Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Graffiti na Gradele Returns to Bol

In its fifth edition this year, the regional festival Graffiti na Gradele returns to Bol on Brač. This most entertaining street art, graffiti and music festival will be held from July 28-30.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Zen Opuzen: 3 Days of Street Art in Opuzen

In it’ second edition this year, from July 1-3, Opuzen will become the focal point for art and artistic activities in an effort to revitalize the city.

Monday, 27 June 2016

A Street Art Festival Comes to Sisak

For a city that is known to be typically grey, bleak, or uninviting, Sisak will now be brought to life with color as it is now home to a new street art festival named Re:Think. Inviting renowned street artists, muralists, graffiti artists and the likes to participate, this is the first ever event of its kind for the town.

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