
Croatian Headquarters Announced New Measures: No Alcohol Sales After Midnight, Limited Capacity at Gatherings

By 25 October 2020
Croatian Headquarters Announced New Measures: No Alcohol Sales After Midnight, Limited Capacity at Gatherings

October 25, 2020 - Due to the growing number of coronavirus cases in Croatia, the Croatian Headquarters announced new measures, which are in effect from midnight. reports that due to the growing number of coronavirus cases in Croatia, the National Civil Protection Headquarters met today with the expert group of the Crisis Headquarters of the Ministry of Health to discuss new measures to combat the spread of COVID-19. 

"The Headquarters meeting lasted all morning. It included the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Finance, Labor and Social Welfare and Economy," said Davor Božinović.

Krunoslav Capak gave an overview of the situation. 

"The number of confirmed cases worldwide has grown to more than 43 million; there are a total of 155,000 deaths from the virus. In Croatia in the last 2 weeks we have an increase in numbers, today we have a record again, 2421 new cases. Croatia is not an island; some of our neighboring countries have a worse situation. Yesterday there were 1964 in Slovenia, 1265 in BiH, 757 in Serbia, more than 12,000 in the Czech Republic... The number of new cases is growing throughout Europe and the world. Lately, we have constantly been breaking records, so the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants is high, now it is 389.9. We are in the middle of the scale of European countries in this regard. I can't single out any particular foci; we have several microfoci. The virus is spreading. This is the second R-0 number since the beginning of the epidemic; it is now 1.99," Capak said.

After Capak, Minister of Health Vili Beroš spoke:

"The health care system and its potential overload is a challenge. Yesterday, 825 people were hospitalized, 153 were admitted, and 65 were discharged. We have 58 patients on a ventilator. And eight people died, bringing the total to 437. Every day we monitor the situation in the Dubrava Hospital, which is now the mainstay for the admission of patients. They have a total of 226 hospitalized, 26 more than yesterday, and 11 patients were discharged. In that sense, we are adjusting further; we have set priorities. Tonight is the meeting of the expert group of the crisis headquarters of the Ministry of Health," Beroš said.

"Now it is time that we will activate the previously existing plans and increase the accommodation capacity in KB Dubrava, and we have decided to mobilize the Arena as a tertiary center. We will do our best not to bypass other health needs. Everyone has a similar problem, how to respond to COVID, but also to provide the basic health care," said Beroš and added: "We all decide on the future together, alone."

"We have prepared a decision that will take effect tomorrow at midnight. Firstly, the decision on necessary epidemiological measures restricting gatherings. I want to emphasize that we are passing a measure that prescribes a strict measure of physical distance, avoiding close contact at a distance of at least 2 m indoors and 1.5 m outdoors," Božinović began and continued:

"Also, a ban on holding all public events and gatherings with more than 50 people is ordered. There can be a maximum of 30 people at weddings. At funerals, a maximum of 30 people. There may be a maximum of 15 people at other private ceremonies and gatherings. Sports competitions can only be held without spectators. Public events, gatherings, and ceremonies can last until 10 pm maximum, except for weddings, which can last until midnight. Gatherings and ceremonies in catering facilities may last no longer than the end of working hours, determined by the Headquarters' decision. We are introducing the obligation to submit notifications on holding public events, gatherings, and ceremonies with more than 30 people to the competent civil protection service, and the obligation to keep written records of participants in all events with more than 15 people. A ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages is introduced from midnight to 6 am. It will be mandatory to use face masks or medical masks outdoors when it is not possible to maintain physical distance, and it is mandatory to use masks when entering and staying in cemeteries," said Božinović.

"The necessary epidemiological measures that I have read are determined over a period of 14 days, and then we will assess whether they will be changed or extended. When it comes to the number of people at gatherings, they do not refer to professional art performances and programs, cinema screenings, religious ceremonies, exhibitions in museums, etc., because they are prescribed special protocols.

As far as workplaces are concerned, employers are obliged to prohibit the arrival of workers with fever and respiratory problems. It is recommended to reduce physical contact whenever possible, introduce work from home when possible, introduce sliding working hours, organize work in shifts and groups, and reduce physical meetings. Controlling the adherence to the recommendations and instructions of the CNIPH will be carried out by the officers of the Civil Protection Directorate, inspectors, police officers, and civil protection headquarters. If there is a milder epidemiological measure for a special decision for the area of ​​an individual unit of local and regional self-government, this decision will be applied, and local headquarters can only apply stricter measures than these," said Božinović.

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