
Fashion Fights Lung Cancer: Two Croatian Expats Unite For Noble Cause

A praise-worthy initiative coming from across the ocean

Two Croatian expats living in the US, fashion designer Marija Curic and entrepreneur Ivana Curic, have united for a noble cause.

After they learned about their dear friend Matthew Shane Cameron's cancer diagnosis, the two founders of Curic&Curic LLC Eco Friendly Fashion Label created a lovely shirt design to help Cameron fight the terrible illness.
Every shirt features an image of healthy lungs made up of dozens of tiny flowers and is hand-painted by Marija Curic. The shirts come in black or white colour, and can be ordered here – all proceeds go towards the fund for Cameron's medical expenses.



Matthew Shane Cameron suffers from Stage IV lung cancer. He is a producer, father of three, and husband of the famous Croatian singer formerly known as Tatjana Matejaš Tajči, who said she was blown away by the Curic sisters' initiative.

In a statement published on Facebook, she writes about the project slogan 'breathe free': "Take a stand. Breath is what gives us life... breath is what sustains it... air that we all breathe is what connects us... and we can fill that air with love and awareness that we are all in this together, or not. We can help others to break their prisons of limiting beliefs, we can stand against oppressive environments and like Matthew, who's always been a free spirit and an out-of-the-box thinker, create opportunities for others to follow their passions and live the life they are created for. Living life and taking it in with 'full lungs' (as the Croatian saying goes ‘živi punim plućima.’)"


(Tatiana and Matthew Shane Cameron, source: Facebook)

Mrs Cameron also stated this was "bigger than Matthew's cancer... It's bigger than lung cancer. It's even bigger than all the cancers out there and all the illnesses that rob us of life... It's about breathing FREE - free from fear, from loneliness and from all that causes us physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain."

If you want to help Mr Cameron in his battle with cancer, learn more about the commendable project here.
