Monday, 13 November 2017

Back to the Roots: A Gastronomic Island Diary by Konoba Boba in Murter

The recent Gastronaut tour of northern Dalmatia introduced us to impressive gourmet destinations - as our final feature in the series, we bring you the story of Konoba Boba on Murter island

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Sailing the Adriatic in November: A Love Letter to Kornati Islands

Continuing our coverage of the latest Gastronaut tour, a look at one of the highlights of the entire trip: the gorgeous Kornati islands

Sunday, 12 November 2017

The Paradox of Croatian Tourism: Case Study - Restaurant Festa, Island Zut

Continuing our look at the recent Gastronaut foodie trip of Murter and the national parks of Krka and Kornati, which finished on November 8, 2017, a visit to the island of Zut for a gourmet treat and a lesson in how private enterprise is bringing excellence to the Croatian tourism product, despite little support from official channels. 

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Adriatic Classics With a Twist: Gourmet Wonders at Hotel Borovnik in Tisno, Murter

The latest Gastronaut trip took a merry crowd of restaurateurs, foodies and travel journalists to Murter island for three days filled with spectacular menus and visits to extraordinary destinations in the area. You’ve had the chance to read about our final stop on the culinary tour, and it’s only right we do a full 180 and return to the first day of our Murter adventure – a phenomenal dinner, courtesy of our main host, the 4-star Hotel Borovnik in Tisno town.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Vrboska: 25 Things to Know about Little Venice

Continuing our popular series, 25 Things to Know about Croatia, on November 11, 2017, a visit to one of the most charming destinations of all - Vrboska on the island of Hvar. 

Friday, 10 November 2017

On Islands, Sheep, and Google Street View

Two very different destinations, two common traits they share

Friday, 10 November 2017

“Trip from Split to Stari Grad on Hvar Takes Longer Than 30 Years Ago!"

''It's absolutely unacceptable that in 2017 we travel more slowly than 30 years ago'', said the Municipal Mayor of Jelsa.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Sailing the Adriatic in 1845: Part 2 - Pula to Dubrovnik and Budva

Following on from the stunning capturing of 18402 sailing the Istrian peninsula on November 9, 2017, Giuseppe Rieger's journey continues from Pula all the way past Dubrovnik to Budva in Montenegro. 

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Maestri of Murter: Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding

We live on an island. We could say the ship came first, the islanders second. One had to build the ship in order to arrive at the island and become an islander. A fascinating insight into the shipbuilding tradition on Murter island in the Betina museum

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