Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Landslide Damages Houses in Hrvatska Kostajnica

ZAGREB, March 13, 2018 - About a dozen houses have been damaged, of which several severely, by a landslide in Hrvatska Kostajnica, 70 kilometres southeast of Zagreb, however, no casualties were reported.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Flooding Hits Hrvatska Kostajnica

The Prime Minister is touring the area.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Floods Threaten Croatian Towns

ZAGREB, March 12, 2018 - Following heavy snowmelt, the town of Hrvatska Kostajnica, 70 kilometres southeast of Zagreb, is bracing for landslides as well as floods due to the swollen River Una.

Monday, 12 February 2018

Youngest Mayor in Croatia: Student Lowers Debt, Plans for Future

In among all of the negativity and stories about corrupt politicians, be those stories mildly exaggerated or not, gems can be found...

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Celebrating Autumn: Chestnut Festivals in Croatia

Chestnut Festival, which is locally known as kestenijada or marunada, is a very popular type of food festival in October in Croatia.

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