going out if it isn't necessary, especially while still trying to control the number of infected people for the first time.
Also, I understand that many people need to move and exercise to maintain good health. For this reason, it's difficult to make a strict recommendation that would apply in all situations and for everyone, because for older and very old people it is certainly better to stay indoors now, while for younger people, it is probably better to take a lower risk of going out and maintain better health. For the same reason, singing on windows and balconies is probably not a big risk, but it is conceivable that, under certain conditions, some viruses could be transmitted.
Whenever I go out, I always wear the same shoes and gloves that I keep right next to my door, and I either put a surgical mask over my mouth and nose, or cover I cover them with a scarf. I remove my gloves and my shoes and leave them by the door whenever I return home. I believe that wearing gloves while going out is important because touching a hand grip, doorknob or ATM could be beneficial for the spread of the infection. People unknowingly touch these surfaces during the day and then they touch their mouths, noses or rub their eyes.
If they have touched a surface where the virus was present, they will become infected in this way, but gloves will help prevent that.
There were a lot of ambiguities surrounding the issue of masks. There are several sub-questions that should be distinguished. First, do masks primarily serve to protect you or others? If they serve to protect ourselves, then they need to be special, more expensive masks. But in that case, everyone should wear them. As it is difficult for each country to plan for the procurement of special protective masks for all of its citizens, especially since they also have a shelf life, personal protection masks from infection are procured and kept for healthcare professionals. They will certainly be exposed to infected people.
Life with the virus.
It would also be reasonable for them to also obtain the masks, or to distribute such masks to those who are particularly at risk for the virus because of their age or their state of health. But for everyone else, if they were just walking down the street, they'd need to meet about a thousand people in Croatia before meeting someone who is infected. Thus, protecting yourself in such situations from an epidemiological point of view is not so crucial. It is much more important, however, that someone who is infected but has no symptoms yet doesn't go on to infect others.
Given that we cannot know just who is infected until they present with symptoms of the virus, it is reasonable for everyone to cover up their mouth and nose in some way so as not to inadvertently spread the infection to others. This is significantly more epidemiologically justified. So, whatever can be done to make it more difficult for the virus to jump from one person to another, should be done. The reason why in many countries there is no strict recommendation on wearing masks is that medical recommendations need to be made on the basis of solid scientific evidence. However, in the case of mask effectiveness, it's difficult to obtain a sufficient type of evidence when the required outcome of the study should be whether or not there is more or less contamination.
When it comes to such research, no one would be granted ethical approval to conduct it in peacetime. Therefore, what we know about the effectiveness of masks is based on studies that were not optimally designed, which is why it is difficult to get a firm recommendation from any official body. Personally, I believe that masks will help to spread the infection less and that everyone should make sure that they somehow cover their nose and mouth so as not to accidentally infect others. They can also use a scarf, a handkerchief, a surgical mask, anything that covers their nose and mouth.
In addition, anyone who wants to, or is particularly at risk can, of course, also wear a more expensive protective mask, even if they are not a healthcare professional. Common sense suggests that any disruption of the virus and its behaviour will help combat this pandemic, even where we don't have the solid scientific evidence we would like in order to make for such a recommendation.
Should packaging from supermarkets be disinfected before use?
Similar to the question of singing on balconies or going out for a walk alone, the risk of such a transfer is probably very small, but until it is better explored, it can't be completely ruled out. However, those who become infected in this way are likely to have a significantly lower initial dose of the virus enter them than would enter them via inhaled air, so the course of the disease may be milder, although science has yet to confirm that. But it would be no surprise to epidemiologists if this was proven, although it should always be reiterated that surprises are always possible with new viruses.
Currently, an "epidemic wave" is making its way over the population of Croatia, but the numbers of newly infected people remain in the double-digits day by day, while in many other countries, they are four-digit, indicating how good Croatia's early response was in the first few steps. Our healthcare system still has plenty of reserve. However, now is really the time for disciplined isolation so that we can see at least a few days of consecutive declines in the numbers of newly infected people. This would convince us all that Croatia is able to curb the spread of this contagion with the use of the available anti-epidemic measures.
But, any failure to adhere to the instructions of the Civil Protection Headquarters will mean more infected persons, then more severely ill persons, and thus more pressure on the health system, as well as a longer stay for us in isolation. Adhering to the measures will reduce the number of infected and seriously ill people, keep the health system unburdened and shorten the time spent in isolation.
In the next step, however, we will need to get out of isolation as soon as possible and learn to live with the virus. In order to be able to do this as soon as possible, we will need to devise a series of measures that will work together to minimise the rate of spread of the virus to humans. It's important that each infected person does not infect more than one other person, so that the number of those infected can no longer transition into exponential growth, as this would mean a new quarantine soon. Every day, there are more and more ideas among epidemiologists emerging on how to do this. The exit will most likely involve a combination of several measures that could slow the spread of the virus.
Distancing, masks, gloves, testing...
First, we ourselves will adopt the ''maintenance'' of the gap we need to have between each other, covering our noses and mouths, wearing gloves, and acting with caution and responsibility. This alone will significantly reduce the virus' ability to spread. Then, testing capacities will be increased so that we can follow the good examples from South Korea and Singapore and, in addition, actively seek out and isolate those who have become infected.
So, we will constantly "cut paths" for the virus in its spread. Then, the hope remains that during the warmer weather, the virus will spread at least more slowly if it does not disappear entirely. Technological solutions are likely to be developed to quickly identify and isolate infected contacts. Innovative solutions could also include "dividing" the population into several completely separate subgroups to "dilute" the population available to the virus.
These are all measures that together, could be sufficient for the relative normalisation of life after this shock wave. Personally, I'm pleased to see that Croatian experts have dealt with the phases of the first line of defense so well, as they have with the withdrawal into quarantine, and now they continue to do so with the maintenance of isolation measures.
Obviously, there is already very active thinking going on about measures to get out of isolation as soon as possible, and a recent package of measures has shown that the economy has not been forgotten either. If you recall the grave doubts of the governments of the Western countries from the beginning of this text, it's hardly possible to go through this unexpected crisis in a more reasonable way. Until we get a coronavirus vaccine, or at least medication that could reduce the need for respirators, it will unfortunately not be easy for us to return to the lives we're used to. But so many people are working on solutions now that patience and hope for the best are required.
This text was written by Igor Rudan and translated by Lauren Simmonds
For rolling information and updates on coronavirus in Croatia, as well as more scientific texts from Croatian scientist Igor Rudan, follow our dedicated section.
April 4, 2020 - Fresh from her tale of self-isolation in Split on TCN, Romanian Mirela Rus produces the first video collaboration with Robert Tomic-Zuber's new R+ platform.
It is just four days, but (as 4 days does in the Corona Era) is feels a lifetime ago that Romanian Mirela Rus kindly sent in the first contribution to TCN's new interview series, Foreigner Self-Isolation in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer? aimed at the expat community here, and their experiences under lockdown compared to what is happening in their home country. You can read Mirela's article here.
I was expecting a reasonable response, and I had a few friends I could persuade to take part if the idea flopped, but I was staggered at the level of interest, as well as the quality of the content from all over the country from expats from all over the world.
So far, we have uploaded 25 stories from expats in Croatia who are from Romania, USA, Ireland, UK, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Singapore, Holland, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Latvia, Australia, China and Germany. Additional ones from Moldova, Egypt, Brazil and Hungary are coming soon. You can see them all in this link.
The most compelling, in a very competitive field, was this morning's submission from Sisi Peng from China, currently holed up with Croatian husband in post-earthquake Zagreb. Her account of self-isolation here, combined with detailed timeline of a disaster unfolding, as well as the racism and stigmatism suffered by Chinese citizens in these corona weeks, is a gripping read.
Given the human interest in these stories, we have decided to try and look at the situation from the opposite angle - how are Croats abroad holding up, and how does corona in Croatia look from where they are? Our first two submissions will be coming from Vietnam and corona hot spot, New York City.
If you would like to contribute to the Corona Voices in the Diaspora series, please find the questions below. Email with 4-6 photos to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Corona Diaspora, with a para about yourself as well.
Firstly, how are you? Are you alone/with someone? Tell us a little about your situation and sanity levels.Firstly, how are you? Are you alone/with someone? Tell us a little about your situation and sanity levels.
When did you realise that corona was going to be a big issue?
When did you realise that corona was going to be a big issue in your location in particular?
Give us a timeline on when and how life changed.
Tell us about your day. Do you/can you leave your home?
How are the authorities doing at handling the situation?
You obviously keep an eye on your homeland. What is your impression of the way Croatia is dealing with the crisis?
Compare and contrast the responses of Croatia and the country where you are. Who is doing what better?
What about official communications from the authorities, compared to your home country?
What's the one thing you wish you had taken with you into self-isolation?
One thing you have learned about yourself, and one thing you have learned about others during this crisis.
If you could be self-isolating in Croatia, where would it be, and why?
But back to our favourite Romanian Mirela Rus...
TCN recently announced a media partnership with Robert Tomic Zuber and his new R+ video portal, which is initially focused on telling the personal stories of corona in the region, and the stories of people from the region elsewhere in the world. A video version of the two TCN concepts above.
And as Mirela has a little more time than usual at the moment, she became the first submission to do from TCN interview to R+ video. Both were great - thank you!
If you would like to contribute to either TCN or R+ with your stories, please find below the submission guidelines.
TCN is starting a new feature series on foreign experiences of sitting out COVID-19 here in Croatia compared to their home country. If you would like to contribute, the questions are below. Please also include a para about yourself and where you are from, and a link to your website if you would like. Please also send 3-4 photos minimum to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Corona Foreigner
If you would be interested to record a video version for our partners please let us know in the email. Thanks and stay safe.
Foreigners Self-Isolating in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer Than in Your Home Country?
Firstly, how are you? Are you alone/with someone? Tell us a little about your situation and sanity levels.
What do you think about the economic measures the government is taking, are they helping your business? (PLEASE IGNORE IF THIS DOES NOT AFFECT YOU)
When did you realise that corona was going to be a big issue?
What is your impression of the way Croatia is dealing with the crisis? How safe do you feel?
Now compare that to your home country and how they are handling it. What is Croatia doing better/worse?
What about official communications from the authorities, compared to your home country?
What's the one thing you wish you had taken with you into self-isolation.
One thing you have learned about yourself, and one thing you have learned about others during this crisis.
TCN has recently become a partner in Robert Tomic Zuber's new R+ video channel, initially telling stories about corona experiences. You can see the first TCN contribution from this morning, my video from Jelsa talking about the realities of running a news portal in the corona era below. If you would like to also submit a video interview, please find Robert's guidelines below
The video footage should be recorded so that the cell phone is turned horizontally (landscape mode).
There are several rules for television and video news:- length is not a virtue- a picture speaks more than a thousand words
In short, this would mean that your story should not last more than 90 seconds and that everything you say in the report should be shown by video (for example, if you talk about empty streets, we should see those empty streets, etc.).
How to do it with your cell phone? First, use a selfie camera to record yourself telling your story for about a minute and a half. Ideally, it would be taken in the exterior, except in situations where you are reporting on things in the interior (quarantine, hospital, self-isolation, etc.). Also, when shooting, move freely, make sure everything is not static.
After you have recorded your report, you should capture footage that will tell your story with a picture, such as an earlier example with empty streets.
One of the basic rules of TV journalism is that the story is told in the same way as a journalist with his text. Therefore, we ask you for additional effort. Because we work in a very specific situation, sometimes you may not be able to capture footage for each sentence of the report. In this case, record the details on the streets: people walking, the main features of the city where you live, inscriptions on the windows related to the virus, etc.
The same rules apply if you are shooting a story from your apartment, self-isolation, quarantine. We also need you to capture footage that describes your story.
When shooting frames to cover your reports, it is important that you change the angle of the shot (in other words, shoot that empty street from several angles). Also, when shooting a detail, count at least five seconds before removing the camera to another detail.
The material should be about 5 minutes long (90 seconds of your report + frames to cover your story).
After recording everything, send us to Zagreb, preferably via WeTransfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ZAGREB, April 4, 2020 - The Croatian Pensioners' Union (SUH) on Friday most strongly condemned member of parliament Ivan Pernar for making statements against elderly persons in the context of the coronavirus epidemic.
The union says that the MP has called for lifting restrictions that were imposed to curb the spread of the disease, explaining that elderly people have to die of something anyway.
SUH notes that Pernar has been conducting an opinion poll about the coronavirus pandemic on his Facebook wall, claiming that restrictions introduced to help fight the coronavirus have economically destroyed the country and its citizens and stripped young people of their basic human rights and freedoms.
Pernar also says that around 500,000 people die of the flu worldwide every year and that all of them were more or less close to death and would have died a few days, weeks or months later if they had not contracted the flu, SUH says, describing Pernar as an exhibitionist who discriminates against the elderly and exerts influence on young people whose health, too, is threatened by the coronavirus, and calling on the public to condemn his statements as hate speech.
More news about Ivan Pernar can be found in the Politics section.
April 9, 2020 - A Croatia COVID-19 overview of the latest health, travel and stats news on the coronavirus crisis, with live updates in English, powered by
There are currently 1407 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 64 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 219 patients have recovered. Twenty people have died. 34 patients are on ventilators. There are 1168 active cases.
You can now track the progress of the curve of cases and recoveries on the official homepage. (You can also follow it into the English version here, which has less content but covers the essential information).
Note that is now mapping cases by county instead of town/city. will update their map after the 14:00 CET daily press conference.
Index also has a very useful breakdown of cases by town and city. Please note that these numbers may not correspondent to the total number, as the locations of some cases are usually confirmed later. We will update this information as we get it.
Index has now added two more stat counters - unemployment numbers and a more detailed look at the curve with new cases by day.
More than 88,531 people are dead from the virus, which originated in Wuhan City, China. Over 1,519,213 cases have been confirmed globally. USA has the highest number of recorded cases (435,160) and Italy the highest number of deaths (17,669) deaths.
UPDATED: April 9, 2020 - 08:00 CET - With apologies in advance if the translations are not perfect. With very limited resources and plenty of pressure, we are trying to get the updates done as quickly as possible, so a little help from Google Translate is necessary. We thank you for your understanding.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to lack of resources, rather than the live feed service so far, we will be updating this page in the morning by 08:30, then again at 11:30, then real-time updates of the press conference at 14:00, then again at 18:00. We thank you for your understanding.
17:38 According to Slobodna Dalmacija, 48 tests have been done in Split in the last 24 hours, and as unofficially, of those 48 tests, 35 of them are positive! According to their calculation, 36 people are positive from the nursing home.
17:26 The Civil Protection Headquarters of the County of Istria, together with the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Pula, issued a recommendation for the closure of Lunogmare Street traffic from Friday to Monday. "Due to preventing the spread of the coronavirus during the holiday season, Lungomare Street is closed for traffic," said the City of Pula.
17:18 The number of new cases in Dubrovnik-Neretva County increased to 67 after positive tests by three family members from Ploce, one of whom works as a carer in a private home for the elderly and infirm, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters. County officials said they were testing some residents in homes.
17:03 The first gas company from Vukovar has donated 20 delivery vehicles and vans to the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will serve for the implementation of anti-pandemic measures, the company reported.
16:52 A leaflet with the signature of don Luka Šustić circulating in the archdiocese of Zadar, informing the parishioners that he will "bless the dishes on the hamlets on Holy Saturday.
16:30 Split-Dalmatia County Headquarters press conference
"Since the start of the coronavirus in Split-Dalmatia County, the vast majority of people have made so much effort and work to prevent the spread of the infection. This was recognizable, but unfortunately, despite this effort, the coronavirus entered the nursing home on Vukovarska street. I stated yesterday that I would request a report from the Director and the epidemiological service, and I received them. They are contradictory, and after consulting the ministers, it was decided that the ministries would issue opinions on the reports and a decision would be taken accordingly. In view of the situation, I have decided to appoint Master Helena Bandalovic, Deputy Head of Health, as my commissioner to oversee the work of the nursing home on Vukovarska. On the final report of the two ministry teams, I will make a decision on sanctions," Boban said at the beginning.
He also said that an error had occurred this morning and that two of those infected from Baska Voda were actually from Brela.
The public was then addressed by Željka Karin, who reiterated the information on the number of infected persons that the Headquarters published earlier today, that is, there are 23 newly infected people in the area of Split-Dalmatia County.
"102 patients were hospitalized at the respiratory-intensive care center, 52 of which were coronavirus positive. The others are being processed. Of the 102 patients, seven are on a ventilator and one is in serious condition," said KBC Split Director Julije Meštrović.
Meštrović also said that the first patient with suspected COVID-19 was operated and that three patients who were on ventilators were returned to county hospitals.
16:24 Take a look at what the councilor is doing during the online session of the Split City Council. More on Index
15:28 The Split-Dalmatia County Civil Protection Headquarters will hold a press conference today at 16:30. The conference will feature:
Blazenko Boban, Mayor
Prim. dr. sc. Željka Karin, Director of the NZJZ
prof. Julije Meštrović, Director of KBC Split.
15:25 Božinović warns: Easter is not a time to travel and relax.
14:40 Police from Dalmatia approached citizens. More on Index
14:00 National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference begins
There are 64 new cases in Croatia in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 1407.
"In Croatia, in the last 24 hours, we have 64 new cases, which means that the total number of patients at the moment is 1407. 13,680 tests have been carried out, and since yesterday an elderly patient in the Dubrava KB with multiple health issues has died. Also, a total of 219 people have healed so far," Minister Beros said at the beginning.
34 people are on ventilators, 326 are hospitalized.
Krunoslav Capak said the situation in Koprivnica was under control. As for Split, he says there was some doubt that it had spread to the third floor of the home. "Three were moved to the hospital. We will know the results in a few hours," Capak said.
Minister Beros said he had received a report from the epidemiological service in Split but had not been able to review it. When asked to comment on the doctor's claims that she tried to get epidemiologists but couldn't reach them, he said: "No one from the home, neither staff nor doctor, contacted the said institution, according to the information I have."
The Minister of Demography said the ministry had issued a number of recommendations for homes. "Feb. 27 was a recommendation to ban home visits for the elderly and infirm. We began early to prepare for everything that awaited us. Then it was a recommendation on 13.3, when we repeated this recommendation and checked with the homes for compliance."
"Any suspicion of the coronavirus is reported to the competent epidemiological service. A competent doctor is contacted, who must notify the service and arrange for a test procedure and further processing," the minister added. "We are in constant contact with all the homes, all the tenants, and everyone can contact us at any time of the day."
Alemka Markotic said that there were no newly infected health workers at the Clinic. "Employees in health care facilities do not necessarily have to become infected in these health care facilities. They must also act cautiously outside health care institutions," she said. She also commented on loosening the measures. "Measures are there to create a framework. No measure, either stricter or lighter, will lead to nothing if people do not adhere to it. Longer shops are not an invitation for hundreds of people to go to stores. It does not mean that hundreds of thousands of people need to go to the markets. We will concede a goal if we give in to self-discipline measures. I am a citizen, but also a doctor. Yes, they have to take all measures in the hospital, but doctors go home, to the shop, and in that part, we have to act even more responsibly," Markotic warned.
"The virus is there. It will spread. We can't put a shield on it. We can deplete it and we can be careful. It's the only measure," she added.
The Following the Cross procession begins tonight in Hvar, at which 15 participants will take part from each place (Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj, Vrboska), with the permission of the National Civil Protection HQ.
"It is true that the headquarters has given permission to hold this traditional event, which means a lot to the residents. Strict hygiene and distance measures have been prescribed. We discussed the headquarters and decided to allow it. We agreed that only 15 people could attend because they won't be able to communicate, touch, and there are no cases in Hvar," Capak said.
13:50 The City of Velika Gorica has delayed payment of utility bills to citizens for three months, a kindergarten is free for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, and a fund of two million kuna for entrepreneurs has been set up, the City Administration announced on Thursday.
"All citizens of Velika Gorica have been given a delay in payment of communal compensation for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, and the full exemption of payment of communal compensation is valid for all business people who, due to the decision of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, cannot carry out their activity," the statement read.
Business people who have been disabled are also exempted from paying municipal waste, and rents for public areas and urban areas will not be charged, according to a statement.
Minister Beros said that the government headquarters had undertaken a number of activities related to nursing homes. "The instructions are very detailed, covering a whole range of aspects of home functioning. In all EU countries, the problem is similar - infection enters the healthcare system and nursing homes. We will have outages like this. There are two scenarios - either the users have to be in hospitals from time to time to become infected, or the home staff somehow picked up the virus. It is impossible to seal the healthcare system or homes tightly. The fight has been going on for a month and a half now, we have maintained the integrity of the health care system and homes, we have resisted much longer than some other developed countries," he said.
13:42 A procession is being held in Hvar tonight across the island, the headquarters has given them a permit.
13:37 Police release the video of young men in Osijek playing football.
13:30 There are no new patients in the Sisak-Moslavina County, and another patient has been cured of COVID-19, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters.
A patient from the Novska area has two consecutive negative laboratory test results on the SARS-CoV-2 virus within the prescribed time interval. All twenty of his contacts (4 family contacts, 14 work contacts and 2 other contacts) remained healthy after 14 days of self-insulation.
The isolation unit of General Hospital „Dr. Ivo Pedisic" Sisak has five patients and the rest are undergoing home treatment. In total, there are now eighteen positive patients in the county area.
13:09 In Split-Dalmatia County, there are 23 new cases - from Split 8, Makarska 2, Sinj 1, Solin 7, Baska Voda 2, Dugi Rat 2 and Dugpolje 1. There are 5 health professionals among the newly diagnosed, of which 4 employees of the Center for the Elderly and Disabled in Split (on Vukovarska Street).
Yesterday during the day, a survey by the epidemiological service revealed that three tenants from the ground floor of the Nursing Home had a fever. The instruction was immediately given to the services of the Home to move the occupants to the part of the second floor Home that was properly disinfected in order to create better conditions for the occupants. Each tenant is isolated to their room.
Checking the situation in the evening, it was found that 4 more tenants became febrile during the evening and instruction was immediately issued to move them to the second floor in separate rooms. KBC Split and the Emergency Service were contacted who, after the examination, took 3 users to the hospital in KBC Split. Instructions were issued to the expert services of the House to monitor the health of the tenants and to call the competent services of the NZJZ and the Institute for Emergency Medicine in case of any change in the situation. Instructions have been given to the professional services of the House to measure temperature twice a day to all users of the Home, and more often if necessary.
Upon arrival, all the staff of the Home is also instructed to measure their personal body temperature. Today's inspection and the survey revealed that none of the tenants had an elevated temperature. 4 tenants who had a fever last night do not have a fever today and have been tested. Given the epidemiological situation and the estimated time taken for swabs, swabs from 55 staff have been taken so far, and according to the epidemiological indication, swabs will be taken for all staff of the institution.
117 health professionals are in self-isolation. 52 were hospitalized and 7 are on ventilators - 4 from Split-Dalmatia County, 1 from Dubrovnik-Neretva County and 2 from Šibenik-Knin County.
There are currently 25 people quarantined in the Zagreb Hotel, of which 7 are foreign nationals.
On Thursday, a total of 246 people were infected in the area of Split-Dalmatia County.
12:53 Varaždin County Civilian Protection Chief Robert Vugrin reported about new cases in Varaždin County.
"No new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the last 24 hours. Seven of them have recovered, 24 of them are being treated at Varaždin General Hospital. One patient is at the 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic' Clinic in Zagreb. 32 people were infected with the county," Vugrin noted.
12:50 According to information from the Dubrovnik-Neretva County Headquarters, the total number of cases is 67. Today, there are three new cases.
12:48 Nine new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours in Šibenik-Knin County, which is the highest jump in patients in one day so far.
Of the nine new patients, two are health care workers at the Knin hospital. As of today, the total number of patients in the county is 57, according to the Civil Protection Headquarters of Šibenik-Knin County.
12:40 In order to ensure the implementation of epidemiological measures and limit the spread of the coronavirus, the government submitted to the emergency parliamentary procedure amendments to the Law on the Protection of the People from Infectious Diseases, which extended the powers of sanitary inspectors and included COVID-19 in the list of infectious diseases.
12:15 In the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, one new person has become infected within the last 24 hours. It is a returnee from abroad, ie from Amsterdam, who was brought by plane and was in self-isolation.
Currently, there are 47 coronavirus cases in PGZ, and 13 people have recovered. The situation is still under control in the county.
12:13: Chief of HQ Anđelko Ferek-Jambrek pointed out that in the Krapina-Zagorje County area so far, a total of 88 coronavirus positive cases with residence in the County have been recorded.
“In comparison to the day before, 3 people were newly registered today; 2 from Krapina and 1 from Desinic. We are waiting for test results for 11 people, 9 of whom are self-isolated at home. So far, samples of 490 people have been taken," said Chief of Staff Ferek - Jambrek, adding that so far, 1 person has healed and 1 died.
12:10 Zagreb headquarters press conference is underway.
The headquarters has announced that four people are coronavirus positive at a psychiatric hospital for children in Zagreb.
Yesterday, it was said that two coronavirus positive employees, one doctor and one technical support person, were registered at the Children and Youth Psychiatric Hospital. However, two more are infected today from that hospital.
12:04 New information on the situation in Koprivnica.
21 people are coronavirus positive.
"The person from the home is in the hospital, she has respiratory symptoms. It is pneumonia, she is in good hands. Today we learned that she lived in a single room, stayed in the room for the last 10 days. She showed signs of coughing and fever during the examination. She was given antibiotics and her condition did not improve," press conference said.
12:00: The entire night shift of the Makarska ambulance ended in isolation last night.
11:54: Continuing on the situation with the sick and infected workers from the Split nursing home, the Director of the Public Health Institute of Split-Dalmatia County, Dr. Željka Karin, said that it was not true that they tried to contact epidemiologists from the home but failed to reach them.
11:25: Prime Minister Plenkovic addressed the situation in the Split nursing home at the beginning of the cabinet session.
"An epidemiological survey is underway to see exactly what happened there. I can say that if the gaps in the implementation of the measures are identified then the county will make the appropriate decisions for those responsible," the prime minister said.
He expects the relevant ministers to further raise awareness of coronavirus risks for vulnerable groups of citizens. He said they were expecting a report today.
"There is a need to further raise awareness in nursing homes and children's homes and health care facilities, which is very important," Plenkovic said.
"The director of the hospital in Split informed us about the condition of the persons located at Križine," Plenkovic said.
11:18: According to the data of the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health in the area of Zagreb County, until Thursday, 97 people were infected with the coronavirus.
11:15: As Podravski learned from a person close to the County Civil Protection Headquarters, it was confirmed that one person from the Koprivnica Nursing Home was also infected. What's troubling - no one knows how.
Supposedly all employees are healthy, measures without visits and exits have been introduced for a long time, and everything is strictly controlled and monitored.
11:02: There are two new cases in Zadar, now a total of 61. Two cafes were working, serving guests drinks.
10:53: After two new cases in Bjelovar-Bilogora County were confirmed yesterday, there are no new infections today. Ten people were tested and all findings were negative.
There are a total of eight coronavirus infected people in that county.
So far, 129 people have been tested for coronavirus at Bjelovar General Hospital.
459 people are in self-isolation.
10:52: Three residents who were transferred to KBC Split, as well as 49 previously retired evacuees, had a fever, which led them to be transferred to the Split Hospital last night. The hospital says the condition of ten patients with confirmed coronavirus infection is good.
In addition to the residents of the Home, four coronavirus workers were infected with the coronavirus, and three more workers tested for COVID 19 will know during the day.
Information has emerged that coronavirus symptoms are being felt by residents from other floors, not just from the second floor, but this information has not been officially confirmed.
An Epidemiological Survey was completed yesterday, interviewing employees and residents and recorded the situation.
10:30: There are no new cases in Međimurje County. The second person, a police officer, was cured. So far, a total of six people have been registered, two of whom have been cured, said Mayor Matija Posavec. The other four are from the same family.
10:28: Institute of Public Health announces how to wear a face mask. More on Index
10:10: In Vukovar-Srijem County, one new person from Vinkovci is positive for the coronavirus, and a total of 30 are infected.
In the last 24 hours, 34 people have been tested, a total of 367 people in the county so far. There are 551 people in self-isolation in the county, and yesterday there were two reports of self-isolation violations that were found to be unfounded.
There are 2 people in quarantine facilities, there are currently no truck drivers. COVID-19 ambulances received 7 calls from people and were given appropriate advice.
Vinkovci County General Hospital has 5 hospitalized COVID-19 positive people, while the rest are home-based because of milder symptoms of the disease. 3 doctors, 3 health care workers and 1 non-health care worker are still positive for COVID-19.
There are a total of 18 doctors, 37 nurses and 3 non-health professionals in self-isolation.
10:05: In Istria, 32 swabs were tested, 1 of which was coronavirus positive (COVID-19). The person came from tthe UK and was in isolation.
Three patients were cured, accounting for a total of 18 coronaviruses (COVID-19) in Istria County.
Yesterday, 51 samples were taken at the Department of Infectology of the Pula General Hospital and sent to the laboratory in Zagreb.
9:59: Three more residents of the Split home are transferred to the hospital, police are investigating.
9:44: The World Bank on Thursday updated its spring forecasts in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, estimating that Croatia's gross domestic product (GDP) will fall 6.2 percent this year, while the unemployment rate could rise above 9 percent.
"Negative developments since the beginning of the year have significantly altered the outlook for 2020. After finally reaching GDP levels in 2019 before the 2008 crisis, Croatia is on a path of a deep recession. The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many countries closing down and could result in a 6.2 percent drop in Croatia's GDP this year," the World Bank said in an update on Thursday.
They estimate that Croatia's tourism and goods exports will be hit hard, given travel bans and slowdowns in major trading partners, primarily in Italy but also in the rest of the eurozone.
And the effects on the labor market could be dire, they think. They also note that workers who have temporarily worked abroad have started returning to Croatia, pushing the unemployment rate, which could rise above 9 percent this year. In February, the rate was 8.3 percent, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).
The World Bank also states that the government has prepared a package of temporary measures to help the economy, the amount of which could potentially reach almost 8 percent of GDP.
The budget deficit is expected to reach 8 percent of GDP this year, with the public debt to GDP ratio almost 84 percent of GDP. By comparison, Croatia has been recording a budget surplus in the last three years, while the debt ratio decreased to 73.2 percent at the end of last year.
9:29: No coronavirus positive cases for the eighth consecutive day in Virovitica-Podravina County, the headquarters reported.
8:41: According to the latest information, the condition of 10 infected patients in the Nursing Home is unchanged from yesterday.
8:39: As of today, stores are open longer, and markets have re-opened. These are the rules you need to follow. More on Index
8:30: Vesna Bedekovic, Minister for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, confirmed on Croatian Radio broadcast yesterday that 10 out of 49 evacuated tenants of the Nursing Home in Split were positive for coronavirus.
Speaking about the chain of responsibility because of the situation in the Split home, Bedekovic said that it was a decentralized home, founded by the Split-Dalmatia County.
"All care providers in the care system for the elderly and infirm, about 700 of them, were clearly sent a recommendation and instructions on how to proceed. The first recommendation and instruction was on February 27, which was to ban home visits. We repeated and upgraded the recommendation on March 13. Then, on March 25, the National HQ issued measures concerning work in institutions in the social welfare system, and especially in the homes for the elderly and infirm. That decision also includes an obligation to report on a daily basis to the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy," the minister said.
08:10: The Government of the Republic of Croatia session starts at 10am today at the National and University Library building.
The decision on the reallocation of funds planned in the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia for 2020 is on the agenda.
Government members will also receive information on the current status and activities of coronavirus, as well as the activities of the Civil Protection Headquarters.
The agenda also includes amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases.
08:00: The decision of the National Civil Protection Headquarters opens markets today, but according to strict rules.
It is necessary to additionally secure the entrance and exit of a limited number of customers and to place plexiglass partitions at the points of sale. The distance between the seller and buyers must be 3 to 5 meters. The same goes for sales from vehicles, which must also be at least 3 meters away.
In addition, during the week before Easter, until Saturday, the opening hours of the shops will be extended, which will now be open until 8 pm instead of 5 pm.
07:15: Zdravka Djapic, chief nurse from the Nursing Home, claims she called epidemiologists 11 days ago.
Djapic contacted epidemiologists in Split on suspicion that the virus had broken through a barrier and protective measures and reached a home where she was working with older people. Djapic contacted the epidemiologists on March 29, 2020 by phone, but Vecernji learned that no one ever called her back.
07:01: An employee of a Split nursing home in Slobodna Dalmacija told Index what the situation was like there.
Nobody informed us if we should stay in the home, and it turns out that we are all infected now, and even the measure of division of employees into two teams, one and two, obviously will not bear fruit, since we from the other team started our shift on Monday. Well, if 16 residents were known to have a fever, why didn't they call epidemiologists on Friday to check whether they had corona or not? We have come to work now and no matter that we are isolated on the floors, we all walk down the hall to the kitchen, down the hall to the laundry room, enter the elevator," she said.
"There was no announcement that anything was going on in the home. Well, we had a chance to see the situation in Italy! Why did no one on this example educate us how to behave, instruct us, but they also put us as 'cannon fodder' in front of an invisible virus. They endangered our lives, and we help the elderly. And now, we, the staff, will be guilty, and we have not even been given work suits. And who is the zero patient, how did the virus enter the home? " the employee asks.
06:58: The director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, commented that it was possible that the residents of the home had a temperature of 10 days without anyone reacting.
"I do not know how to answer that, an epidemiological investigation is underway. The head of the epidemiological service, Bernard Kaić, is also with the minister, and when he returns, we will have more information," he said.
"The first information was that only the first floor had a temperature, and today we learned that two residents on the fourth floor had a temperature. It would be very good if they were negative. When it comes to staff, those who worked so far this week they have no symptoms,” he added.
The first information was that only one floor was in danger and about 20 of them had a temperature, but there were also on another floor with temperature protectors, swabs taken and diagnostics made, so after that we will know more, hopefully they are negative. The staff that ended the shift on Sunday had four positive cases. Those who took the shift this week have no symptoms. At this point, it is very difficult to verify that the epidemiologists were called, and they also said that the temperature was mild so that they should be monitored and called later, but no one called, "he added.
06:55: Out of 318 users of Split Nursing Home, 49 have been evacuated and ten are positive for coronavirus. All 49 evacuees were taken to KBC Križine.
Samples have been taken and findings are due today.
It was decided that the staff would be tested, and the users would first be tested for their clinical condition, contacts, and a decision would be made accordingly. It is possible that all will be tested, but only after the survey, said Meštrović.
06:35: The new numbers will be announced at the regular press conference at 14:00.
06:30: Welcome to the TCN daily update on COVID-19. We start the day with 1343 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 61 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 179 patients have recovered. Nineteen people have died. 35 patients are on ventilators. There are 1145 active cases.
Some useful TCN articles on what you need to know.
Croatia Travel Update - overview of borders, flights, ferries, new travel restrictions
Croatian Government Opens Donation Fund.
What is Open and What is Closed?
Igor Rudan: Why We Must ALL Stay Home For at Least 1 Month
A Behind the Scenes Look at Running TCN in the Corona Era
(Live updates provided by Index)
As of midnight on March 19, 2020; crossing the border of the Republic of Croatia is temporarily restricted. Croatian citizens and residents will be allowed to return to Croatia, which means that they may go to the country where they work and reside and must follow the instructions and measures of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) upon their return. These measures went into effect at 00:01 on March 19, 2020 and are valid for 30 days. More information and exceptions here.
For the latest Croatia travel advice in these uncertain times, click here.
Also as of March 19, 2020; it is compulsory to strictly adhere to anti-epidemic measures and strict social distance measures. A strict measure of social distance requires avoiding close personal contact at a distance of at least:
The anti-epidemic measures required according to this decision include a ban on holding all public events, gatherings of more than 5 people in one place and the suspension of all retail and trade activities. EXCEPTIONS and details can be found here. These measures were strengthened today March 21, 2020. Residents are being ordered not to leave home except to get food or medicine.
*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News.
*Follow this page for updates on the Zagreb earthquake in Croatia from Total Croatia News.
UPDATES from April 8, 2020
17:45: A turning point has occurred in the case of a woman who closed a post office in Zagreb this morning. The woman does not have the coronavirus. More on Index
17:20: Measures for the operation of markets have been announced, and they are strict. More on Index
17:00: Blazenka Divjak addressed her students, parents and teachers via Facebook. She revealed some details about the end of the school year, graduation, high school enrollments.
"Hello everyone and welcome to the virtual parent meeting. A lot of your questions and suggestions have been received, and I want to thank you. It is important for me to get the correct information to each of you and that is why I will try to answer as many of your questions as possible," she wrote in the video description.
16:20: Split-Dalmatia County Headquarters revealed the cause of death of the 87-year-old woman, the last victim of the coronavirus. They also added that the woman was not from the nursing home where the coronavirus was found.
"One elderly person (87 years old) from Split who was infected with COVID-19 passed away at KBC Split. The person was otherwise suffering from hypertension and was admitted with signs of heart failure (the person is not from the Nursing and Disability Center Split ). An epidemiological survey was carried out and contacts of the deceased were processed," they wrote.
Another 17 new cases have been confirmed in Split-Dalmatia County today - Split - 8, Solin - 2, Muc - 1, Podstrane - 1, Jelsa - 1, Sinj - 1, Dugi Rat - 1, Makarska - 1 and Podbablje - 1. Among health care workers, 47 are infected, while 112 are in self-isolation. At the moment, there are 49 positive people in the hospital. There are 8 people on ventilators, 3 of them from Split-Dalmatia County, 3 from Dubrovnik-Neretva County and 3 from Šibenik-Knin County. As of April 8, 2020, there were a total of 223 coronavirus positive people in Split-Dalmatia County.
There are 22 people quarantined in the Zagreb Hotel, 7 of which are foreign nationals.
16:00 Open parts of Rijeka's Central Market and Brajda and Zamet Markets are starting to work tomorrow, and all the preconditions for the operation of fish markets in Rijeka have been created, the Rijeka City Administration announced on Wednesday.
This was decided in accordance with the decision of the National Civil Protection Headquarters and in compliance with all measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
"According to the instructions of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, fish, fruits, vegetables and planting materials are being marketed in Rijeka markets so that all hygiene and sanitary measures in force to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic are observed."
15:55 Economy Minister Darko Horvat says a ventilator will be produced in Croatia within a month. More on Index
15:50: Shop hours are extended. More on Index
15:41: A spokesman for the Croatian Bishops' Conference commented on Index's Gordan Duhacek. Read the comment HERE
15:40: The Split association appeals to help women victims of violence during the pandemic. More on Index
15:30: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zdravko Maric announced that tomorrow's government session will present savings and reallocations in the state budget for emergency purposes. More on Index
15:00: Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman announced at the National and University Library in Zagreb that about another hundred Croatian citizens will return from Tyrol tomorrow.
"Tomorrow evening we expect the resumption of repatriation and the arrival of four buses with 90 to 100 Croatian citizens from Tyrol," said Radlic Grlic.
14:56: See the graph of cases in Croatia
14:31: No new cases in Međimurje today.
14:22: Sisak: Another employee of Fina is infected, three in total. More on Index
14:20: 69 health workers in Slavonski Brod in self-isolation. More on Index
14:00: National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference begins:
60 new cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 1343.
"In the last 24 hours, there are 61 new cases in Croatia, which means that we have a total of 1343 patients. So far, 13,125 tests have been done, 359 people have been hospitalized, and so far 179 people have recovered, which is 12 more than yesterday. Also, unfortunately, we have one new death, which is a patient from Split," said Grba Bujevic at the beginning.
Bozinovic said that a decision was signed to allow the markets to operate and told citizens that banks had abolished fees for withdrawing cash from ATMs.
"As for Knin, there has been no change in the number of patients since yesterday. There are 25 members of the health staff in self-isolation, disinfection works and no additional measures are needed so far. As for Stubicke Toplice, four patients and two nurses were infected there. They are being moved, and there are more health professionals in self-isolation," Capak said.
"Yesterday, there was an inquiry about a patient who died at the Fran Mihaljević Clinic. Yesterday we did not have information that the patient had a history of chronic diseases because the patient was brought from the hospital in Zabok unconscious and his medical record we received from the hospital did not list the chronic diseases from which the patient was ill," Markotic commented on the case of the deceased patient for whom she originally said yesterday had no history of chronic illness.
Bozinovic then said that it was evident from the information at his disposal that there was no increase in domestic violence, but also stressed that it was clear to him that we were living in unusual circumstances and called on all those who witness such violence to report it.
13:30: Minister Beros said that a lot of questions were asked this morning.
"There are 82 ventilators in the hospital, and there is the possibility to purchase 10 respirators from Dubrovnik and Sibenik urgently. The world's largest nations are fighting the battle with ventilators. Our number of intensive beds is satisfactory. We are preparing for the maximum for what is coming to us, but I sincerely hope that we will not have to use all the resources.
Minister Bedekovic said that no one had informed her in the last 10 days that something strange was happening at the Split Home for the Elderly and Disabled.
13:15: Split-Dalmatia County Headquarters press conference underway with Health Minister Beros regarding the Split nursing home incident
"Until yesterday, we successfully defended nursing homes, which are of paramount importance. Unfortunately, the coronavirus entered a nursing home yesterday in Split. During the night, 49 patients were evacuated out of a total of 318. They were taken care of at KBC in Križine, only two patients had moderate problems. None of the displaced tenants were on a ventilator.
All residents of the home are cared for and have adequate care, which is of the utmost importance at this time. The elderly and infirm are a particularly vulnerable group when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic. We are constantly in communication with all providers of institutional accommodation for the elderly and infirm, as well as with all other providers in the welfare system," said Vesna Bedekovic, Minister of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy.
Regarding the issued recommendations, the minister said that in the last 4 weeks, they had issued a whole series. The first recommendation was issued on February 27, which is a recommendation to ban visits.
The director of KBC Split, Julije Meštrović, said that the majority of tenants have milder diseases and only two are moderate.
"All examinations are done and they are all under review. The transport of patients is done in the best possible way."
Mayor Blaženko Boban said there were a total of 17 newly diagnosed patients in Split-Dalmatia County, and that there were 22 people quarantined at Duilovo, seven of them foreigners.
"We received information at the headquarters on Monday at about noon that there were signs of symptoms in the Nursing Home. The findings came yesterday around 5 pm and 10 tenants were found to be positive. I requested a report from the directors and professional services within the home to chronologically report to me on all that has been going on lately," the prefect said.
He added that if there were omissions, there would be a sanction.
Asked by a journalist about the dismissal of employees at the nursing home, Minister Beros said that, according to his information, the dismissal occurred on Monday.
"Other employees, of whom there are about 134, will be treated and tested," said Beros.
NZJZ director Željka Karin said one patient had been in the hospital before but had no symptoms of the disease at the time.
"The head nurse called the epidemiologist on duty at 10 am on Monday morning and said that some had a temperature, to which we immediately reacted," said Director Karin, who told the staff who worked on that floor to be tested.
"According to the epidemiological survey, for now, we have information that five employees had some symptoms of the disease.
Minister Bedekovic answered the journalist's question of whether the occupants of the home were outside the building.
"It goes without saying that forbidding a visit from the outside to your home is equally true that you cannot let a tenant go outside the home.
13:09: Croatian scientist from the University of Goethe in Frankfurt Ivan Djikic told N1 about everything you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic. More on Index
13:07: There are no new cases in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. There are a total of 53 cases and 47 active cases.
13:05: According to the data of the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health in Zagreb County, 95 persons are coronavirus positive. Compared to yesterday, this is 4 more cases. So far, 11 people have recovered and two have died.
13:04: A report from the Zagreb Headquarters reads that two people were infected at the Psychiatric Hospital for Children and Adolescents. This is about a doctor and another staff member.
"The City of Zagreb has 360 positive patients today. 208 citizens were tested yesterday, of which nine were positive. We have two registered in a closed psychiatric hospital for children - one doctor and one technical person from the hospital. We put 34 people in self-isolation. We put 34 people in self-isolation, we will do testing today. The hospital has already been disinfected and the patients are being cared for by ten staff members, including five doctors and five medical technicians," said the head of the City Health Office, Vjekoslav Jeleč.
13:01: In the area of Sisak-Moslavina County, there is one new case, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters. The patient is an employee of the Financial Agency in Sisak, where three people have tested positive so far, which is why epidemiological treatment is underway to determine the connection, the source of the infection and to take all measures to prevent the further spread of the disease, reports.
12:58: At Karlovac hospital, a middle-aged local was operated on for emergency surgery, after which he was transported to post-operative care in a reference clinic - Clinical hospital in Dubrava, the hospital director Ervin Jancic learned.
12:43: Ministry of Internal Affairs published an important notice for everyone who made a personal, passport, and driver's license. More on Index
12:43: A worker from the Split nursing home had a fever 10 days ago. They have not been tested to date. More on Index
12:25 According to the latest available information in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the total number of coronavirus cases is still 64, and all 27 samples sent for testing on Monday are negative. The findings of 29 samples sent for analysis on Tuesday are still pending. There are 42 positive people in home isolation.
12:21: Live from Split: "None of the 49 evacuated tenants of the Center for the Elderly and Disabled in Split on Vukovarska Street are currently on a ventilator. 47 have milder problems and two have moderate problems," Minister Beros reported.
12:16: Some Croatian cities have opened markets and special rules are in place. See how it looks in Karlovac, Zagreb, Rijeka on Index
12:10: Bandic holds a press conference on the situation in the City of Zagreb.
12:07: One new case in Bjelovar-Bilogora County.
12:06: Two new cases in Varaždin County reported. "The total number of patients in our county is now 32, and a total of 7 have been cured. There are 24 people currently in good health at Varaždin General Hospital, while one is still in treatment at the Infectious Diseases Clinic "Dr. Fran Mihaljević" in Zagreb. The last two patients are close contacts of another patient," the headquarters of Varaždin reported.
11:26: The Osijek-Baranja County Civil Protection Headquarters announced that they had 5 new cases, 4 in Osijek and 1 in Beli Manastir and all of them were in self-isolation. 4 were cured.
11:16 A total of 89 coronavirus positive cases in Krapina-Zagorje County today, including 85 with a residence in the County. 4 new cases since yesterday; one each from Lobor, Stubicke Toplice, Zagreb and Zapresic, while 17 people await the results, 13 of which are self-isolating at home. So far, 452 samples have been taken.
In terms of cities and municipalities in the area, the number of cases is as follows:
35 people in the city of Pregrad
14 people in the Krapina area
7 persons in the area of Hum na Sutli municipality
5 people in the city of Oroslavje
4 people in the municipality of Jesenje
4 people in the municipality of Petrovsko
5 people in Zabok
2 people in the town of Donja Stubica
1 person in the area of Bedekovčina municipality
1 person in the municipality of Đurmanec
2 people in the municipality of Desinić
1 person in the municipality of Krapinske Toplice
1 person in the Radoboj municipality
1 person in the municipality of Gornja Stubica
1 person in the municipality of Stubičke Toplice
1 person in the municipality of Lobor
11:12: The Ombudsman posted on her official Twitter profile that they have launched a trial into the Nursing Home in Split. They investigate why no one was informed that tenants has a temperature.
11:10 Head of Split HZJZ: We were not told that the residents had symptoms for 10 days.
The County Public Health Institution in Split is ready to test a dozen or more employees of the Center for the Elderly and Disabled in Vukovarska Street, from which 50 residents are still being evacuated, ten of which are coronavirus positive. More on Index
11:09: Istria County has three new cases.
10:26: There are three new cases in Brod-Posavina County, bringing the total number of cases in the County 18.
10:17: HRT reports that two nursing home staff are coronavirus positive.
10:07: In the past 24 hours, three new cases were recorded in Vukovar-Srijem County, two from the Vinkovci area and one from Vukovar, bringing the total to 29 cases, according to the Vukovar-Srijem Civil Protection Headquarters.
10:04: Zadar has reported three new patients, bringing the total to 59 patients. "The situation is under control," they said at the start of the press conference. "There are four patients at JIL; they are critical but stable. One woman who was first admitted is recovering well and we expect her to be removed from the ventilator soon. There is also a man in the JIL who fell yesterday, he was operated on," they added.
9:54: "The Mayor and we at the City Civil Protection Headquarters are aware of the information and have made ourselves available to the county and ministry officials about this great threat of the virus breaking into the nursing home. All the most vulnerable on the second floor were transferred overnight, and the risk of it spreading to other parts of the building is being examined. This is now a major concern. We need to prevent further spread," said Nino Vela, Split deputy mayor on HRT.
9:40: NZJZ director Dr. Zeljka Karin told Radio Dalmatia that all employees of the Nursing Home in Vukovar will be tested and not all residents will be tested. "For now, only the 2nd-floor residents who showed COVID-19 will be tested," she added.
9:08: Split-Dalmatia County Prefect Blazenko Boban announces sanctions on anyone responsible. In an interview with N1, he said that he now did not know if it was true that the users had had a temperature for several days, but that he would find out everything during the day. "I will be very rigorous with those responsible," he added.
09:02: "All of them are in relatively good health, have mild or moderate symptoms. Those with confirmed coronavirus are separated from those for whom we are awaiting results," Split-based KBC director Mestrovic told N1.
08:42: Capak said the instruction to homes was to respond to the occurrence of temperature. Then why was it waiting for ten days for the reaction in the Split home? Recall, director of the Nursing Home Ivan Skaricic said last night that fifteen residents had a fever in the previous days, though not high, and two days ago, coronavirus tests were performed, which showed that ten were positive. The residents had some symptoms for the past ten days and were monitored daily by doctors, he added.
"Not much is known. There were several temperatures, there were 50 users on that floor. There were 5.6 people with a temperature, and when that number climbed to 10 people, the epidemiologists got involved just like before. took swabs for days and today it turned out that 10 users have a coronavirus, "Skaricic said last night.
08:31: Regarding the behavior of a police officer in front of the Home for the Elderly and Infirm, on behalf of the Split-Dalmatia County Police Department, we apologize to all media representatives and citizens who were there last night and witnessed the incident from the footage, Split-Dalmatia County Police informed this morning. More on Index.
08:30: As reported by N1, movement restrictions at the nursing home ban were in force, but residents were allowed to go outside and go to the shops.
08:15: HRT reports this morning that in addition to the 10 positive cases in the nursing home, another 16 residents have a fever. It is assumed that all 50 residents and 20 staff from the second floor will be tested.
08:15: Ranko Ostojic: My mom is in that Split home. They have known everything about it for 15 days.
07:25: In Croatia over 150,000 people are now unemployed. More on Index.
07:18: The residents of a Nursing Home from Split to the hospital were evacuated all night. Beros and Bedekovic are going to Split. At least 10 residents have coronavirus.
06:35: The new numbers will be announced at the regular press conference at 14:00.
06:30: Welcome to the TCN daily update on COVID-19. We start the day with 1282 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 60 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 167 patients have recovered. Eighteen people have died. 35 patients are on ventilators. There are 1097 active cases.
UPDATES from April 6, 2020
17:40: Blazenka Divjak said in front of the National and University Library in Zagreb that investing in science to fight the coronavirus crisis is "imperative", but that it should be done in quiet times as well.
At an informal video conference, EU science ministers discuss measures that can be implemented immediately and ways to tackle the crisis from a research and innovation perspective in the coming months. More on Index
17:10: A list of fees Croatians have to pay to the state, there are over 500 of them. More on Index
17:00: The city of Omis decided to reduce public lighting to save money. More on Index
16:00 The Krapina-Zagorje County Civil Protection Headquarters has released details of the death of a 46-year-old. He was admitted to a hospital in Zabok in late March, and died yesterday at Fran Mihaljevic Hospital in Zagreb. More on Index
15:15 A misdemeanor charge for spreading fake news was ordered to a night watchman at a closed Dubrovnik hotel, as he posted photos from earlier gatherings over social networks that he claimed were currently happening and thus violated the measures against the spread of the infection.
15:12: This is the situation in Croatia today.
15:09: The City of Split presented a package of measures to counteract the economic crisis from the coronavirus, which included cuts in salaries and party funding, and 50 to 70 fewer employees over time.
The mayor, his deputies and the heads of the city's utility companies will be paid about 20 percent less, while mayors and other executives will receive a 15 percent lower salary. The package of measures applies, in addition to the City Administration, to institutions and enterprises owned by the city.
"We are obliged to give the maximum and provide additional impetus. We must not allow the Split economy to fail. It is necessary to make cuts from the inside. If we look at everyone for ourselves, there will be no one in half a year," said Mayor Andro Krstulovic Opara.
"With this package of measures, we take some of the burdens on the city government to give the economy the absolute maximum while protecting the most vulnerable citizens," he added.
15:07: The Croatian Notary Chamber has reported that, as of March 18, notary public offices in enforcement proceedings are acting on the basis of a credible document in accordance with the recommendation of the Ministry of Justice on the delay of enforcement.
15:05: Split Pediatric nurse sent for isolation for contact with a child. More on Index
14:56: The Osijek headquarters is dissatisfied with the behavior of citizens, they announced that they will tighten controls. More on Index
14:41: At a press conference, Minister Beros said that in the case of the death of a caterer in Istria, no unusual treatment was identified. More on Index
14:02: National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference is underway:
"In the past 24 hours, we have 60 new cases, which brings the total to 1282," explained Health Minister Vili Beros.
Beros also said that there were two more fatalities since yesterday - one in Sibenik and one in Zagreb. There are 35 patients on ventilators and 167 have recovered. 352 are hospitalized.
"Thanks to everyone who is acting responsibly. Today is World Health Day, thank you to all our healthcare professionals for their hard work. 9 new respirators arrived yesterday," Beros revealed.
Dr. Krunoslav Capak, director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, said 80 nurses and technicians were infected. He also stated that a slight downward trend in the number of patients was recorded in Zagreb, and that the earthquake did not affect the number of cases.
"There are 639,725 valid e-passes," Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic revealed.
As many as 2629 people under self-isolation have requested an e-pass and 28 have been confirmed to have the coronavirus.
Minister Bozinovic also spoke about opening markets.
"I expect that everyone will send all the necessary information by the end of the day and then we will go forward with the decision to open markets with strict adherence to all the prescribed measures because we see that our curve is still ascending on a daily basis, but any excessive relaxation is a particular risk and our numbers will start to grow stronger. That is why I appeal to all citizens and thank everyone, those who adhere to the measures, to continue to do so," said Bozinovic.
Asked by a journalist about the deceased man, Alemka Markotic, head of the 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic ', replied that he had no underlying conditions, according to the available information.
"This is very important for people to understand - better to stay at home. Beware, no one is immune to serious illness. We have four young people in the hospital on ventilators," said Dr. Markotic
14:01 Two more cases in Osijek-Baranja County, which now has a total of 96 patients, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters. Epidemiologist of the County Institute of Public Health, Karlo Kozul, said that 118 tests had been performed in the Institute and the KBC in the past 24 hours, two of which were positive for COVID-19, both from Osijek.
Kozul added that three people were cured, and 30 were hospitalized in Osijek KBC, four of them on ventilators in a slightly more severe condition. Four patients are hospitalized and stable, while there are currently 421 people in self-isolation.
13:56: Police have released new information about a 33-year-old woman who was caught outside her home despite being infected with the coronavirus. Police say the woman lied to them, threatening her with 2 years in prison.
13:26: For the fifth day, Koprivnica-Križevci County has no new cases. There are 16 cases in total.
13:22: To date, a total of 85 cases have been recorded in the Krapina - Zagorje County, 83 of which are residents in the County. There are four new cases since yesterday - one each from Zabok, Pregrada, Gornja Stubica and Desinic, and 8 people are awaiting the results.
In terms of cities and municipalities, the number of cases is as follows:
35 people in the City of Pregrad
14 people in the Krapina area
7 persons in the area of Hum na Sutli
5 people in the City of Oroslavje
4 people in the Municipality of Jesenje
4 people in the Municipality of Petrovsko
5 people in Zabok
2 people in the town of Donja Stubica
1 person in the area of Bedekovčina Municipality
1 person in the Municipality of Đurmanec
2 people in the Municipality of Desinić
1 person in the Municipality of Krapinske Toplice
1 person in the Radoboj Municipality
1 person in the Municipality of Gornja Stubica
13:19: HZZO introduces a temporary info phone number - 033 62 88 88
"The HZZO has introduced a temporary info telephone line to enable its policyholders to provide information as quickly, simply and as qualitatively as possible in the current exceptional circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic.
This is a temporary telephone line (033 62 88 88) and costs the same as a local call.
This line works every working day from 8 am to 4 pm. Those interested can ask questions regarding the exercise of the rights from compulsory or supplementary health insurance, as well as the right to maternity and parental benefits," the HZZO reported.
13:12 "In the last 24 hours in Varaždin County, we have not recorded any new cases. The total number of patients in our County is 30, and seven have been cured. There are 22 people currently undergoing treatment at Varaždin General Hospital, while one is being treated at the Infectious Diseases Clinic "Dr.Fran Mihaljevic" in Zagreb," Varaždin County officials said.
So far, a total of 515 people have been tested in Varaždin County, and 1613 people are under self-isolation measures. In the past 24 hours, the Varaždin Police Department recorded five violations of self-isolation, 32 cases of movement without a valid pass.
13:10 There are no new cases in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, but more test results are expected during the day. There are a total of 64 cases in the area.
13:05: At today's press conference of the Zagreb headquarters, Zagreb Police Chief Marko Rasic revealed that the police had criminally reported the woman leaving the house even though she had a coronavirus.
13:00: Continuing on an earlier request to Croatian citizens who temporarily or permanently live and work outside the country to further delay travel to the Republic of Croatia which is not necessary, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in agreement with the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, reiterates the importance of this appeal.
"We advise that Croatian citizens stay in their places of residence in order to minimize exposure and thus reduce the risk of coronavirus infection for themselves, their families and the environment. It is recommended to avoid all travel for a short stay in Croatia - there is no hurry," according to MVEP.
12:56: In the last 24 hours in Brod-Posavina County, 1 new case was confirmed. It is a close contact with an already infected person. So far, a total of 15 positive cases have been recorded in Brod-Posavina County, of which there was one fatality.
12:38 Drago Bartulin, a medical technician from the Split-Dalmatia County Emergency Department who suffered from COVID-19 was informed yesterday that his salary would be reduced by 15 percent. More on Index
12:37 The archdiocese answered about the priest who called people to mass and insulted the police. More on Index
12:30 Bandic holds new press conference on coronavirus, announces pay cuts in Zagreb. More on Index
12:01: According to the data of the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health in the territory of Zagreb County, by 11 am today, 91 people tested positive for the coronavirus, the county reported. They also discovered that the man who died yesterday is from Dugo Selo.
11:37: There are 14 new cases in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, from Split 9, Sinj 2, Solin 1, Otok 1 and Podstrana 1. All new cases are mostly contacts of the people who have been ill so far. 3 people were cured and after repeated testing their finding was negative and they were released from KBC Split. One person is from Split, one person is from Sinj and one person is from the island of Hvar. Among the new cases are five health care professionals, one doctor at the Clinical Hospital Center Split, one doctor from the NZJZ SDŽ and three other health care professionals. 118 health professionals are in self-isolation. 40 people were hospitalized, the county said.
11:14: There are two new cases in the area of Vukovar-Srijem, bringing the total to 26 cases in the county. By yesterday, 298 tests had been done.
11:01: The press conference in Osijek begins. Anusic announced that markets across the county are working tomorrow. 118 tests in the last 24 hours were taken, 2 new cases, 3 cured. 30 of them are in Osijek hospital, 4 are on ventilators. All contacts of new cases are being monitored.
"A person can drive a pregnant woman to a gynecological clinic, to the front door, but they need to go through all the checkpoints," said epidemiologist Kozul.
The police chief said it was not for them to ban religious ceremonies but for them to check that citizens were keeping a distance. "We are recording the event and still sending it to those in charge to process it."
10:58 1.5-year-old child infected in Karlovac area. The baby is from the Ogulin area, and after it was confirmed that she was infected, she was referred to the Infectious Diseases Clinic Dr. Fran Mihaljević in Zagreb. Pediatrics at Ogulin Hospital, where the baby was apparently present, has been closed, and several of its employees are in self-isolation, Kaportal reports.
10:49: Kaufland has decided to divert regular donations of fruits and vegetables as part of the Kaufland School of Fruits and Vegetables project to the Croatian Red Cross. In this way, fresh fruits and vegetables will reach those in need across Croatia, among others, those who have lost their homes in the devastating earthquake in Zagreb and are currently being catered for through the Croatian Red Cross network, Kaufland said.
10:39: The General Hospital of Šibenik-Knin County saw its first coronavirus fatality. It is a 91-year-old man from Murter, a chronic patient who has been in contact with a sick person. More on Index
10:37: Crobex indexes jumped nearly 4 percent on the Zagreb Stock Exchange on Tuesday morning, after rising more than 5 percent yesterday, tracking the growth of world stock exchanges, prompted by possible indications of a slowdown in the spread of coronaviruses worldwide.
10:36: "We inform all agricultural vendors that the City Market of Kutjevo will be open from Wednesday 08 April to Saturday 11 April 2020.
We ask sellers as well as citizens to comply with the measures and decisions of the national headquarters to keep a distance from each other and between the stands. This will be controlled by the competent civil protection headquarters, "said the City of Kutjevo.
10:33: Istria still has no new cases today.
10:24: In the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, one person is infected.
10:03: Taxpayers Association Lipa believes that a government measure that allows local and regional government units to borrow interest free of charge from the Ministry of Finance is wrong, as it will have a number of negative effects, along with the growth of central government debt.
9:57 Zadar County reports that 56 people are infected with the coronavirus in their area. Of the 49 samples analyzed, two were coronavirus positive and related to contacts from the Orthopedic Hospital in Biograd.
At the Zadar General Hospital, ten people are in the COVID ward, four of them are ventilators, three of whom are in serious condition. Eight patients were housed in the Biograd hospital. There are 496 people in self-isolation and a total of 1479.
9:55: In Virovitica-Podravina County, according to information from the CSW Civil Protection Headquarters, there are still two patients with COVID-19.
9:50 Jurica Lovrincevic, Pevex's chief of staff, who cut his salary to a minimum, appealed to the government to approve the non-food sector.
"I can talk about the sector I know. By some calculations, the non-food sector can withstand not working for 19, 20 days, and with these government measures for 30 days.
For all of this, there will be mass bankruptcies, layoffs ... We have to work again. That's why I appeal to everyone: Let us work," said Jurica Lovrincevic, who represents the Coordination of the Non-Food Trade and Shopping Centers of the Croatian Employers Association.
9:30 Number of insured persons of the State Pension Institute (HZMO) in March fell compared to February, which means that the crisis caused by the coronavirus has already brought a lot of layoffs and that employers have not hired more workers to work in tourism, industry and commerce in recent years due to the season. More on Index
8:25: Although the number of infected people is slowly increasing, Croatian scientists say that even when the number of new cases begins to decline, it is not over - nor can we know when it will be. More on Index
8:16: Supetar Mayor Ivana Markovic commented on the opening of markets and suggested the opening of crafts for personal services. More on Index
8:04: From today, some commercial premises and tables are opened at the City Market Poreč, both outdoors and indoors. This does not apply to premises which, due to the prohibition of work in accordance with the decisions of the Headquarters, are not able to perform activities. Market opening hours will be every day from 8 am to 2 pm, except for Easter (12.04.) And Easter Monday (13.04.) When the market will be closed, the city's website said.
7:56: How the youngest Croatian patient became infected, a baby of 2 months. More on Index
07:40: Index has updated its unemployment statistics. Another 1,277 people lost their jobs yesterday.
07:24: The Government has announced how much citizens donated to Zagreb and how much to fight COVID-19. More on Index.
07:15: Croatian-French geneticist and molecular biologist Miroslav Radman has commented on the development of coronavirus and what are the options for preventing the spread of the virus. At the beginning of the interview, Radman said he was happy to be in Croatia now, not in France, the US or England.
"And my colleagues, if they could, would come here from western countries. Croatia is in a very privileged position, among the countries where there are the least cases for now," Radman said.
07:00: The head of the crisis headquarters, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic, said regarding the possible opening of the markets, that the local headquarters are doing everything to prepare the markets for receiving goods and opening them, and that a decision is expected today.
"Meetings with local civil protection headquarters and associations of cities and municipalities are ongoing, and when we receive feedback on what measures have been taken to open the markets, I expect it may be tomorrow," Bozinovic said yesterday.
06:55: The Croatian Parliament will vote today on the government's April package of measures to assist the economy affected by the coronavirus pandemic, after discussing the SDP economic assistance package it will conclude the session and work will resume on April 15.
Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said after a video conference with experts at the National and University Library that Croatia had reacted extremely well from the outset in preventing the spread of coronavirus and that relaxation measures should not be overstated.
Plenkovic announced that he would be making joint assessments on the pace of relaxation of the measures in the weeks ahead, but with health in mind.
He says that measures will be taken to ensure that everything produced by our farmers and farms is consumed in an appropriate manner, "to allow citizens to move towards the market, but not in the way it used to be."
"We will go for relaxation measures," Plenkovic said, adding that epidemiologists were awaiting estimates.
He confirmed that it could be before Easter, reporting that the government is currently working on a legal formulation of a decision to cover the issue.
06:45: Some TCN articles from yesterday:
Corona Voices in the Croatian Diaspora: Aleksandar in New York City
Adris Group Retains Employees as Managers Cut Own Salaries
North Korea and Uhljebistan: the Only Coronavirus-Proof States in the World?
Natalia Zielinska on Comparison of Polish and Croatian Economic Crisis Measures
Corona Voices in the Croatian Diaspora: Goran Krolo in Guangzhou, China
Foreigners Self-Isolating in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer? Daeun Hong from South Korea in Zagreb
06:35: The new numbers will be announced at the regular press conference at 14:00.
06:30: Welcome to the TCN daily update on COVID-19. We start the day with 1222 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 40 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 130 patients have recovered. Sixteen people have died. 36 patients are on ventilators. There are 1076 active cases.
UPDATES from April 6, 2020
17:30: PM Plenkovic said measures would be relaxed. "We need to implement restrictive measures, in line with the normal functioning of the economy. The goal is that relaxing measures does not jeopardize the epidemiological situation," he said, confirming that relaxing measures regarding the opening of the markets would occur before Easter. More on Index
16:36: Due to an infected health worker, the General and Veterans' Hospital Croatian Pride in Knin closed for admitting new patients, 26 staff are self-isolated and three patients have a fever, a conference of the Šibenik-Knin County Civil Protection Headquarters said on Monday.
16:34: The director of the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center, Davor Stimac, confirmed in a news release Monday that one new case arrived in that KBC with only one person left on the ventilator.
16:20: Split-Dalmatia County prefect Blaženko Boban urged citizens to abide by the decisions of the National Civil Protection Headquarters to restrict gatherings in the Holy Week before Easter, to which Pope Francis also called.
15:54: Krapina-Zagorje County has one new confirmed case on Monday, and there are 81 cases in total. 11 patients are currently in hospital in Zabok, and their condition is stable. In Zabok, a drive-in test was performed.
15:24: The Osijek-Baranja police recorded several violations of measures by the Civil Protection Headquarters over the weekend, including mass at a church in Cepin, near Osijek.
15:10: No new cases in Karlovac County for the third consecutive day. The epidemiologist at the County Institute of Public Health Biserka Hranilovic said the last person was infected on April 3.
14:00: The National Headquarters press conference:
There are 40 new cases since yesterday, and 1222 cases in total. One more fatality has been recorded, bringing the total to 16. 36 patients are on ventilators.
"In Croatia, there are 40 new patients in the last 24 hours, which means that there are 1222 in total. Unfortunately, one middle-aged patient has passed away," said Minister Beros said at the beginning of his address.
"Although our line is linear, there must be no room for relaxation. We must be consistent and we must follow the directions of the Headquarters," the minister said.
"The total number of issued passes is 565,221, and 16,673 were rejected," said Minister Bozinovic.
Bozinovic also commented on when the markets would open. "A videoconference was held this morning and instructions were given to national headquarters on epidemiological measures. At this point, local headquarters are doing their best to prepare markets to open. This includes security guards and others to monitor compliance with all measures. When we get feedback, we have to go all out in order not to cause new infections," Bozinovic said.
"Serology tests are tests that detect antibodies that do not occur immediately at the onset of the disease. This is not a priority for us at this time because we want to find out who is infected as soon as possible. For now, what matters to us is the tests we are already conducting," Capak said when asked when he would begin serology tests.
Priests are inviting people to churches despite recommendations. "I can thank the bishops who gave clear instructions. I think calling all the believers despite all the suggestions is not good, first and foremost for health. The police will answer to appeals. I hope that this message reaches all the priests. That is how we actually send the message of love that is most important now, which is to be healthy," Bozinovic said.
Capak commented on better news from Italy. "I have no reason to be optimistic about Europe in total. In other countries, these numbers are growing a lot, and we have a situation in Scandinavia that numbers are rising. We cannot talk about stagnation in Europe," he said.
13:34 One new case confirmed in the last 24 hours in Brod-Posavina County. So far, 14 positive cases have been reported in the county, and one death, SBonline reports.
13:22 In Karlovac County, a total of 24 people are infected, and two of them are two months old, according to the county headquarters today.
13:15: In Međimurje County, there is one new case. A close contact with a previously infected person has been reported, and so far five people have been infected in the county, one of whom has been cured, Matija Posavec announced at a news conference on Monday.
13:10: Pozega-Slavonia County has not recorded new cases for the fourth day, and so far, three have been infected, the Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Monday, noting that 71 people came to their county over the weekend.
Of the three infected, one is hospitalized and two are in home isolation while 252 are in isolation, a press conference said.
13:05: The Ministry of Science and Education (MZO) reported that according to their online survey, nearly 90 percent of teachers think that students do well or generally do well in distance education.
An online survey conducted by the MZO in the first three weeks of distance learning, March 27 to April 2, involved 4139 teachers with their AAI identity. The survey included 1403 elementary schools providing classroom instruction and 1310 elementary schools with subject teaching, 997 vocational secondary schools and 429 gymnasiums.
The MZO points out that according to the survey, 95 percent of respondents are either completely (34.2 percent) or generally satisfied (61.5 percent) with distance education.
Almost 90 percent of respondents think that their students do well (18.6 percent) or mostly well (71.1 percent) in distance education, the MZO states, adding that 93 percent of respondents are satisfied (44.6 percent) or mostly satisfied (48.3 percent) with the equipment at their disposal to provide distance learning.
12:40: Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic today presented a package of four laws extending the validity of identity cards and other permits, all to keep as few citizens as possible at police station counters and staying home during the pandemic.
He also revealed when markets could be open. More on Index
12:18: A press conference is underway at the Civil Protection Headquarters of Split-Dalmatia County.
"In the last 24 hours, we have 15 new patients. In the county, we now have 192 patients. The new cases are contacts of already infected patients and have not been imported. These are people who were in self-isolation, started showing symptoms and were tested. I would say that this is an expected situation and that everything is still under control.
We have 41 infected health workers, and there are 129 in self-isolation. We expect that at least 10 employees will leave self-isolation in the next 2 days. As for yesterday, when there were 9 patients, among them were two children of parents who became infected.
At KBC we have 9 patients, three doctors, the rest are nurses and other healthcare professionals. There are 7 patients in the Institute," said Željka Karin.
12:00: City of Zagreb Headquarters press conference:
A total of 2007 coronavirus tests were conducted in the City of Zagreb, with 265 positive, a total of 4,662 citizens in self-isolation, and 12 quarantined, according to the Zagreb Civil Protection Headquarters.
The self-isolation measure was violated by 224 persons, and in 21 violations of catering facilities were found.
84 police officers were also in self-isolation, 39 out of self-isolation, while eight were positive for coronavirus, said Zagreb Police Chief Marko Rasic.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to lack of resources, rather than the live feed service so far, we will be updating this page in the morning by 08:30, then again at 11:30, then real-time updates of the press conference at 14:00, then again at 18:00. We thank you for your understanding.
11:55: Six people violated self-isolation measures over the weekend in Istria, and police have notified the state inspectorate of all violations identified, issuing a misdemeanor order with a fine, Istrian police reported on Monday.
11:30: There are no new cases in Šibenik-Knin County. The total number of cases is 38.
11:00: Osijek press conference: Five people are still on ventilators. One of the new cases is an employee of KBC Osijek. "You don't have to be afraid, the hospital is still safe for patients because all the contacts have been processed," said County Public Health epidemiologist Karlo Kozul. There are two new positives in Osijek-Baranja County.
"Last year, we had 419 people in the county who had the flu and 1 person died. We have 2580 people who have flu and zero deaths this year. We get the flu, the flu is a known disease. We have a good vaccine, and we can control it relatively well. And this disease? Nothing is known, no vaccines, no drugs, the virus fights to stay alive. That's why we have such dire consequences," Kozul added.
10:57: In Vukovar-Srijem County, there are three new patients, bringing the total to 24.
10:45: In Bjelovar-Bilogora County, for the third consecutive day, there are no new cases, and the County Civil Protection Headquarters point out that in the county there was no local transmission of the disease, but each of the six cases is within the family.
10:00: Zadar press conference:
"As of Friday, there are 5 new positive cases, 1 deceased person. This is an 88-year-old patient. On behalf of the headquarters, I would like to express my condolences to the family of the deceased," they said at the beginning of the press conference. "The deceased came to us from a hospital in Zadar. He had a sick heart and other diseases that contributed to this outcome, but his death was due to severe lung damage. We have 4 patients on ventilators and two are in severe and serious condition, they are about 50-years-old," they added. These two patients do not have chronic diseases and are connected to the Biograd Hospital.
"Lung fibrosis is slowly developing, the only problem is that oxygen cannot enter the blood. I would not say he is struggling. He was hospitalized and is receiving full therapy. The people on ventilators are not aware of the pain. I hope we can save these two men that are on ventilators. But it'll be tough."
"It doesn't matter if you wear a mask with patients, you also have to wear masks if you are with friends. These are close contacts," said epidemiologist at the Zadar Institute of Public Health Alan Medic.
9:52 In compliance with all epidemiological precautions, Slavonski Brod announced that city coffers continue to operate today. Hours will be Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm
9:49 There are no new cases in Istria in the last 24 hours.
Three samples sent to the Zagreb Clinic for Infectious Diseases for analysis on Saturday are negative, and two more have been cured, the Chief of the County Civil Protection Headquarters, Dino Kozlevac, confirmed this morning.
9:47: The Zadar County press conference is scheduled at 10 am
9:38: Pensioners Union and Croatian Pensioners Union send an open letter to Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and his government.
Retirees are demanding that they be paid a joint pension allowance during the coronavirus crisis, inversely proportional to the amount. Therefore, those with pensions of less than 2000 kuna would receive the most, such as 400 kuna of solidarity allowance per month.
9:37: Following a survey among members and information gathered from members and from the media, the Voice of Entrepreneurs today publicly urged cities and municipalities, that is, their mayors and deputy mayors, to make decisions to abolish the obligation to pay fees and rents to tenants who have been barred by the Civil Protection Headquarter's decision. The call was also made to private property owners who rented out to tenants whose business was disabled, according to the Voice of the Entrepreneurs.
9:16: Advisor to the Minister of Education, Blazenka Divjak, revealed how students will be graded and how many grades they will receive. More on Index
8:55: The President of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Dragutin Ranogajec, suggested that all craftspeople who were forced to lay off their workers should be allowed to cancel their application and join the CES measures: a positive decision that is very important for preserving jobs," he noted.
"We also ask that all those imprisoned by the decision of the Staff of March 19, 2020, and received only part of the money from the CES, to be eligible for full moon support for their workers and for themselves," he said.
8:43: The head of the Independent Union of Employees of Croatian Secondary Schools, who led a recent teacher strike, responded with a statement entitled "We are the first line of defense!" More on Index
8:33: Minister Aladrovic spoke about the crisis. "The pensions are safe for now, but it all depends on how long this will take." More on Index
08:07: Croatian Parliament will today discuss a package of four bills extending the validity of identity cards and other permits so that, during the coronavirus epidemic, as few citizens as possible come to the counters of police stations or stay home for as long as possible.
The package, which is related to the work of the Ministry of the Interior, supplements the laws on travel documents, identity cards, road traffic safety and the acquisition and possession of weapons by citizens. All citizens whose identity card expires for the duration of the epidemic will also be valid for 30 days after its termination.
A citizen who has already applied for a new identity card but did not take it will be able to do so 30 days after the epidemic. The same is true of a driver's license, of a vehicle being checked out, of a license already issued and of a supervisory inspection document. The new deadlines do not apply to vehicle inspection and registration. They will continue to be carried out by citizens and economic operators within the prescribed deadlines for the sake of road safety
08:05: A female resident of Milan from Split has been battling coronavirus for 11 days. She has now recovered. More on Index.
07:34: The Minister of Foreign Affairs appeared on the program Good Morning Croatia, where he spoke about the return of Croatian citizens back home. He said it was not easy at all and cited Tyrol as an example where complete quarantine was in some parts. He says that with the exit of people from some places in Tyrol, you need to get a bunch of permits and sign a lot of paperwork. He also revealed that about 150 Croats from the region are expected to arrive in the coming days. About a hundred of them came last night.
07:30: The Civil Protection Headquarters and the Mayor of Krapina-Zagorje will report on the situation in the county at 12:30. Yesterday, they reported that there are a total of 80 patients in the Krapina-Zagorje County area. Yesterday, two newly ill people came from the municipality of Jesenje and one each from the city of Pregrada and the municipality of Bedekovčina.
06:45: Some TCN articles from yesterday:
Epidemic Disrupts Rental Market in Zagreb
SDP Unveils 10-Measure Package to Help Citizens Worst Hit by Coronavirus
Foreigners Self-Isolating in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer? Tash from New Zealand
Croatian Companies Who Lay Off Staff Can Access Government Support
Corona Voices in the Croatian Diaspora: Emanuela in Vietnam
06:35: You can find even more charts and statistics on the Worldometers dedicated Croatia page. Today's numbers will be announced at the press conference at 14:00 and updated here in real time.
06:30: Welcome to today's live feed. We start the day with 1182 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 56 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 125 patients have recovered. Fifteen people have died. 39 patients are on ventilators. There are 1047 active cases.
UPDATES from April 5, 2020
17:20: Believers gathered in front of a church in Split. Police intervened. More on Index
16:20: Head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters Davor Bozinovic said that by 11 am, a total of 441,721 e-passes had been issued, of which 373,302 were at the request of employers, and 12,884 were rejected, which he emphasized was a clear sign that the new issuing system was functioning.
"Enrollment will be completed throughout the day for all employers who have issued group requests and we expect an increase in the number of passes. For those who did not submit information on time, the passes are still valid tomorrow," Bozinovic said at a press conference of the National Headquarters.
He reported that out of a total of 3866 reports received, self-isolation measures were violated by 1,120 people. On Saturday, 64 reports were received, of which 37 persons reported violations.
Bozinovic added that charter flights from Rome, Lisbon, Madrid and Stockholm with 150 Croatian and five Slovenian nationals landed at Zagreb's "Franjo Tudjman Airport" on Saturday.
40 Croatian nationals are arriving from Ancona on Sunday.
18 Croatian nationals arriving on a Croatia Airlines charter flight from Hamburg is expected, as well as 118 of them arriving on six buses from Tyrol on Sunday evening.
16:10: Josip Bozanic spoke at the mass about the coronavirus and the pandemic. More on Index
16:00: The Zadar gynecologist and the president of the HSLS Zadar Ivica Zuvel received a warning from the director of the Zadar County Health Center for dismissal because he said on March 28 on television that the protective equipment he and his colleagues received was inadequate. More on Index
15:30: Alemka Markotic commented on her statement yesterday about the vaccine. More on Index
14:55: In the past 24 hours, no coronavirus cases have been reported in Sisak-Moslavina County, so the total number of patients is still 16, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Sunday.
Of the samples taken for laboratory diagnostics, 19 patients were negative, and five were still expected.
The statement also revealed that a total of five doctors, 15 nurses, one physiotherapist and two radiology engineers were in self-isolation, but that nevertheless, the Sisak General Hospital normally fulfills all its tasks and obligations and there is no failure in the functioning of the health system.
14:00: National Civil Protect Headquarters Press Conference:
Health Minister Vili Beros reported that in the last 24 hours, we have 56 new patients, which brings the total number in Croatia to 1182 cases. He confirmed the information from county headquarters about three new deaths - in Zadar, Osijek and Dubrovnik.
"10847 tests were done, 1114 of them in the last 24 hours. 10.9 percent of them are positive. Three more patients have died since yesterday. In Dubrovnik, a male, in Osijek a female, and in Zadar a male. They were all chronic patients. There are 39 patients on ventilators, 125 recovered and 384 hospitalized. The average age of patients is 48, and by sex, 52 percent are male. Our epidemiological line is still linear, let's keep it that way," Beros said.
Krunoslav Capak, director of the HZJZ, said that all Croatian citizens who returned to Croatia last night and who will return today would undergo the same procedure. The border police officer will take their information, the epidemiologist will speak to them, inspect each person and test them, and a sanitary inspector will write a decision on their epidemiological measure.
74 tests, by the first results, are all negative. The same will be done in Bregana for more than a hundred of those arriving by bus. If they have symptoms, they immediately go to the hospital.
Bozinovic also reminded that charter flights from Rome, Lisbon, Madrid and Stockholm with 150 Croatian nationals and 5 Slovenians landed at the Franjo Tudjman Airport yesterday.
"Today we have 40 people coming from an Ancona catamaran, 18 Croatian citizens from Hamburg arriving by Croatia Airlines charter, and 118 citizens on six buses from Tyrol. They are coming from Bregana tonight," Bozinovic said.
Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic answered the question about passes.
"By 11 am, 441,721 passes were issued, of which 373,302 were based on requests from employers. Nearly 13,000 applications were rejected. This is a clear sign that the system is working. Enrollment will be completed throughout the day for all employers who have issued group requests, we expect an increase in the number of passes. For those who did not provide information on time, the exceptionally issued passes will be valid tomorrow.
E-passes have shown their purpose and meaning. The release may have been more than anyone expected, but this is the first wave of releases. Analytical methods will then see if each is meaningful," he added. 12,884 requests for e-passes were rejected.
Bozinovic presented information about self-isolation violations.
"Just yesterday, we had 64 reports and 37 people violated the measures," he added. He also said that over 3,000 violations had been reported and that more than 1,200 violations had been identified.
Capak also gave details of the deceased in Osijek, saying that one person had passed away on January 31 and that the person was not positive at the time of his death, but a swab was tested and arrived now.
"A child has been infected in Nustar. From the age of four months she became infected with her mother, both are stable," he said, adding that the majority of those infected were between the ages of 50 and 60.
The question was raised about the increased number of burglaries after the Zagreb earthquake. Bozinovic said security was not compromised due to the extraordinary efforts of police officers.
"The fact that we have a decline in crime means that police officers have become extremely engaged. Once again, I am pleased with the work of the police. Security in the country has not been compromised," he said.
13:52: Director of the Dubrovnik County Institute of Public Health, Mato Lakic, said that in the past two days, one health worker, not from the hospital, was among the twelve newly infected and was in contact with another 'health care worker'.
Two more patients come from two families in contact with previously infected people - one from Konavle is linked to the Dubrovnik Airport and one whose girlfriend has been confirmed in the meantime.
The source of the infection, that is, the contact, is the deceased man, one married couple and a person from Ploce.
The average age of patients is 53 years.
13:40: National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference to begin at 2 pm
13:15: In the Šibenik-Knin County, six more people are coronavirus-positive, bringing the number of patients to 38.
13:05: In Karlovac County, as of Friday, there are no new patients, and police did not register any violations of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection on Saturday, the County Civil Protection Headquarters said on Sunday.
In Karlovac, police checked all 68 cafes and no one violated the work ban, said HQ spokeswoman Ivana Rumenovic Novinic.
12:58: In the last 24 hours, 4 new cases have been confirmed in Varaždin County. The total number of patients is now 28, a total of six have recovered, and 22 people are undergoing treatment at Varaždin General Hospital. All people on treatment are currently in generally good health.
12:52: In the Split-Dalmatia County area there are nine new cases - five in Split and one each in Hrvace, Mc, Solin and Šolta, and now a total of 177 are infected, the County Civil Protection Headquarters said.
All new cases have satisfactory general health conditions. There are no health professionals among them.
12:50: Of the two newly infected in Brod-Posavina County, one person is a health worker from the Slavonski Brod hospital, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Sunday.
"The new cases have been in contact with previously known coronavirus-positive individuals. Currently, 75 health care professionals, doctors, technicians, and cleaners are in self-isolation," Ante Cvitkovic, director of the county public health department, told a news conference.
12:35: "Today, although it is Palm Sunday, unfortunately we too have to work, it is a sign that we are still in danger at the time. The latest information is that we have 62 coronavirus-positive people. We also have the first deceased coronavirus person," Nikola Dobroslavić on Dubrovački dnevnik.
This is an 85-year-old patient, the press conference said. He was in intensive care and the director of OB Dubrovnik said the patient's general condition was poor and that they had failed to save his life.
12:33: The first coronavirus death in Dubrovnik-Neretva County. It is the 15th victim in Croatia
12:30: No new coronavirus cases in Bjelovar-Bilogora County for the second consecutive day, the Bjelovar-Bilogora County Civil Protection Headquarters announced on Sunday.
In this county, six people are infected, and two are reported to be residents in the county and have been tested and treated in the Zagreb area.
12:00: In the past 24 hours in Zagreb County, there have been four new cases, so a total of 90 coronavirus-positive people have been recorded, the county's Department of Public Health reported Sunday.
So far, eight people have been cured and one has died, according to a statement.
Out of 90 cases registered, most are in the area of Velika Gorica, 28, where one death was recorded.
11:55: In the last 24 hours, four new cases were recorded in the Krapina-Zagorje County, and now 80 patients are infected, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Sunday.
11:50: Portal Osijek 031 reports that the person who passed away in Osijek was 82 years old and a cancer patient. They also added that the patient was not on a ventilator.
11:30: In the last 24 hours in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, one person was coronavirus-positive, and two recovered, so that the total number of patients in the county is 50, while seven have recovered, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Sunday.
11:10: Another person passed away in Osijek, this is the 14th victim in Croatia and the fifth in Osijek
11:02 Osijek Headquarters press conference is underway:
The Headquarters announced that three more people were coronavirus-positive. The first to speak was Zlatko Pandzic, director of the HJZJ for Osijek-Baranja County.
Two are contacts of the previous cases, and the third is new and 15 of his contacts have been put into self-isolation.
They added that they did tests for the Vukovar-Srijem hospital and for the hospital in Sl. Brod in Vinkovci. There are three more cases in Vinkovci.
"We have noticed the appearance of citizens gathering in front of shops and in the courtyards of shops. They are bringing drinks and consuming them in front. The police will not tolerate this," said Ladislav Becalj of the Osijek County Police Department.
The Civil Protection Headquarters said Osijek is making more inspectors available because people are gathering in the city.
The press reported that of the last six patients, none were over 55 years of age.
There are 27 patients treated at KBC Osijek, five on ventilators.
10:34: Three more cases have been reported in Vukovar-Srijem County.
"We have 3 new positives - 2 adults are from Vinkovci, 1 child from Nuštar, bringing the total to 21. As of yesterday, 244 people were tested and results are expected for 15 people," reported the county pages.
"There were 616 people in self-isolation in our county, yesterday there was 1 report of violating self-isolation, which was unfounded. There were 6 persons and 4 truck drivers in the quarantine facilities. COVID-19 ambulances had 2 calls.
10:28: Three more people are positive in Zadar County. The positive patients had contact with the previously infected from the hospital in Biograd, reports
10:13: Of the 82 tests in Istria, two were coronavirus positive.
"These are people from self-isolation in close contact with already positive people and from already treated, epidemiologically known events from northwest Istria," said Dino Kozlevac, Chief of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Istria County.
10:06: According to the SBOnline portal, two new cases have been confirmed in Slavonski Brod County.
There are currently 13 confirmed cases in Brod-Posavina County, of which 12 are active.
"In the last 24 hours, we have two new cases in the area of BPZ," Stjepan Chief of Headquarters Stjepan Bosnjakovic confirmed.
Dr. Samardzic confirmed that this was another health worker. Nine people are currently hospitalized at the hospital, of which two have received positive results and one is still pending, while the other 6 are negative.
10:05: The first coronavirus patient died in Zadar overnight. This is an 88-year-old man from Zadar, a chronic patient who has been attached to a ventilator at the JIL Covid of Zadar Hospital for days.
The patient was in contact with the Orthopedic Hospital in Biograd.
"In this way, we express our condolences to the family of the deceased," Zadar County Civil Protection Headquarters, reported
09:50: Virovitica-Podravina County reported no new cases for the fourth consecutive day.
"Let's endure to live. And for the fourth consecutive day, Virovitica-Podravina County does not have new cases.
All findings sent for analysis were negative. According to information from the Civil Protection Headquarters of Virovitica-Podravina County, there are still two patients in our area. Their spouse is stable and they are in home isolation. Follow epidemiological and safety instructions. #ostanidoma," they posted.
09:30: The latest information from the National Civil Protection Headquarters will be released at 2 pm, with county headquarters data expected before that.
09:00: County centers have received a total of 3802 self-isolation violation reports so far. 1083 violations were found, and the State Inspectorate has been notified.
08:30: Epidemiologist Bernard Klaic in an interview with RTL Today explained yesterday what the reception of passengers returning to Croatia from countries with a large number of coronavirus cases would look like. More on Index.
07:58: Alemka Markotic will be the guest of the 'Sunday at Two' program on HRT, which will be broadcast live on the Index in textual form.
07:24: 148 Croatian nationals returned to Zagreb twith Croatia Airlines on non-scheduled flights Saturday night, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs announced late last night.
They are Croats from Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
Extraordinary, commercial flights by Croatia Airlines, coordinated by MVEP and the Ministry of Transport, arrived at the Franjo Tudjman Airport. Upon arrival at the airport, passengers were screened by epidemiologists and thereafter, 148 of them leave for mandatory 14-day self-isolation.
On Sunday evening, 37 passengers are expected to arrive in the port of Gaženica from Zadar, arriving from Ancona by the "Jelena" catamaran from the Jadrolinija fleet.
06:55: This is the situation in counties as of yesterday:
* City of Zagreb: New 0. Total: 312
* Požega-Slavonia: New: 0. Total: 3.
* Lika-Senj: New 0. Total: 3.
* Virovitica-Podravina: New 0. Total 2
* Brod-Posavina County: New 1. Total 11
* County of Istria: New 0. Total 74
* Šibenik-Knin: New 0. Total 31
* Krapina-Zagorje: New 6. Total 76
* Bjelovar-Bilogora: New 0. Total 6
* Osijek-Baranja: New 8. Total 89
* Zadar: New 1. Total 51
* Zagrebačka: New 2. Total 86
* Split-Dalmatia: New 9. Total 168
* Varaždin: New 0. Total 24
* Dubrovnik-Neretva: New 9. Total 59
* Koprivnica-Križevci: New 0. Total 16
* Međimurje County: New 2. Total 4
* Vukovar-Srijem region: New 2. Total 18
* Primorje-Gorski kotar: New 1. Total 51
* Karlovac: New 0. Total 24
* Sisak-Moslavina: New 1. Total 21
06:45: Some TCN articles from yesterday:
Darijo Srna First Individual in Ukraine to Test Publicly for Coronavirus
Virtual Marketplaces Bring Croatian Farms to 21st Century: Best Around Croatia
Want Some Good COVID-19 News? Hvar Corona Patient Has Recovered!
Foreigners Self-Isolating in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer? Monique from Honduras in Split
893 Croatians Repatriated to Date, Hundreds to Return This Weekend
Post-Corona Tourism Planning: Hope is Not a Good Business Strategy
Can Someone Receive Wrong Coronavirus Test Result? Capak Weighs In
06:40: Igor Rudan: How to Maintain Good Results and Exit Quarantine as Soon as Possible
06:35: You can find even more charts and statistics on the Worldometers dedicated Croatia page. Today's numbers will be announced at the press conference at 14:00 and updated here in real time.
06:30: Welcome to today's live feed. We start the day with 1126 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 47 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 119 patients have recovered. Twelve people have died. 39 patients are on ventilators. There are 995 active cases.
UPDATED: April 4, 2020
18:35: Croatian Oncology Society President Eduard Vrdoljak warns that fear of the coronavirus is a danger for people to neglect other health problems, so it may be possible to diagnose fewer cancer patients and worsen treatment outcomes for cancer patients.
"There are about 2000 cancer patients diagnosed in Croatia every month, so it should not happen that we can only diagnose, for example, 1000 new patients in the next three months.
That would mean that we failed to diagnose others," says Vrdoljak, head of the Oncology Clinic at KBC Split.
17:55: The Civil Protection Headquarters in some counties have announced they have no new cases. Take a look at the counties on Index
17:11: Three companies from Varaždin County - Fripol from Ljubeščica, Plastika Šantek from Novi Marof and Varaždin Gumiimpex, began to create visors for health and other workers in need of protective equipment in the fight against the coronavirus, and the first 500 pieces were donated on Saturday in Varaždin.
16:50 The Istrian prefect and mayors waived one-third of their salaries, and the councilors of the County Assembly and the City Councils of Istrian cities have waived their benefits, all in favor of procuring the necessary protective equipment for health professionals fighting the pandemic.
Istria County officials announced today that they have agreed on these solidarity measures, as well as reliefs for businesses for April.
16:20: Minister Bozinovic posted on Facebook. He told the citizens to stay at home regardless of the good weather because the following weeks are critical.
15:55: The Croatian Health Institute (HZJZ) Facebook page has introduced a chatbot application or official tool that informs the general public interactively, thus greatly facilitating the work of epidemiologists and other health professionals actively involved in the fight against coronavirus, published
Chatbots are computer programs designed to communicate with people and help answer questions that users have about a particular topic.
15:32 There are no new cases in Lika-Senj County.
15:31: The number of cases in the City of Zagreb is still 312, with no new cases, according to
15:15: There are no new patients in Požega-Slavonia County, a total of 3 cases were reported.
14:45: A new case has been registered in Sisak-Moslavina County.
"In Sisak-Moslavina County, we have one Covid-19 patient.
This is a 20-year-old patient who has been in home self-isolation since March 26, 2020, due to contact with a proven Covid-19 patient.
Of the eighteen patients in Sisak-Moslavina County, two have recovered and there are now sixteen positive patients in our county.
In the isolation unit of General Hospital „Dr. Ivo Pedisic" there are four patients and the rest are undergoing home treatment," said Ivo Zinic.
14:40: There are no new cases in Karlovac County.
14:30: Minister Davor Bozinovic warned of a dangerous fraud that is circulating on the Internet.
"The attackers, in a message, present themselves as a security service at the bank and warn citizens that a third party had access to their credit cards and that they, therefore, had to temporarily block credit cards. In order for citizens to re-use their credit cards, they ask citizens to follow the link through which they should register for online banking and verify their identity.
If you receive such a message by email, do not open the link, but delete the message," he said.
14:20: In the past 24 hours in Primorje-Gorski kotar County, one person was infected with the coronavirus and one has been cured, so that a total of 51 people have the infection, while five have been cured, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Saturday.
The HQ also says that the new case person was in self-isolation.
There were no coronavirus cases in the county Thursday to Friday, and the headquarters on Friday announced that they expected several more to be declared healthy.
They praised all those who make great efforts to curb the pandemic.
All measures adopted by the National Headquarters are accepted by citizens, and only in this way can we reach the goal, to control the situation and bring it to an end.
14:00: Nation Civil Protection Headquarters conference is underway:
1126 cases in Croatia currently, and 47 new cases since yesterday afternoon. Four people died in Osijek last night, bringing the number of fatalities to 12. 39 patients are on ventilators, said Vili Beros.
27 people have also recovered, bringing that number to 119.
"The next two and a half to three weeks are a critical period that will decide our fate," said Beros.
Minister Bozinovic then spoke, saying that by 11 am, 382,191 passes had been issued and just under 10,000 requests had been rejected.
"The exact number of people being treated at home we cannot tell you, but those with mild symptoms or no symptoms at all are advised to be treated at home," Capak said.
"The youngest person on a ventilator in our clinic is 46 years old, and most of those who are on a ventilator has an underlying medical condition," said Markotic.
Bozinovic briefed the public on the plan for the repatriation of Croatian citizens, while Capak said that all persons returning to Croatia would be subjected to an epidemiological examination and placed in self-isolation.
"We introduced measures early, and later we intensified them. As far as we know, nursing homes are adhering to the measures," Capak said.
"The weather is improving, which of course invites people to go outside. However, the next few weeks are critical we urge citizens to stay home. Physical activity is a very important factor for health, but it can be temporarily delayed," Capak said and finally read a verse sent to him by HRT meteorologist Zoran Vakula.
"Let's forget about adventures, save them for healthier hours."
13:35 Marijana Puljak from the Pametno party commented on the economic situation in Croatia and the changes brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. More on Index
13:30: Split Mayor Andro Krstulovic Opara invited the citizens of Split to stay home this weekend. More on Index
13:15: See the table of infected, deceased and cured by country today.
13:03: Vukovar-Srijem County counted two more cases
In the last 24 hours, Vukovar-Srijem County has recorded two new coronavirus cases, one each in Nuštar and Vinkovci, so that there are now a total of 18 patients in that county.
The County Civil Protection Headquarters said that as of yesterday, a total of 218 people had been tested for the coronavirus, and there were currently 665 people in self-isolation.
There are still six hospitalized at Vinkovci County General Hospital, while the rest of the infected people are in home self-isolation for milder symptoms.
The infection is still confirmed for two doctors, and 18 doctors, 34 nurses and three non-medical staff are in self-isolation.
Of the five reports of violations of self-isolation, one violation was identified.
There are six people quarantined, including no truck drivers.
13:00: The head of the Sisters of Mercy Hospital, Mario Zovak, who said yesterday he was infected with a coronavirus, answered questions from N1 television viewers. More on Index
12:55: There are 2 new cases in Međimurje County
Two new cases have been confirmed in the area of Međimurje County in the past 24 hours, and Međimurje has its first recovery, Matija Posavec reported on Saturday.
The two newly infected people are close to home contacts, and the younger person returned to Croatia on March 18 to remain in self-isolation.
"Through an epidemiological examination of that person and their close contact, another person in their 60s, tests showed that the person was coronavirus positive. It is a good circumstance that this person was in self-isolation, so it will be very easy to detect all contacts," Posavec said, adding that this is another example of how important it is to self-isolate, especially if returning from abroad.
Međimurje County continues to be the least affected county, as three people are currently infected with the coronavirus.
The person that recovered was the first person in Medjimurje, who was hospitalized on 22 March at the Infectology Department of the Čakovec County Hospital.
"As yesterday's testing showed a negative result, which is the second consecutive negative test, they are being discharged from the County Hospital during the day," Posavec told reporters.
12:40: No new cases have been reported in Koprivnica-Križevci County.
12:40 Police from Slavonski Brod sent an open letter to citizens. More on Index
12:35: According to the latest data in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the total number of cases 59, i.e., an increase of 9 confirmed cases since the last announcement of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the headquarters announced there.
12:30: There are no new cases in Varaždin County
"In the last 24 hours in Varaždin County, we have not recorded any new cases. The total number of patients is still 24, six have recovered, and there are 18 people at the Varaždin General Hospital who are stable," the staff said in a statement.
So far, a total of 452 people have been tested in Varaždin County, and 2044 are under self-isolation. In the past 24 hours, the Varaždin Police Department has recorded only one self-isolation violation, with regard to the Decision banning leaving the city of residence and 27 cases of movement without a valid pass.
Robert Vugrin, Chief of Civil Protection Headquarters of Varaždin County, said that there are 387 new people among these 2044 people who have just started a 14-days of self-isolation, and that in the last 2 days there are 747 new people in preventive self-isolation.
"I am pleased to hear that, according to a very relevant indicator, we are at the very top of the Republic of Croatia in terms of compliance, that is, Google ranked citizens of Varazdin County as one of the most responsible for following trends in recent days. It is important to note that better weather is not a sign to stop complying with the measures, and it is necessary to continue to take care of yourself and others," emphasized Vugrin.
12:15: In the last 24 hours in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, nine persons were positive for coronavirus, according to the Civil Protection Headquarters of Split-Dalmatia County.
There are four cases from Split, three from Solin and one each from Makarska and Baska Voda.
All new patients have contacts with the previously ill and all are in satisfactory general health, and there are no health professionals among the new cases.
There are 136 health professionals in self-isolation and 37 people are hospitalized. There are eight patients on ventilators, one more than yesterday. Three of them are from Dubrovnik-Neretva County, three from Šibenik-Knin, and two from Split-Dalmatia County.
There are currently 19 persons quarantined at the Zagreb Hotel, six of whom are foreign nationals.
So far, a total of 168 people have been infected in Split-Dalmatia County.
12:10: There are two new cases in Zagreb County
A total of 86 people were confirmed coronavirus-positive in the Zagreb County area by Saturday, which is two more than the day before, according to the latest data from the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health.
"According to the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health, by Saturday, April 4, at 11 ma, 86 people were confirmed coronavirus-positive in the Zagreb County area," the statement said.
Compared to Friday's data, it's more than two people. So far, eight people have recovered and one has died.
12:00: One new case in Zadar
Of the 36 tests taken in the last 24 hours in Zadar, only one is positive, so a total of 51 people are now infected with the coronavirus in the area, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported Saturday.
The new patient is affiliated with the Special Hospital for Orthopedics in Biograd, according to the statement.
Nine patients were housed at the General Hospital Zadar at the COVID ward, four were on ventilators, and six with mild symptoms were transferred to the Biograd hospital yesterday.
Three doctors and three nurses were infected at the Zadar hospital, and 26 doctors, 43 nurses and seven non-medical staff were in self-isolation.
11:40: More than 12,000 people in Croatia have lost their jobs in two weeks. Follow the statistics day by day here
11:35: A woman from the Vrbovec area lied about having the coronavirus on social media, which caused panic in colleagues and acquaintances. Police said more about the incident on Index
11:30: ZET introduces emergency lines, but only with the presentation of the ID of the Civil Headquarters. More on Index
11:00: The Osijek - Baranja County Headquarters press conference is underway.
In Osijek, four people died from the coronavirus. All four died last night.
"102 samples were tested yesterday, we have eight positives. Six are from Osijek. There are 89 coronavirus-positive people in total. At the KBC, 26 positive patients are currently being treated.
As of yesterday, we have four fatalities. They were 92, 85, 78 and 71 years old," it was said at the beginning of the conference.
"They are different diagnoses, they are different diseases. But they were severely chronically ill patients," the Headquarters said.
Two of the deceased were on a ventilator.
10:55: There are no new coronavirus cases in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, and all 11 tests sent in the past 24 hours are negative, the Bjelovar-Bilogora County Civil Protection Headquarters announced on Saturday.
The tests sent included contacts of a confirmed coronavirus case by a police officer from Bjelovar yesterday.
In the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, a total of six people are still infected, and an additional two who are statistically recorded as infected under the Bjelovar-Bilogora County are only residents in the county, although they have been tested and treated in the Zagreb area, according to the Headquarters.
"Let's continue to listen and follow the advice of the experts because self-control reduces the chance of the infection spreading. Let us be smart and responsible for the well-being of ourselves, our families and the entire community," said the Bjelovar-Bilogora County Civil Protection Headquarters.
10:45: Krapina-Zagorje County - 6 new cases.
Six new coronavirus-positive persons were recorded in the Krapina-Zagorje County area, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported Saturday.
Two newly infected persons are from the city of Pregrada and the municipality of Petrovsko, and one each from Oroslavje and the municipality of Jesenje.
As of today, there are 76 people infected with the COVID-19 virus in the Krapina-Zagorje County area.
10:30: There are no new patients in the Šibenik-Knin County either, and no cases of violation of self-isolation measures have been reported.
10:25: There are no new cases in Istria
10:20 A new case has been registered in Brod-Posavina County.
"In the last 24 hours, we have one new person positive for COVID-19," confirmed the Chief of the Brod-Posavina County Headquarters, Stjepan Bošnjaković.
The case is close contact with someone previously ill.
10:00: On suspicion of committing a forgery crime, police from the Sisak-Moslavina Police Department conducted a criminal investigation into two men.
According to the criminal investigation, the 61-year-old, as the owner of a company from the territory of Hrvatska Kostajnica, made a false pass, which he then issued and gave to a 59-year-old who is not employed by his company, which he used on 3 April at a control point in the area of the Sisak-Moslavina Police Directorate.
The suspects will be criminally reported to the competent State Attorney's Office.
09:55: Considering the coronavirus epidemic, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in agreement with the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, asks Croatian citizens, who temporarily or permanently live and work outside the country, to further delay travel to the Republic of Croatia which is not necessary.
09:40: Field roads are being used in Dalmatia to circumvent police controls. More on Index
08:55 Split SDP Vice President Damir Barbir commented on Pernar's statements about older people. More in Index
08:35 There are no new cases in Virovitica-Podravina County
"For the third day in a row, Virovitica-Podravina County does not have any new coronavirus cases. According to information from the Virovitica-Podravina County Civil Protection Headquarters, there are still two patients with the disease. Their condition is stable and they are in home isolation following epidemiological and safety instructions," the county's website said.
08:20: The head of the bank association explained what the repayment of the loan will look like. More on Index
08:15: Erste Bank and Erste Card Club to donate a total of HRK 1.3 million to the Zagreb Infectious Diseases Clinic and the Pediatric Diseases Clinic Zagreb, for the procurement of equipment for the coronavirus epidemic and for the rehabilitation of the recent severe earthquake in Zagreb, according to a news release Saturday.
"Erste Bank has decided to donate HRK 1 million to the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Fran Mihaljević, to help procure the necessary medical equipment in a situation where great efforts are being made to curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.
The Erste Card Club has decided to donate HRK 300,000 to the Zagreb Children's Disease Clinic in Klaićeva Street, to help repair the material damage caused by the earthquake that struck Zagreb on March 22," Erste & Steiermärkische Bank announced.
08:00: Alemka Markotic told RTL last night that she expected the epidemic to peak in three weeks.
''If this is kept under control in the next three weeks, I expect we could reach that plateau and maybe even start to fall, but it also depends on the virus. I believe that all these measures have so far proved to be good and that this is the way to go," Markotic said.
07:50: President of the Islamic Community of Mesihat in Mufti Aziz Hasanovic says he understands that believers are disappointed that they cannot attend weekly prayer at the mosque on Friday, but stressed individual prayer is the only solution during the pandemic.
07:41: Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman will make a statement to the media at 11 am in front of the Foreign Ministry regarding today's repatriation flights. A large number of Croatian nationals who have been abroad are returning to Croatia.
07:10: Coronavirus in Croatia Has an Added Symptom: Social Stigma (TCN article)
07:05: Mirela Rus from Romania becomes the first TCN contributor to add a video report of her self-isolation to the new TCN-partner project, R+. If you would like to contribute, check out the R+ website here.
07:00: We have now had almost 30 submissions from expats in Croatia on their self-isolation experiences in Croatia compared to what is happening in their own country. Submission so far from Romania, USA, Ireland, UK, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Singapore, Holland, Canada, India, Hong Kong, Venezuela, Latvia, China and Germany. You can read them here. If you would like to contribute, we would be delighted to hear from you. Submissions guidelines are under each interview.
06:40: Even more statistics to track at Worldometers adds a Croatian info page to its global coverage (TCN article)
As Novac/Adriano Milovan writes on the 3rd of April, 2020, due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Croatia is facing a recession this year, with an estimated 6.1 percent drop in economic activity. The warning comes from Economist Intelligence Unita (EIU), a well-known London think tank affiliated with the Economist magazine, which assessed the state of the Croatian economy for Jutarnji list.
Prianthi Roy, the EIU analyst in charge of Croatia, said that Croatia is far too attached to tourism, an industry that will suffer the brunt of the force of the pandemic worldwide. Therefore, we should work to diversify the economy and turn to the development of other industries, which is not an easy job and will take many years. In addition, they estimate in London, Croatia is too attached to Italy in the trade of goods as well as in the exchange of services, and as we all know at this point, Italy is currently the country most affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Europe.
The consequences of the coronavirus crisis will be felt in all areas of economic and social life across the Republic of Croatia. Personal consumption is low and trade in goods has been minimised. In London, they expect the Croatian budget deficit to reach 3.1 percent of GDP this year, while public debt will jump to 81 percent of GDP. The current account deficit, which includes the exchange of goods and services abroad, will reach 2.8 percent of GDP. However, the EIU doesn't expect that Croatia will have a problem with borrowing on the foreign market, nor will the stability of the kuna be called into question, although a slight depreciation can be expected.
The coronavirus crisis will be mostly felt in the second and third quarters, which will be in the negative. Unemployment will also increase, despite all of the government measures.
Slow recovery
Recovery, on the other hand, will be slow. The EIU expects Croatia to achieve an economic growth rate of just 1.2 percent next year. In doing so, it will not be able to count on traditional industries, such as shipbuilding, which has had major problems long before this crisis began.
''We don't expect a return to potential GDP growth rates before 2022,'' concluded the EIU interlocutor.
Although EIU forecasts sound rather catastrophic, Croatian macroeconomists are even more pessimistic about economic developments in Croatia. Moreover, many of them are adjusting their earlier forecasts to these new circumstances, which continue to change from day to day.
Among them is Zrinka Zivkovic Matijevic, a macroeconomist at Raiffeisen, who recently came out with a forecast of a fall in Croatia's GDP of about five percent this year. Now, however, she fears that this drop will be much larger.
''This year, I expect an 8.5 percent drop in Croatia's GDP. This forecast is based on the complete loss of the preseason and the loss of 60-70 percent of the main tourist season,'' said Zivkovic Matijevic.
In particular, warned Zivkovic Matijevic, the second and third quarters in which the most tourist traffic is realised will be critical. The recovery, she added, can be expected next year, in which Croatia can achieve GDP growth of up to three percent.
Zeljko Lovrincevic from the Zagreb Institute of Economics fears that the coronavirus epidemic will be a major blow to the Croatian economy this year. And while in the first quarter, says Lovrincevic, some modest economic growth can be expected, given that January and February, both economically speaking, weren't so weak, the second and third quarters could prove critical. Therefore, Lovrincevic expects that for the time being, Croatia could have a fall in economic activity of about seven percent this year.
''It will all depend on what happens with the coronavirus pandemic, which cannot be estimated at this time. But we have to keep in mind that Croatia is a service economy and that it isn't sufficiently digitised, which means that lockdown is an enormous hit,'' he said.
In the next year, he says, stagnation or a slight recovery may be expected depending on the development of the coronavirus situation, and in particular whether or not a vaccine will be found.
''It will take us five or six years to return to [the levels of] 2019,'' warned Lovrincevic.
''The decline in economic activity in Croatia will be larger than that of 2009. It wouldn't be surprising at all if we have a double-digit GDP decline this year because the whole world is affected by the crisis,'' said macroeconomist Goran Saravanja.
He warned that Croatia is a small and open economy, which is highly dependent on developments in the environment, which is especially true of the country's leading foreign trade partners, among which the enfeebled Italy holds a special place. Recovery can be expected in 2021, but Saravanja pointed out that this won't happen quickly.
Make sure to follow our dedicated section for rolling information and updates on coronavirus in Croatia.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 3rd of April, 2020, by introducing measures and reducing the prices of its products and services by 50 to 70 percent, the popular Croatian online platform Njuskalo is contributing to maintaining the Croatian economy and preserving the jobs of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as family farms.
The leading Croatian marketplace platform, Njuskalo, has been the most reliable partner for SMEs for twelve long years now, introducing new trends, leading digital transformation and enhancing business across a wide range of niches through its commitment to digital business.
Recent events have hit the global economy like a tonne of bricks, and coronavirus currently shows little to no sign of letting up. The majority of businesses in Croatia are still currently operating, but in severely constrained conditions with restricted movement that aim to maximise and protect the health of each individual - both employees and contracting authorities.
The Njuskalo platform, as a significant source of sales for various products and services, is used by more than six thousand SMEs and family farms in its operations.
''The measures we've put in place represent a waiver of almost one million euros in revenue, which is a major challenge to our business. However, we believe that at this moment in time, every organisation and every individual in our society must give their maximum to mitigate the effects on the economy as much as possible, and to preserve jobs, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises which are the backbone of the Croatian economy,'' said Goran Rubcic, CEO of Njuskalo and deputy head of Styria Digital Marketplace.
These new and entirely unprecedented economic circumstances put the need for even faster digital transformation in all economic sectors at the very forefront. In doing so, Njuskalo provides its clients with maximum support and advice on how to adapt their business in the shortest possible time.
A virtual tour of properties through WhatsApp, Viber or FaceTime applications has been introduced, as well as the creation and of floor plans, and video tutorials are also being prepared. The ability to search for products for which sellers have already secured the possibility of delivery and open channels for contracting partnerships with delivery services throughout Croatia has been facilitated, and existing web merchants have it available to them to automate their listing on the Njuskalo platform by facilitating item searches by buyer, and concluding the purchase in a fully digital environment.
Croatian-made products, in the current economic environment, must become the first choice of purchase. Family farms are provided with space and a wide availability of their products and special prominence on Njuskalo, and sales begin with a simple OPG registration process and without any financial investment whatsoever.
For landlords wanting to rent out their private accommodation, new possibilities are being intensively prepared to facilitate business operations in the forthcoming period, such as an availability calendar, online confirmation and a payment system for booking accommodation, and automatic guest registration on Croatia's praised e-Visitor system, among other things. Njuskalo will also change its service payment model from "ad placement" to a "success fee", which allows renters to pay for the services Njuskalo has provided them with only after an agreement on accommodation has been realised and billed.
All 150 of Njuskalo's employees, including affiliates of Trikoder Ltd., have been working from the safety of their own homes for twenty days now, maintaining high standards of support and advice, and are available for all inquiries.
Make sure to follow our dedicated section for rolling information and updates on coronavirus in Croatia.
As Barbara Ban/Novac writes on the 3rd of April, 2020, any help during this unprecedented pandemic is more than welcome. That is why young computer scientists from Pula - Kristijan Saric and Matija Plastic decided to focus their knowledge on creating an application that could help medical staff recognise the presence of coronavirus in the future. Meet Exactbyte.
''We're a company from Pula that is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the development of applications using these technologies. We'd like to use this knowledge and experience to help with the COVID-19 virus situation. We have developed a machine learning model that could help doctors diagnose COVID-19 patients.
The model was trained to recognise whether or not lungs on lung x-rays are healthy, have pneumonia or if there is COVID-19 present,'' explained 33-year-old Kristijan Saric, who opened Exactbyte three years ago and hired 28-year-old Matija and another student. He says that when it comes to the preparation of this application, which could one day help medicine, he started before the epidemic began in Croatia, by taking numerous photos of lung x-rays from coronavirus positive patients, and then those of healthy lungs, and the lungs of those with inflammation.
''I took x-rays I found on the internet. These are about seventy images of the lungs of coronavirus patients. I also used 500 images of healthy lungs and nearly 4500 images of the lungs of people with pneumonia. The programme we developed uses these images for testing and checks their status based on image recognition,'' explains Exactbyte's founder.
However, for the application to come to life and function properly, Kristijan says he needs a lot more pictures of lungs infected with coronavirus, which is why he is seeking cooperation with healthcare institutions. The end goal is to implement those images into a web application that would allow access to doctors and hospitals.
''They could send an x-ray and get feedback from the system on whether it is a healthy lung, a lung with pneumonia or a lung with COVID-19, and mark the portion of the image on which the system reached a conclusion so that they can verify it,'' Kristijan explained.
He had already put the idea out, he says, to the Pula General Hospital, with which he had already started collaborating on a project before the epidemic broke out, namely the classification of breast cancer. Otherwise, most of the work Exactbyte does is for an American company.
Make sure to follow Made in Croatia for more Croatian innovation.
April 4, 2020 - Former captain of the Croatia national football team, and currently Shakhtar's assistant coach, Darijo Srna, revealed in an Instagram interview to fans of the Ukrainian giant that he was tested for the coronavirus, was writing a biography, and why he had refused a spot on the Barcelona squad.
“I was tested for coronavirus this morning and the test was negative. Our dear President Rinat Ahmetov donated 300,000 tests to Ukraine, and I chose to be the first one publicly tested. I am not worried because my discipline is high, and it is the best tactic in fighting the coronavirus,” Srna said on HRT.
He added that this situation is proof that we should live, love, appreciate, and respect each other, adding that the whole world should be stronger once we come out of the coronavirus crisis.
“You don't know what can happen tomorrow. We all have one life and we should live it to the fullest. We have our family: we should love, appreciate, respect each other. We currently spend more time with our loved ones, and are paying attention to things we never noticed. We should look at it positively. I'm sure the whole world will be stronger once we get out of this situation. People should be better than they used to be.”
Srna emphasized that the Shakhtar team is training individually and each player has their own program.
“I am sure that every Shakhtar player is training individually, even without the program we have prepared. If the Ukrainian league were to continue in three days, I'm sure our team would be physically fit.”
Srna concluded his playing career in June last year. Does he regret it?
“In this situation, I have to suppress my ego per the current situation. I am now a former footballer and will no longer play football at a professional level. I am happy to help coach Luis Castro, Shakhtar players and fans with my experience and knowledge.”
He is confident that the club will one day return to his Donetsk.
“I’m sure we will return to Donetsk one day. I want to play my last game in a Shakhtar shirt at Donbass Arena. Sometimes I make a list for myself of the players I would like to invite. And believe me, it would be a football festival for Ukraine, Europe and the whole world. It will be a really serious team, not just those who played with me in Shakhtar,” he revealed.
He also admitted that he started writing a biography.
“It will be very interesting, because I have described some things that no one knows. Perhaps with the help of this book, people will get to know Darijo’s other side.”
He stressed that he appreciated honesty.
“That's my most important quality. I don't need anything else. If a person is honest with me, we might think of something; and if not, there will be no long way.”
He also revealed why in January 2017, he rejected the offer of the Spanish giant Barcelona. For months, the Catalans had been looking for a right-back player because they were not happy with Aleix Vidal, and Shakhtar's captain was their first wish.
“I decided with my heart. I couldn't leave Shakhtar. It was a time of war. I didn't want people to think that I was leaving the club because we were no longer in Donetsk. I felt this was an important moment in our life - the life of Shakhtar and Donbass. I know how much I was respected and loved in Donetsk and how much I loved it... I just couldn't afford to offend or disappoint people. I do not regret my decision saying no to Barcelona. I stayed at Shakhtar because my heart decided to, this is it,” concluded the legendary Croatian footballer.
Srna played for Shakhtar from 2003 to 2018 and achieved a record 536 caps, with 49 goals and 26 trophies won, including ten championship titles, seven Ukrainian cups, eight super cups and one Uefa Cup. During his playing career, he performed for GOŠK, Hajduk, Shakhtar and Cagliari.
Srna is also the record holder in terms of appearances for Croatia (134), wearing the captain's belt 68 times and scoring 22 goals for the Vatreni.
To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
April 4, 2020 - Online communities around Croatia are now bringing Croatian farms to your doorstep.
A tough part about the coronavirus pandemic in Croatia is that, because of the stringent measures in place, going to outdoor markets have become a thing of the past.
The once-bustling markets, loud with sellers luring in buyers by convincing them that their product is the best, are mostly bleak and vacant until we’re on the other side of the coronavirus battle.
However, one small light in the coronavirus pandemic is that it has forced creativity in order to sustain businesses, and Croatian farms that formerly only had a presence at their market stands now belong to large online communities.
Who could have imagined a week ago, our babas and didas' eggs and produce would be advertised and sold online to be delivered to your doorstep? No one! But here we are.
With just one click, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, and eggs from your favorite sellers can be found on your doorstep the next day.
The large number of virtual marketplaces that opened from Osijek to Dubrovnik testify that the OPGs, or Croatian farms, are determined to find a way to feed us all.
A look at the online marketplaces around Croatia courtesy of Slobodna Dalmacija.
“Yesterday I ordered eggs, chard, young onions and radishes. A man brought me everything this morning, delivered to my door, and even left a small flower seedling as a gift. There was no contact, I paid them into their account, and they left me eggs and vegetables at my front door,” said a member of the Facebook group Virtual Pazar Split, which already has close to 12,000 members. Not only green products of local farmers are offered, but also delicacies from the continent, as well as lamb, cheese, and even donkey milk.
The virtual Zagreb market, however, gathered more than 35,000 members in a week. The group was founded by HSS spokeswoman Ivana Tomic. Food vendors can be advertised free of charge in Zagreb's virtual marketplace, where you can find everything from basil, to onions and mint, asparagus from Zadar.
An official online marketplace was opened in Zagreb on Friday, and the launch of a drive-in purchase on the green market has been announced. About fifty family farms and artisans from the Zagreb area and its surroundings are offering products online.
On the page, you can see how they deliver the goods, delivery times, and what locations they cover. The profile of each OPG on to the platform has their contact information, product list and price. Besides calling them, customers can also place an order through a query that goes to the farmer’s email address.
Lana Šegetin from Dubrovnik founded the Facebook group Virtual Dubrovnik Market. It brings together members from Peljesac to Konavle, and all local food producers from the wider Dubrovnik area and the surrounding area can advertise and offer their products for free. More than 7,000 people from the Dubrovnik-Neretva County have joined the group.
Through the website kupujdomać, 450 Vrgorac family farms producing strawberries, apples, grapes, eggs, nectarines, honey, and quality wines could be found. Clicking on a fruit or vegetable icon opens a rich list of OPGs offering that selected product.
“I sell green onions, parsley, collards, leeks,” advertises an OPG on the page Virtual plaza - Neretva Valley.
“We sell oranges, apples, fresh cow's cheese, seedlings of all kinds of vegetables, ajvar, lemons, sweet potato, and more,”
Citizens of Velika Gorica, Sisak, Pula, Osijek, Varaždin, Bjelovar can also enjoy virtual markets.
To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.