Sunday, 5 June 2022

Rimac Nevera Arriving in Split for Green Future Conference

June 5, 2022 - As part of the Green Future conference, one of the world's biggest attractions is coming in front of the Croatian National Theater in Split - the Rimac Nevera.

.A strong wind of green transition will blow in Split next Thursday and Friday, June 9 and 10. Storms are expected around the Croatian National Theater in Split, where, thanks to the Green Future Conference, a whirlwind of international and Croatian knowledge about new technologies, public policies and sources of funding will be created. The weather will be mostly sunny until it gets dark, and the mood will be extremely clear both during the day and after dark. We warn visitors and passers-by that Nevera is arriving in front of the Croatian National Theater in Split. Rimčeva Nevera.


The world's first serial electric hypercar is coming to the center of Split, in front of the Croatian National Theater! The 914-horsepower racer, with the fastest acceleration among cars in production today - up to 100 km / h in just 1.85 seconds and up to 300 km / h in just 9.3 seconds and a top speed of 412 km / h, will be exhibited in front of the Split Theater. The best electric car in the world will be on show for the people of Split, foreign guests, with photo possibilities in front of this technological marvel of Croatian production.


Rimac Group, which has just received an investment of EUR 500 million from SoftBank and Goldman Sachs, which means that the company exceeded EUR 2 billion in market value and became the second Croatian "unicorn", has been supporting the Green Future Conference since day one. Experts from the Rimac Group are participating in the conference as ideal interlocutors on the topic of a green future, which Rimac has been working on in its niche for more than a decade.

"We are thrilled that Nevera, who already has the status of an icon, found time for Split in her condensed and sold-out schedule. It will be a real experience for conference visitors and citizens, and it is also a picture of Split that we want to send to the world. Nevera is, in fact, much more than a car. She is a symbol of knowledge, motivation, innovation, vision and dedicated work. It shows us that in our society, despite the fact that the circumstances in which we live and work sometimes seem difficult, there are individuals and teams that are able not only to have world-class ideas, but also to realize them. We need to work on having as many such people as possible, and the Green Future Conference wants to create just such an environment, which brings out the best. We thank Rimac Group for being one of the first to trust the Green Future Conference as a new event on the map of Croatia and the world, we look forward to Nevera in Split and congratulate them half a billion times on their success and investment "- said the organizers.


The Green Future Conference will be the central place for the exchange of international and Croatian knowledge on the hottest topic of today, with dozens of current and interesting panels and the most competent speakers. In addition to Rimac, the conference is supported by another Croatian technology giant and the first "unicorn" - the company Infobip. Gold sponsors are OTP banka, Mastercard, A1 and Bosch, while sponsors are Daikin, Končar and Ernst & Young.

Learn more about the Green Future Conference on the official website.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Green Future Conference Presented: Split to be Hub of Today's Most Important Topics in June

May 12, 2022 - In the atrium of the Croatian National Theater in Split, the Green Future Conference was officially presented, an international event held on June 8 and 9 at the Croatian National Theater in Split.

The Green Future conference will address the topic of green transition, one of the most attractive topics in the world of business, public policy, mobility, sustainability, finance, and every other sector and business. Over 40 foreign and domestic experts will attend the conference, who will try to bring this topic closer to those who will mark the coming years and explain how to adapt certain activities to the green transition quickly.

"Instead of going elsewhere to learn about some of today's most important topics, why not bring the best to our city? As a result, the idea was recognized not only by those living and doing business in Split but by large domestic and foreign tech companies. In addition, the idea was recognized by the European Commission, which is sending an ambassador for innovation, and Hajduk!

Incompatible? Absolutely compatible when so many great people and organizations come together with a good goal. I thank everyone who invested trust, knowledge, work, and energy in making the Green Future Conference happen in Split, and I invite you to be a part," said Antonija Eremut Erceg from the Organizing Committee of the Conference, whose importance is recognized by many stakeholders, sponsors, and partners who got involved.


The Green Future conference, among others, is supported by the two largest Croatian tech companies, Rimac Group and Infobip.

"I am thrilled that the organizers recognized us as a strategic partner in this project. It is essential to emphasize such topics in the public and media space because a green future is what we all strive for. Apart from the fact that Rimac Technology is a partner of the Green Future conference, it is a special pleasure that Croatia will be presented in a modern and advanced light, and this conference will certainly occupy an important place on the world map of business events. As we are an active participant in the conference, in addition to other big names from the world of business globally, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a lecture by Roger Moorhouse, Powertrain Research Manager from Rimac Technology, who works with his team of experts to develop technological innovations in electric motors, for which the Rimac Group is known all over the world today. I believe that visitors will be delighted with the unique content in Split," said Miljenko Baković, product manager from Rimac Technology.

Although the process of green transition is a challenge for most, some companies have already recognized its importance and started implementation with the aim of a faster, more successful, and more profitable business.

"OTP banka has recognized the importance of sustainable financing and the challenges it poses to banks and non-financial companies. To this end, we are integrating ESG criteria into our strategy, and we have established a special department in the bank in charge of sustainable development. To soon feel the progress in sustainability and meet the requirements of the Green Plan, cooperation with all stakeholders is essential. The role of banks is to accelerate sustainable financing, for which we especially value data on company plans and insight into sustainability trends. The Green Future conference allows us to exchange practices and experiences and ask questions to which we do not yet have answers. Our President of the Management Board, Balázs Békeffy, will actively participate in the conference as a keynote speaker and member of the Management Board Zvonimir Akrap in the panel on sustainable financing. In addition, the Green Future conference will host several speakers with experience in policymaking, emphasizing mobility, and many other solutions used iin smart cities" said Silvija Bareša, Director of Corporate Communications of OTP banka d.d., the gold sponsor of the conference.

The City of Split is on the way to becoming a smart city in the complete sense of the word, which has already stepped in the direction of sustainability through the implementation of specific digital solutions.

"I am glad that we will have an international event in Split on a topic that changes our development and business strategies and daily choices for the better. The City of Split supports the Green Future Conference, and RaST will actively participate in the panel on smart cities. Oslo was the Green Capital of Europe in 2019. We want to know how they became it and what they learned from it. We brought Oslo to Split three years ago, to the conference from which Split's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan emerged together with the Strategy. Its implementation will require external sources of funding and changes in the habits of citizens," said Goran Batinić, Director of the Development Agency Split, on behalf of the City of Split.


Conference participants have many years of experience in implementing smart and sustainable projects, ranging from transport to other digital solutions.

"Profico is a digital agency that markets its services mainly on foreign markets but has been one of the active creators of the local ecosystem for ten years. Starting from pioneering days in the startup community and co-organizing the Shift Startup conference to organizing numerous local events and training, we recognize green technologies as one of the new trends that we want to establish more strongly in the local community. That is why we joined the organization of this conference, which encourages the local community to think in the direction of new global trends and the development of globally applicable technologies," said Mateo Perak, director of Profico, one of the organizational partners of the conference.

The conference was also supported by Alijana Vukšić from the Split Tourist Board and Joško Stella from the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board and Split-Dalmatia County.

"Ever since the European Union gave guidelines for the green and digital transition, I have been thinking about how policymakers and private companies do not understand what this means and how a conference like this is needed to bring them closer, so this event helps us to bring it closer to the stakeholders who are important to us. I was very pleased with the news that the Green Future Conference is happening, and Split-Dalmatia County will stand behind it to the maximum, especially when we know that SDŽ is first in terms of solar energy in Croatia, first in planned solar and wind farms, and other renewable energy sources, and first in projects to restore the degraded coastal landscape. It is unique that something is happening at this level in Split, that we all learn something and share experiences," said Stipe Čogelja, Deputy Prefect of Split-Dalmatia County. 


The Green Future conference is a climate-neutral event held under the auspices of the two largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac and Infobip. Gold sponsors are OTP banka, A1, and Bosch, while sponsors are Daikin, Končar, and E&Y. The friends of the conference are Daikin, Professio energia, and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, the City of Split and Hajduk. In addition, the conference is supported by Dwelt, Eutopia, GBC HUB, Croatian Green Building Council, Circuit, Business Psychology Lab, and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split. The organizational partners are Profico, Vajt, and Poduzetnik.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Green Future Conference in Split: Learn How to Fund Your Company's Green Transition

May 9, 2022 - On 9 and 10 June, attendees of the Green Future Conference will have the opportunity to learn how to incorporate green transition principles into their business and stay on top of the game, how to recognize the best players and emulate them, and how to make the green transition principles work towards boosting their top and bottom line. 

The green transition is becoming the backbone of strategic thinking in every single economic activity and industry. Having set the target to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and reduce net emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990, the European Union has become a global leader in terms of sustainability. No area of business, public policy, and everyday life will be able to sidestep the changes that are calling for an increase in energy efficiency and in the share of renewable energy sources, stricter rules on emissions trading, new means of transport and infrastructure, adjustment of tax policies, and new habits in general. The process is neither simple nor cheap so the Green Future Conference, powered by Rimac and Infobip that will be held on 9 and 10 June in Split, is bringing together international and local experts who will share their ideas on how to fund business changes, attract investment, and ensure your company gains and retains a competitive edge. 


Victoria Zinchuk has been the Head of the Croatian EBRD Office (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) since November 2018. She has advised, developed, and managed the financing of projects that have cumulatively yielded more than a billion euros for local and multinational clients in various countries. EBRD is involved in the financing of Split’s Green City Action Plan through their Green Cities programme. Since 2016, EBRD has supported more than 40 European cities that are developing and implementing green plans in the context of improving the quality of life, environment and resilience to climate changes.

Anders Frostenson has two decades of experience building digital experiences, products, and services. He has held executive positions in Stockholm, London, and New York and managed a fund of EUR 10 million supporting entrepreneurs around the world. Anders leads Ernst&Young's Sustainable Product and Service Innovation in the EMEA region to bring together talent and companies to work together on key innovations for a better future. He is an active angel investor and advisor to several startup companies in the global digital market.

Andrej Grubišić is one of the leading corporate finance authorities in Croatia. He runs a boutique company specialising in investment banking, Grubišić & Partners, whose 11 experts provide consulting services in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, raising capital, and business valuation. Not only does Andrej have a wealth of experience in corporate finance, but is also an active member of the academic community. 

Anne Lise Rognlidalen is a programme director at Innovation Norway, the Norwegian government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian companies and industry, which includes financing and capacity building toward green transition. She has extensive experience in managing various grant schemes in Norway and other countries and is currently managing business development programmes funded by EEA and Norway Grants in Croatia and Greece. In the 2014-2021 Perspective, EUR 22 million was earmarked for Croatian private sector projects through the Business Development and Innovation Croatia programme. 

Balázs Pál Békeffy became President of the Management Board of OTP Bank in 2011, and after the acquisition of Splitska banka he became president of one of the five largest banks in Croatia. OTP Bank is the gold sponsor of the Green Future Conference, and it will also have its board member Zvonimir Akrap join the conference. Mr Akrap is in charge of corporate banking and financial markets and has more than 15 years of managerial experience at Splitska banka. 

 "Green transition is the only way to ensure the sustainability of the economy and society. It is not a question of whether it is needed, but how quickly and wisely we can implement it. No one can do this on their own - dialogue, exchange of experiences, joint development of innovations, and cooperation are crucial for success. Banks are eager to learn about the industry and government plans and visions of green development, as this will be the foundation of our sustainable financing plans. OTP Bank is rapidly incorporating ESG criteria into its business and we value every opportunity to discuss it further with our stakeholders.  That is why I am looking forward to participating in the Green Future Conference and I believe that the conference will prove to be inspiring for everyone concerned"- said Balázs Békeffy, President of the OTP Bank’s Management Board. 

Zvonimir Akrap, a member of the OTP Bank’s Management Board commented on the role of the banking sector, emphasizing the following: "The banking sector is recognized as a key element in the pursuit of sustainability and we are expected to very quickly devise a way to ensure the financing of the green transition. We are heavily invested in that respect, but we must all be aware that this journey will result in a major transformation of the economy and therefore is one we must all embark on together. To conclude, sustainable development and financing are a long game that nevertheless requires fast and efficient planning for long-term impacts, even though the circumstances that are challenging for both the economy and the banks. Building a sound framework for sustainable financing is contingent on the ability of companies to draw up their green plans boldly and realistically, and the ability of banks to understand and recognize their role and opportunities. OTP Bank will be ready to serve as a reliable partner to our clients so that we can achieve sustainable goals together."

Ivana Gažić, President of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Management Board, will also be among the speakers at the Green Future Conference. Zagreb Stock Exchange is the leading capital market developer in the region which maintains a transparent, secure, profitable, and efficient market while obtaining the highest quality capital market services to meet the needs of investors, issuers, and stakeholders. Ms Gažić believes that the green transition is a topic that has finally been given proper attention: 

"An increasing number of citizens are changing their habits, but they have every right to expect the politics and the local community to support them and build the infrastructure needed to facilitate environmentally-friendly behaviour. It is safe to say that the investors cannot get enough of companies tinted green.  There are still relatively few such companies around, but trends are changing very quickly and the investors’ demands are driving the changes in the behaviour of companies. The Green Future Conference is a great opportunity to learn how to incorporate green transition principles into one’s business, how to recognize the best players and emulate them, and how to make the green transition principles work towards boosting the top line as well as the bottom line. 


For more information go to 

The Green Future Conference is a climate-neutral event powered by the two largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac and Infobip. Gold sponsors are OTP Bank, A1, and Bosch, while regular sponsors are Daikin, Končar, and E&Y. Friends of the Conference are Daikin, Professio energija, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, City of Split, and FC Hajduk. The Conference is also supported by Dwelt, Eutopia, GBC HUB, Croatian Green Building Council, Strujni krug, Business Psychology Lab, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split. The organizational partners are Profico, Vajt, and Poduzetnik.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Startup Challenge by Green Future Conference in Split: Sign Up, Pitch, and Win!

April 12, 2022 - The Green Future Conference will be held on 9 and 10 June in Split. More than 30 Croatian and international speakers will cover the topic of green transition in the context of business, technology, finance, energy, environmental protection, public policies, e-mobility, and many other industries.  

The Conference is supported by the two largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac Group and Infobip, and sponsored by OTP Bank, A1, and Bosch (gold sponsors) as well as Daikin, Ernst & Young, Končar, Schneider Electric, and Professio energia.

In addition to numerous talks and panels, on the zero-day of the conference, i.e. 8 June, there will be a Challenge Day for 20 shortlisted startups. Startups shortlisted by an expert panel will have a unique opportunity to pitch their ideas, receive advice from mentors and so further hone their ideas before pitching them officially on the Green Future Conference stage on 9 and 10 June. Just as importantly, the startups will be given the opportunity to participate in exclusive workshops organized by Infobip and Business Psychology Lab, and the Department of Science and Innovation of the University of Split. 

The startup voted best by the expert panel will receive a prize of USD 10,000. There is another prize pool of USD 50,000 - Green Communication Awards - to be awarded in Infobip services, namely USD 25,000 for 1st place, USD 15,000 for 2nd place, and USD 10,000 for 3rd place. 

The startups can apply by 5 May 2022. Click here to apply. The startups that make the shortlist will be notified by 15 May.

"Croatia already hosts one of the leading developer conferences in Southeast Europe - Infobip Shift. I’m glad that the country has established another well-designed platform for exchanging ideas - a place where young developers and all those who are already developing ideas for green and digital solutions get the opportunity to learn, advance, and network early on in their careers.  I invite all emerging companies, as well as individuals, to apply for the Startup Challenge showcase their competencies, and win valuable prizes," said Ivan Burazin, member of the Infobip Board, founder of Shift Conference, and member of the Startup Challenge panel.


Startup Challenge of the Green Future Conference is also supported by GBC HUB, a partner of Infobip Startup Tribe and an association of over 20 green startups run by Marko Brkljačić, who will be on the Startup Challenge panel. 

"The Green Future Conference is an amazing event, and the Startup Challenge is a great opportunity to pitch and hone good ideas. We are pleased to see Infobip support and take part in it because its Startup Tribe gathers green startups that I believe will not miss the opportunity to apply for the Startup Challenge of the Green Future Conference," said Nikola Pavešić, manager of Infobip’s Startup Tribe department.

The latest information relating to the Green Future Conference and Startup Challenge will be published on the official website of the Conference. 

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Green Future Conference: "Dalmatia to Become Centre of Green Thinking, Split to Embody Change"

March 29, 2022 - The Green Future Conference, to be held on 9 and 10 June in Split, brings some of the most important international and Croatian speakers on the topic of green transition - a process that will mark the coming years in terms of environmental protection, e-mobility, energy, public policies, the economy, and in the ways companies conduct their businesses.

The Conference is therefore supported by two of the largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac Group and Infobip, and sponsored by OTP Bank and Bosch (gold sponsors) and Končar. 

Speakers at the Green Future Conference come from different lines of business and technology industries and will share their knowledge, experience, and practices at the Croatian National Theatre in Split before the audience ardent to learn more about the green transition process. 


Numerous speakers have already confirmed their appearance, and besides Matija Žulj (Agrivi), Federico Cristoforoni (Eutopia), Stephanie E. Trpkov (World Bank), Ivica Puljko (Mayor of Split) Dr Fadi Makki (behavioural scientist, B4Development), Heliodor Mack (SEAK), Laura Stäter (Thai Tourist Board), Josef Mouris (ELECTRON Aviation and ELECTRON Aerospace), new speakers have been confirmed. 

Thomas Hayden-Lefebvre is director of Ibex Publishing, a media company that addresses the topics of sustainable transport, aviation, green travel, e-mobility, and urban mobility. A holder of a law degree, a master's degree in air traffic management, and a degree in politics and geography, he is passionate about these topics and how they intertwine. 

"The green transition is a vital and comprehensive concept for all types of organisations, no matter the industry or geographical area. Organisations and individuals need to adapt to the pressing challenges of climate change, and as a media company, we are here to provide decision-makers at all levels and everyone around them with the information they need to achieve their goals. ‘Green’ is not just the latest trivial buzzword because anyone who claims to be going green must accept the existence of climate change, the need for an ecological transition and the multiple social, economic, and environmental challenges faced by citizens, businesses, governments, and communities. Without cross-sectoral collaboration, clever ideas might go to waste.  The Green Future Conference in Split is the perfect opportunity for citizens, businesses, governments, and NGOs to come together, speak frankly, and share new and innovative solutions to local and international challenges," Hayden-Lefebre said. 

Petar Pavić has a degree in interactive communications from Virginia Tech. Having worked in various digital media outlets, from creative stores to publishing companies, and having received various international awards and recognitions in digital marketing and communications, he co-founded S.T.A.R. Digital Group – a regional market leader in digital marketing that holds proprietary technology platforms present in SEE markets, and whose clients operate across the EU. He is an active presenter in the field of environmental sustainability and the founder of the initiative.

Ivana Biočina is a textile engineer, designer, and author of three books on textile industry and sustainable fashion. Having gathered plenty of theoretical and research experience, in 2021 she founded the Institute for Sustainable Fashion in northern Croatia which focuses on local artisanal products made of sustainable fabrics without textile waste, provides training courses and spreads the word about sustainable fashion. The clothes made at the Institute for Sustainable Fashion are handmade, comply with responsible production principles, do not contain toxins and plastics but are made of vegan, organic and biodegradable materials and natural dyes obtained from local plants. The Institute for Sustainable Fashion is focused on organic growth and nurtures connections with local women and companies looking to uphold principles of sustainability. Building a regional community, empowering and learning are at the heart of the Institute for Sustainable Fashion. Sustainability is weaved into every segment of its operations, from production, materials, design, sewing, packaging, end of life of the garment, sales, buyers, to the business model.

"Since the textile industry is one of the oldest, most globalized, and largest industries in the world, the green transition is of paramount importance. Before it is complete, a garment may have circled the globe more than once. Each step of the production process takes place in a different country - the garment may be designed in the EU, but it is produced in Asia to circumnavigate production laws. This creates an imbalance when it comes to the impact on humans and the environment. Also, the textile industry does not foster innovation because progress and development are considered only in terms of competition. In short, there is a lot of work to do, we have only just started, and changes are needed at every turn. Fashion manufacturers and brands must team up with suppliers, investors, lawmakers, NGOs, the academy, and consumers to create a new eco-system that supports disruptive innovation and business models. There is no escaping the problem - it would be irresponsible to pass the buck to the next generation. There is a quote that says our survival depends on whether we wake up and change. Voices that strive for real change must be encouraged to speak up and join forces. I see that Dalmatia is resolved to become one of the centres of green thinking and I hope that Split will position itself as a city that changes and fosters change," Biočina said. 

Florian Hoffman (founder and CEO at The DO) is a social innovator and Oxford-educated philosopher who has become an influential serial entrepreneur. Florian believes in the importance of bringing different people together and finding new solutions to the great challenges of our time. All his ventures and activities are aimed at building a community while launching a new economy that is innovative, sustainable, and fair. So far, he has built up the community with hundreds of high-ranking business and state leaders, over 50,000 young social entrepreneurs from around the world, and launched more than a hundred products, services, and new solutions that have affected the lives of millions of people worldwide.


The Green Future Conference will be the centre of exchange of knowledge, experience, new technologies and solutions, as well as innovative policies on green transition - a process that will come to the forefront of the economies of Croatia, the European Union and the rest of the world in the years and decades to come. The conference agenda and the speakers will be presented on the official conference website in due time. Early bird tickets are available until April 15. 

The Conference is also supported by the City of Split, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Eutopia, Dwelt, Profico and Vajt. Entrepreneur Magazine, Media Servis, Dalmatian portal and Split Tech City are our media partners. The event is supported by Cornaro Hotel, Galaxy Travel, and Paradox Hospitality and their services.

For more, check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Green Future Conference: Leading Behavioural Scientist Dr Fadi Makki Coming to Split

March 8, 2022 - More than 30 distinguished domestic and international speakers will share their knowledge and experiences on the green transition at the Green Future Conference held at the Croatian National Theatre in Split on June 9 and 10. 

The Green Future Conference to be held on 9 and 10 June in Split will bring together some of the most important stakeholders on green transition, an inevitable and important process that has already begun and will mark the coming years and decades, in terms of environmental protection, e- mobility, energy, public policy, economy and business operations. The conference is therefore supported by the two largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac Group and Infobip.

More than 30 distinguished domestic and international speakers will share their knowledge and experiences on this topic at the Croatian National Theatre in Split. In addition to Matija Žulj (Agrivi), Federico Cristoforoni (Eutopia), Stephanie E. Trpkov (World Bank), Split mayor Ivica Puljak, four new speakers have confirmed their arrival. 

Behavioural scientist Dr Fadi Makki has more than 25 years of experience in public and social policy concerning economic development, behavioural economics, social enterprise, healthcare, education, and sustainability. He leads the first unit for behavioural insights and incentives in the Middle East, B4Development, which is engaged in the preparation for the World Cup in Qatar where one of the main goals is to improve various aspects of the event that include behavioural components, such as transport and recycling. The goal is for Qatar to provide an optimal experience for approximately one million visitors expected during the championship. This is also the first time that behavioural science will be used during a large-scale event such as the World Cup.

Heliodor Macko is a successful businessman and technology enthusiast. He has been with SEAK since 2015, working as CEO on the development and internationalization of long-distance communication technology. In 2018, SEAK introduced charging stations for electric vehicles integrated with smart light poles, for which it received several international awards. Mr Macko believes this technology will help speed up the adoption of e-mobility globally, providing charging spots for people who park their cars on the streets.

"In order to achieve full energy independence in 2050, we must start acting now, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is another reason to stop our dependence on fossil fuels as soon as possible. Achieving this by 2050 is not an easy task. We will need technological innovation, to change in industries and our habits, which can only be achieved through wise and rapid policy changes. Therefore, we must combine our best ideas, and this conference is just the place for it", said Heliodor Macko. 

Laura Stäter is a passionate tourism professional with a strong focus on destination management and sustainability. She works as a marketing and public relations expert, as well as a PR and marketing manager for the Thai Tourist Board in the German market, providing as well advisory services to tourism companies that wish to base their business on sustainability. 

"Green transition is extremely important in the context of tourism. Destinations are at risk due to climate change, the locals are under threat of pandemic, war, working conditions in supply chains, and animals are losing their habitat. Overtourism has had an adverse impact - the gap between rich and poor is widening, and only robust employees, habitats and businesses can survive in the long run. Sustainability is a long-term process and that is why at an event such as the Green Future Conference we need to inspire each other and find ways to foster a common understanding of sustainability and start acting immediately,” said Laura Stäter.

Josef Mouris is co-founder and CEO of ELECTRON Aviation and ELECTRON Aerospace. His love of aviation has been reflected in a career spanning more than two decades, and recently his commitment to tackling climate change has been reflected in a pioneering effort to develop affordable, CO2-free air transport on demand. As a professional air pilot, Josef has 15 years of flying experience at Flybe, the largest regional airline in Europe, and with about 23 years of glider piloting, private design of airfoils, propellers and electric aircraft, he leads the implementation of EV battery technology in the design and production of next-generation aircraft.

"The air traffic is responsible for more than 900 million tonnes of CO2 and is one of the fastest-growing emitters of greenhouse gases. While other sectors will shrink, aviation is likely to continue to grow, raising its share from 3% to more than 20% of all global emissions by 2050. If it does not change direction, it will crash. The Green Future Conference is one of many platforms that can help launch a green transition,” said Josef Mouris. 

The Green Future Conference will be a centre for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, new technologies and solutions, but also innovative policies on green transition, a process that in the coming years and decades is an imperative for the economy of Croatia, the European Union and the rest of the world.


The conference agenda and all speakers will be presented on the official website of the conference in the coming period, and early bird tickets can be purchased until the end of March.  

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Green Future Conference in Split: Rimac and Infobip Sponsored Event Reveals First Speakers

February 1, 2022 - The first speakers have been revealed for Green Future Conference that will bring together Croatian and global technology leaders in Split on June 9th and 10th. The conference is sponsored by Rimac and Infobip. 

At the beginning of June, the City of Split will become the center point for exchanging knowledge, experiences, new technologies, solutions, and innovative green transition politics - all of the processes that will become imperative for Croatia, the European Union, and worldwide in the following years. On the 9th and 10th of June, the Croatian National Theater in Split will host the Green Future Conference. This event will bring together 'the best of Croatia' and global technology leaders in technology and public policies to speed up the processes in this part of Europe. 

The date of the conference was not chosen by accident - the new programming period brings significant grants with which the European Union wants to encourage sustainable investments, innovations, new job opportunities in Europe, and fair transition to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality goal. It's an opportunity not to be missed. 

The participants will have the opportunity to listen to Matija Žulj, founder of AGRIVI, a startup for digital innovations in agriculture that has provided over 50 million HRK in investments. Today they help companies worldwide produce nutritious, healthy, and sustainable food by digitizing agricultural production and supply chains. 


Federico Christophoroni, one of the speakers, is the co-founder and CEO of Eutopia, a platform with more than 16.000 startups in Europe developing climate change solutions. The platform also provides data, insights, and software tools to help policymakers, investors, and corporations make informed decisions. 


Ivica Puljak, Mayor of Split, an internationally recognized physicist, a longtime advocate of the popularisation of science and applying new technologies, will participate in a panel on public policies together with representatives of European cities who have already achieved the results that await us.


Much can be learned about public and private sector cooperation from Stephanie E. Trpkov, an entrepreneur, investor, and longtime World Bank consultant in the areas of competitiveness and energy. She specializes in low-carbon transition, digital transformation, and smart cities. The European Commission has chosen her as a leading expert for two out of three Croatian cities involved in the '100 Intelligent Cities Challenge' initiative.


In Split, we will bring together global and Croatian technology leaders, companies, institutions, decision-makers, scientists, and other stakeholders from the sustainable development sector. We aim to raise awareness and learn about the green transition, finance it, and implement effective public policies that will lead to behavior change, faster technological innovations, and meet the 2050 climate neutrality goal. The conference is technology-oriented, but we'll by no means omit people - decision-makers, entrepreneurial leaders, and citizens. The whole thing starts with us and ends with us. We want to open room for new business collaborations and investments, to present the best examples of public policies and changes in thinking that await us, changes that are already here - said members of the Organizing committee consisting of companies Green Summit, Profico, a digital agency with many years of experience in developing technological tools in the field of smart cities, and VAJT, an award-winning agency for public relations.

As of today, you can visit the conference website. In the following period, all the speakers will be presented there and the conference schedule. The ticket sale has also started.

The Green Future conference is supported by two leading Croatian tech companies - the whole event is powered by Rimac Group, the challenge partner of the startup competition is Infobip. The City of Split also supports the event.

For more, check out our dedicated lifestyle section.
