Sunday, 12 April 2020

Expats in Isolation Top 10 Croatia Experiences: Ionut from Romania in Split

April 12, 2020 - As people look for escape from the mental stress brought on by the corona crisis, a new series on TCN with local expats in isolation, looking back at their top 10 experiences in Croatia so far. We start with Ionut Copoiu from Romania in Split. 

I have had a LOT of emails and messages asking if TCN could write about something happier than the constant corona updates. I hear your pain, but with so much (sadly bad) news to report and limited resources due to the crisis, this is not so easy. But then I thought of a nice series which might perhaps pique people's interests, focus on the happy stuff, and even unearth some hidden gems to explore at a later date. 

Having done a very successful series with over 30 submissions from expats around the world on their self-isolation experiences in Croatia compared to what is happening in their home country, and then following that with a series on Croats in the diaspora with their corona viewpoint of their country of residence compared to the Homeland, perhaps a happier and more interesting series would be to look at expats here today and their top 10 experiences in Croatia so far. 

We start in Split with Ionut Copiou from Romania, who has been here for 5 years now, running his own business making nautical jewellery with his wife, Mirela. 

Here is Ionut's top 10. If would like to contribute to this series, contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Top 10. 


Living in Croatia during the 2018 World Cup is at the top of my list. Watching most of the games in the middle of the town surrounded by hundreds of Croatians and tourists and celebrating after each game in the streets - priceless! The game against England in the semi-final is still giving me goose-bumps.

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Visiting for the first Vidova Gora viewing point on the island of Brac was a breath-taking experience. The 180 degrees views of the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea and the islands gave me a feeling of being on top of the world.

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Being able to participate in regattas and experience sailing by competing with others while spending 5 days with good friends on a yacht.

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Exploring the west promenade of Split during the season and admiring luxury superyachts while having an ice-cold beer 10 meters away.

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Bringing my parents over every year and build new memories is compensating for the fact that we now live 1500km away.

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Waking up in the morning and having the possibility to jump on a yacht for a one-day sail and forget about work and current problems.

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Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the old town of Split in the middle of the day each year, with artificial snow and music and all our friends.


Trips to Dubrovnik have always been a joy. One of the most beautiful coastal roads to get there from Split and once you are there, the Walls are every time very impressive.

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Being able to live in such a beautiful town like Split and walking almost every day in Diocletian’s Palace which is more 1700 years!

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Seeing random people all over wearing the bracelets I make is still bringing me the same joy and excitement although is more than 4 years since this keeps happening. I hope it will never stop �

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Thanks Ionut - it sounds like a fantastic life, and I am sure you will be back to it very soon when this madness is all over. If you would like to learn more about Ionut's fabulous nautical bracelets, visit his official website

Are you an expat in Croatia with a little time on your hands and some fabulous memories and experiences to share? If you would like to participate in this series, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject Top 10.

To see the other stories in this series, as well as expat self-isolation stories compared to their home countries, and corona voices in the diaspora, visit the dedicated section

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Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Swedish Expat on Experience of Living in Croatia

“It is more complicated than to move to the Moon.”

Friday, 16 June 2017

Fashion Fights Lung Cancer: Two Croatian Expats Unite For Noble Cause

A praise-worthy initiative coming from across the ocean
