Saturday, 17 July 2021

Civil Protection Warns Citizens: ''Do Not Go on Trips and Excursions''

July 17, 2021 - The Civil Protection Directorate of the Republic of Croatia said it was closely monitoring the situation in case of need after heavy rains caused floods in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands in which hundreds of people were killed and more than a thousand missing and wanted.

To date, there are 150 victims and dozens missing from the storms and floods that have hit Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, not to mention the material damage to the destroyed houses and highways. In Croatia, as well as in other European countries, the situation is being closely monitored to respond in the best way in case it is necessary to evacuate the population. For the moment, the Croatian Civil Protection ask not to generate panic and at the same time, avoid exposing themselves to risks such as going out for outdoor activities, reports Večernji List, reminding that Belgium has activated the EU civil protection mechanism and requested the help of rescue teams.

Given the situation with floods throughout the European Union, the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia is closely monitoring the situation in order to react in a timely manner in case of need.

"At the same time, we advise everyone who does not have a strong need not to go on the road. Drivers, if they are on the road, are advised to be patient and careful during bad weather''.

We also urge citizens not to go on trips to the surrounding mountains, forests, open areas, then to rivers such as camping, and those staying at sea to be especially careful if they intend to spend the night outdoors.

Boat owners are advised to follow the forecasts of the competent services (DHMZ and the Maritime Meteorological Center).

If unfavorable weather conditions occur, we urge citizens not to panic, and for all significant events, especially those in which the resulting health and safety of citizens may be endangered, we urge you to call 112 in order to be able to get help from the competent services", it is stated in the announcement.

For more information on who to call in case of emergency in Croatia, check out Total Croatia's overview of the important numbers, agencies, and advice in case of an unplanned disaster HERE.

For more news about Croatia, click here.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Croatian Headquarters Announced New Measures: No Alcohol Sales After Midnight, Limited Capacity at Gatherings

October 25, 2020 - Due to the growing number of coronavirus cases in Croatia, the Croatian Headquarters announced new measures, which are in effect from midnight. reports that due to the growing number of coronavirus cases in Croatia, the National Civil Protection Headquarters met today with the expert group of the Crisis Headquarters of the Ministry of Health to discuss new measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. 

"The Headquarters meeting lasted all morning. It included the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Finance, Labor and Social Welfare and Economy," said Davor Božinović.

Krunoslav Capak gave an overview of the situation. 

"The number of confirmed cases worldwide has grown to more than 43 million; there are a total of 155,000 deaths from the virus. In Croatia in the last 2 weeks we have an increase in numbers, today we have a record again, 2421 new cases. Croatia is not an island; some of our neighboring countries have a worse situation. Yesterday there were 1964 in Slovenia, 1265 in BiH, 757 in Serbia, more than 12,000 in the Czech Republic... The number of new cases is growing throughout Europe and the world. Lately, we have constantly been breaking records, so the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants is high, now it is 389.9. We are in the middle of the scale of European countries in this regard. I can't single out any particular foci; we have several microfoci. The virus is spreading. This is the second R-0 number since the beginning of the epidemic; it is now 1.99," Capak said.

After Capak, Minister of Health Vili Beroš spoke:

"The health care system and its potential overload is a challenge. Yesterday, 825 people were hospitalized, 153 were admitted, and 65 were discharged. We have 58 patients on a ventilator. And eight people died, bringing the total to 437. Every day we monitor the situation in the Dubrava Hospital, which is now the mainstay for the admission of patients. They have a total of 226 hospitalized, 26 more than yesterday, and 11 patients were discharged. In that sense, we are adjusting further; we have set priorities. Tonight is the meeting of the expert group of the crisis headquarters of the Ministry of Health," Beroš said.

"Now it is time that we will activate the previously existing plans and increase the accommodation capacity in KB Dubrava, and we have decided to mobilize the Arena as a tertiary center. We will do our best not to bypass other health needs. Everyone has a similar problem, how to respond to COVID, but also to provide the basic health care," said Beroš and added: "We all decide on the future together, alone."

"We have prepared a decision that will take effect tomorrow at midnight. Firstly, the decision on necessary epidemiological measures restricting gatherings. I want to emphasize that we are passing a measure that prescribes a strict measure of physical distance, avoiding close contact at a distance of at least 2 m indoors and 1.5 m outdoors," Božinović began and continued:

"Also, a ban on holding all public events and gatherings with more than 50 people is ordered. There can be a maximum of 30 people at weddings. At funerals, a maximum of 30 people. There may be a maximum of 15 people at other private ceremonies and gatherings. Sports competitions can only be held without spectators. Public events, gatherings, and ceremonies can last until 10 pm maximum, except for weddings, which can last until midnight. Gatherings and ceremonies in catering facilities may last no longer than the end of working hours, determined by the Headquarters' decision. We are introducing the obligation to submit notifications on holding public events, gatherings, and ceremonies with more than 30 people to the competent civil protection service, and the obligation to keep written records of participants in all events with more than 15 people. A ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages is introduced from midnight to 6 am. It will be mandatory to use face masks or medical masks outdoors when it is not possible to maintain physical distance, and it is mandatory to use masks when entering and staying in cemeteries," said Božinović.

"The necessary epidemiological measures that I have read are determined over a period of 14 days, and then we will assess whether they will be changed or extended. When it comes to the number of people at gatherings, they do not refer to professional art performances and programs, cinema screenings, religious ceremonies, exhibitions in museums, etc., because they are prescribed special protocols.

As far as workplaces are concerned, employers are obliged to prohibit the arrival of workers with fever and respiratory problems. It is recommended to reduce physical contact whenever possible, introduce work from home when possible, introduce sliding working hours, organize work in shifts and groups, and reduce physical meetings. Controlling the adherence to the recommendations and instructions of the CNIPH will be carried out by the officers of the Civil Protection Directorate, inspectors, police officers, and civil protection headquarters. If there is a milder epidemiological measure for a special decision for the area of ​​an individual unit of local and regional self-government, this decision will be applied, and local headquarters can only apply stricter measures than these," said Božinović.

To read more about coronavirus in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page

Monday, 7 September 2020

Croatian Headquarters Now Extending Midnight Rule for Bars and Clubs

September 7, 2020 - Contrary to this morning's news, Minister of Interior Davor Bozinovic announced this afternoon that the National Civil Protection Headquarters would extend the midnight ban on bars and nightclubs because the epidemiological situation in the country had not improved. 

"Unfortunately, we cannot say that the epidemiological situation has improved. This then presupposes that the decision to ban nightclubs and bars after midnight will be extended," Bozinovic told reporters during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Lucko Anti-Terrorist Unit, as reported by

The ban on clubs after midnight was introduced after clubs, primarily those on the Adriatic, proved to be places where the coronavirus spread.

"I have to point out a few related facts about these 180 newly infected. It is an even younger age group than yesterday, averaging 31 years. Most of them can be connected with gatherings on the Adriatic coast ", said the head of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, in mid-August.

According to that decision, bars and clubs were allowed to work until midnight. The decision was initially made on August 14 and extended on August 27 with a validity period until September 7.

Regarding the possible abolition of visas for the United States for Croatian citizens, he reminded that in the last two or three years Croatia has worked intensively to meet the conditions for entering the system of exemption from the need for Croatian citizens to have visas to enter the United States.

He has personally been to the U.S. twice, where several agreements have been signed, and a number of bilateral agreements and arrangements have also been signed, he said.

The abolition of visas for the United States requires the number of denied visas to fall below three percent, so Bozinovic appealed to Croatian citizens to contribute to reducing the number of denied visas in relation to the number of applications submitted below three percent. “I believe we will fulfill that task,” he said.

Asked if he would refinance the costs to civil servants who encourage them to get a visa, he said he knew how some states did it so it would be nothing new.

"As far as that is concerned, I am sure that it is one of the foreign policy interests, and even a priority, and it is certain that the state will help as much as it can," he said.

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Thursday, 30 July 2020

Davor Bozinovic: Croatia is Champion of Tourism in Europe

July 30, 2020 - The head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Wednesday that they were considering adopting new measures daily and called on event organizers to adhere to existing measures because that was the only way to decrease the number of cases.

"Every day, the Headquarters considers and takes into account all relevant data. We call on the organizers of events to adhere to the measures prescribed by the CNIPH; we call for responsibility," said Bozinovic, as reported by Slobodna Dalmacija.

Commenting on President Milanovic's repeated accusations that the National Headquarters is unconstitutional, Bozinovic reminded that the Headquarters was established in 2015, during the government of Prime Minister Milanovic.

“The only changes that have taken place are given this situation with the pandemic, which no one could have foreseen, neither then nor in 2019 when the law underwent certain amendments, and thus the headquarters was given the authority to make decisions related to the implementation of measures determined in cooperation with the CNIPH and the Ministry of Health, all under the supervision of the Government," the Minister pointed out.

He added that they had spoken with Education Minister Radovan Fuchs about the start of the school year in the autumn.

"We have agreed that within the Ministry of Education, there will be a special working group that will propose, and in some way support, the epidemiological service, and which will itself have an expert epidemiologist, given the whole range of issues and situations that should be anticipated given the risk of spreading the virus in school institutions," announced Bozinovic.

He added that there was no repression or tendency in the activities of the headquarters to diminish anyone's rights.

"This is a body that deals, based on knowledge and epidemiological recommendations and science, with finding a balance to maintain these activities, so that the economy and tourism do not stop," Bozinovic said.

He believes that the Parliament could not make a good decision, primarily due to lengthy debates, and change the same decision in less than 24 hours.

When asked by a journalist that the Association of Music Managers complained that they were unable to work and that they received a decision from only one county headquarters to allow gatherings of more than 1,000 people, the Minister said that there were already recommendations that cultural events and concerts could be organized in these circumstances, but with strict adherence to epidemiological measures.

"Some things are not possible in such epidemic conditions; concerts are not possible where a large number of people would gather as it used to be, and which would not maintain a physical distance between them. Concerts for 2020 and 2021 were practically canceled more or less throughout Europe, and in the USA until 2022. We must all find ways to organize ourselves in order for this activity to survive, and we can only do that through conversation, a rational approach," Bozinovic emphasized.

Minister of Health Vili Beros said that he had signed a pre-agreement for a million and a half doses of vaccine and that we had not paid anything yet because the signed contracts and agreements only regulate the procurement of vaccines in the future, emphasizing that Croatia is part of the European Commission initiative.

He added that the EU Commission is considering the modality of financing and the possibility for funding from EU structural and investment funds.

The director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, emphasized that the numbers in Croatia these days vary due to hotspots in Split-Dalmatia County and are related to new patients from weddings in Hrvace, and funerals in Imotski. In Vukovar-Srijem County, new patients are associated with a bachelor party in Cerna and a wedding that moved to Nasice.

He added that large numbers are associated with large gatherings and that this is the main source of infection at the moment. He confirmed that several people were infected at the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs.

"In one organizational unit of the ministry, it is true that there are four sick people, none of the officials or close associates of Minister Grlic Radman is in self-isolation. Four sick people and several people from one organizational unit are in self-isolation," Capak said.

Asked if the opposition was once again calling for his removal because of the case of HSLS president Dari Hrebak, Capak stressed that he did not think a mistake had been made in the case.

"Hrebak, before receiving the prescribed measure of self-isolation, requested a test at his own expense, and after that when he received a negative test, he asked for an interpretation. The epidemiological opinion I wrote states that he is non-infectious in the next 36-48 hours because of the negative swab. In medicine, situations are not black or white, and it would be very good to let epidemiologists decide whether someone needs self-isolation or not," Capak concluded.

Ministers Beros and Bozinovic and Director Capak confirmed to reporters that they had installed a new application for monitoring infected "Stop COVID-19" on their mobile phones.

The Interior Minister and head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters also wrote several posts on Twitter after the press conference:

"From 0 to 24, the Headquarters monitors the situation and the epidemiological picture every day. This means quick decision-making and involvement of all departments that need to say something about it. 

We are constantly trying to find a balance between economic activities and recommendations for curbing the epidemic and we are communicating all this with Croatian citizens. That is why Croatia is the champion of tourism in Europe."

To read more about news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Mandatory Quarantine for Everybody Coming from BiH and Serbia, Masks on Public Transport

June 24, 2020 - The Croatian Headquarters reported on new coronavirus cases and made two new decisions. The first refers to the mandatory self-isolation for everyone coming to Croatia from BiH and Serbia, and the second that masks are now required when using public transport in the country. reports that in the last 24 hours, 22 new coronavirus cases were recorded, bringing the total to 2,388. So far, 2,145 people have recovered. One hundred and seven people died. Another 136 people are being treated.

Everyone coming from BiH and Serbia must go into self-isolation

New border rules have been established for people traveling from BiH, Kosovo, Serbia and North Macedonia, as they will be required to undergo self-isolation for 14 days. The obligation does not apply to those transiting through these countries. This rule applies to anyone coming from these countries, regardless of citizenship.

Masks required!

The second decision refers to a change in public transport, according to which drivers and other employees and passengers must use medical masks and adhere to general measures.

The following are questions to the Croatia Headquarters from journalists:

What about tourists?

"As for the decisions, they are based on the opinion of the medical profession. These decisions were made based on the recommendations of epidemiologists with regard to the situation in neighboring countries. We have an increase in the number of infections, and most of these people came from the direction of BiH and Serbia. We will continue to monitor everything that happens daily. We will make decisions faster and change them if necessary."

About Beroš's statement that the virus mutated

"Analyzes are being done about it, the situation is being monitored. The situation at the moment is not as it was before. Most new patients now have very mild or no symptoms, which is good. We don't have anyone on a ventilator or seriously ill. A lot of them have only a positive result, without symptoms. The amount of the virus that can be transmitted to another person is important. For now, it seems that it is not so strong. People move in the open, and there is no constant close contact. When you are apart in the open, it is harder to transmit larger amounts of the virus to someone. For now, it seems that the situation is more favorable, but it is a perception, we will see. There is no information that the clinical picture is more severe in infected countries and other countries. But distance and hygiene remain," said Markotic.

About Zadar

"Several hundred tests have been conducted. Seven positive people have been identified. Zadar has been brought under control, congratulations to colleagues," Markotic said.

Has there been a local transmission in Zagreb?

"Croatia has been on the list of countries with local transmission for some time now. We are talking about a pandemic and an epidemic. This is a completely normal thing," she added.

As for the wedding arrangements, there will be no changes, for now, she added.

Masks do not have to be medical; they can also be canvas

"It is a measure to maintain physical distance, but it is impossible in a tram. That is why it is mandatory to wear masks; they do not have to be exclusively medical masks, they can also be a canvas mask made of a thicker weave than usual. If we know that there is a crowd in public transport, we may need to leave 15 minutes earlier. People are being pushed by force. Don't do that. Face masks became inevitable. The responsibility is on us - whether we go in and work our way through the crowd or wait for the second tram," the press conference concluded.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Will Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters Let Country's Top Olympic Athletes Train?

April 15, 2020 - The Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters are still debating whether the country's top athletes could return to training under special conditions. 

Although the response of the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters on the initiative of the Croatian Olympic Committee (HOO) was expected on Tuesday about continuing training for top athletes under safety conditions, the Director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) Krunoslav Capak said a unified position of the Headquarter members had not been reached on the subject so far and that the option remained under consideration, reports HRT.

HOO president Zlatko Matesa announced the initiative at a time when speculation was made about postponing the Tokyo Olympics. Now, he has made that view more concrete by the fact that the Sinkovic brothers or Sandra Perkovic and other representatives of individual sports, athletics, sailing, archery, swimming or martial arts, can hold sports training in training facilities only with coaches, and without the presence of spectators.

Aware of the complexity of the current situation, Damir Segota, the head of the HOO Olympic Program, is an advocate of the idea that only beginning Olympians from individual sports can be trained in or at the sites of the parent clubs. In the event the general situation in the country and the world improves during the coronavirus pandemic and the measures currently in force are loosened, it may be permissible that training resumes for Croatian Olympic athletes of the First and Second categories (athletes with international success), who are in the system of the National Olympic Association 220 nationwide. Of course, the other group of athletes should be very patient.

It is not difficult to know who might be affected by the proposal of the Croatian State Office of Sport and the HOO, just by looking at the list of Olympic candidates:

ATHLETICS - Sandra Perkovic, Sara Kolak, Filip Mihaljevic, Bojana Bjeljac
GYMNASTICS - Tin Srbić, Ana Đerek
SAILING - Tonci Stipanovic, Sime and Mihovil Fantela, Elena Vorobjeva
KAYAK / CANOES - Matija Marinic
KARATE - Ivan Kvesic
SWIMMING - Franko Grgic, Marin Mogic
TABLE TENNIS - Andrej Gacina, Tomislav Pucar, Frane Tomislav Kojic
SHOOTING - Josip Glasnovic, Snjezana Pejcic, Petar Gorsa, Miran Maricic
TAEKWONDO - Matea Jelic, Kristina Tomic, Toni Kanaet
ROWING - Damir Martin, Valent and Martin Sinkovic

There are also three teams (national teams) on the list of potential Olympians for Tokyo - handball with 18 representatives, water polo (15 athletes) and basketball (14 athletes). Of course, it is too early to speak about names at a time when the Olympic qualifications have not been completed.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.


Friday, 27 March 2020

Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker: Croatia Implementing Strictest Measures in World

March 27, 2020 - According to Oxford University, Croatia has the strictest coronavirus measures in the world. 

Although some members of the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters are dissatisfied with citizens' behavior and threatening even harsher measures, judging by the state measures tracker in the fight against the coronavirus, Croatia is currently implementing the most rigorous measures in the world, according to Oxford University.

Namely, British researchers are looking at basic criteria such as school closures, travel bans, and public gatherings bans, and then compares these measures to the number of people currently infected, thereby obtaining an index of the rigor of the measures implemented.

The purpose of the meter is to offer transparent insight into the measures taken by world governments to combat the coronavirus, and the published data will be updated frequently.

Judging by the coronavirus meter, Croatia is currently implementing the most rigorous measures in the world, with Serbia and Syria not far behind. Thus, it should be kept in mind that countries with few cases that responded quickly were highlighted.

Croatia closed schools, playgrounds, banned public gatherings, closed cafes, restaurants, and all shops that were not necessary very early on, and public transport was suspended. Croatia urges citizens to stay at home and some parts of the country, such as Murter, are quarantined.

While Croatia is at the top, some countries, such as the United States, where the infection is expected to explode, as well as the United Kingdom and Canada, are below the midline of austerity measures.

Health Minister Vili Beros commented on this analysis for RTL Danas, saying that Croatia is at the European top because of these measures.

"Our results so far show that we are among the countries that have slower growth in the number of patients. I think the measures are introduced on time and very carefully balanced. We have announced a certain reduction in these measures relating to shops around the markets that provide supplies because life should not and will not stop. We need to carefully balance the preservation of normal life flows and the possibility that the infection continues to spread," he said.

We also must remember, however, that the Oxford tracker does not have country-specific data such as India, which has become the world's largest quarantine. Namely, 1.3 billion people must stay in their homes, and the media is flooded with videos of the police attacking everyone who they find on the street. 

You can see the Oxford Government Response Tracker here.


Follow TCN’s live updates on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia.

Friday, 27 March 2020

PHOTO: Child from Nustar Draws Croatian Civil Protection Team as Superheroes

March 27, 2020 - Eight-year-old Simon Coric from Nustar delighted people across Croatia after a drawing of his superheroes went viral. 

In the corona era, it’s clear that our superheroes have shifted from the usual Batman and Superman to healthcare workers and those on the streets keeping us safe - and in this case, it is the Croatian Civil Protection team. reports that one eight-year-old boy from Nustar, a small, eastern Croatian village not far from Vinkovci, could hardly hide his praise for the hard work of the Croatian Civil Protection team, who have become Croatian celebrities overnight thanks to their diligence and dedication to Croatian health and safety in the fight against the coronavirus. 

The famous faces go unrecognized by no one today, as television screens flaunt them multiple times a day to keep us informed and prepared for whatever is next to come.

“Do you recognize these four? Eight-year-old Simon from Nustar says they are heroes to him!” Reads an announcement from the Nustar municipality with a photo of a boy proudly holding a drawing.

Namely, Simon Coric drew his favorite comic book superheroes: Superman, Batman, Flash, and Wonder Woman, but below them wrote the names of the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters -  Vili Beros, Krunoslav Capak, Davor Bozinovic, and Alemka Markotic. Below the figures, Simon used the hashtags #OstaniDoma, or #StayHome, encouraging people to do just that.

Health Minister Willi Beros saw the drawing and sent Simon a special message:

“'Dear Simon, thank you. Take care of your loved ones... You are their shield and my hero! Love, Vili,” Beros wrote from the official Facebook page

In a time of uncertainty and panic, Simon's drawing and crucial message is a ray of sunshine that has undoubtedly won the hearts of the Croatian people.

Thank you, Simon, and thank you to the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters!

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