As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 4th of April, 2020, the director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, revealed how often doctors are tested for coronavirus for Dnevnik Nova TV. Reporter Valentina Baus spoke with him.
Krunoslav Capak, director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, said the testing of doctors for coronavirus extends to those who return to work after self-isolation and to those who are positive and have yet to return to work. "It's already being done. And there should be more testing for those doctors who work on wards with at-risk patients,'' Capak said.
He added that there was no rule on how often doctors should be tested. "If there are epidemiological indications, then they're tested," he says. Otherwise, the test result is valid for 24 hours. "Then you can become positive. Negativity doesn't mean that someone won't develop positivity to the virus later on,'' explained the CIPH Director.
He also referred to Split-Dalmatia County, where the number of patients has increased in recent days. "I wouldn't say the situation has escalated. They had one peak where there were a lot of people sick in one day, but it should be noted that it is a large county with a lot of inhabitants,'' Capak said.
He also revealed if there could be an error in testing that made a positive person receive a negative coronavirus test result and vice versa.
"There are so many situations where an analyst cannot be sure of a single test, then put +/- and the test is repeated. There were a lot of such situations, and as for someone being issued with the wrong test result - I don't know about such a situation,'' Capak explained.
He also said that he was in contact with colleagues from neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro and that he had also spoken with colleagues from Italy.
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