May the 11th, 2023 - A massive 20 million euros is set to be pumped into the digital development of rural Croatian areas which still struggle with weak mobile signals. These so-called white zones where there is no high-speed mobile signal doesn't allow the normal use of digital technologies.
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes, as Oleg Butkovic, the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, announced last week, the aforementioned issue should soon finally be resolved through a project financed from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan 2021-2026.
More rural Croatian areas are the targets for improvement
"In terms of the development of the 5G network, we're in the lead in terms of Europe, and we have a significant competitive advantage in terms of qualified workforce in the ICT sector, as well as regulations that enable so-called digital nomads. There's also a project under way that will cover areas across fourteen different counties with a high-speed mobile signal, and these are all places that currently don't have high-quality internet," explained Minister Butkovic.
However, while Croatia may well be performing well when it comes to 5G, the country remains at the very end of the line in terms of actual coverage with 4G and 3G networks, which is why the government has launched the public discussion procedure entitled "A call for expressions of interest for the development and implementation of passive electronic communication infrastructure in rural and sparsely populated areas". It is worth around twenty million euros in total.
This document defines the target areas for the possible construction of electronic communication infrastructure as part of such an investment. As stated by the proponent, the preparation of the Feasibility Study is underway and, following this and a public consultation on the expression of market interest, the final areas for the implementation of the investment in question will be determined.
"The investment's target areas are rural Croatian areas that include parts of counties with extremely low socio-economic indicators, meaning those primarily characterised by extremely low demographic, social and economic conditions compared to the national average," the Maritime Affairs Ministry stated, adding that investment in Croatia's 5G networks must be located in areas where mobile networks haven't been introduced or where only mobile networks that can support mobile services up to 3G are available and where there are no 4G or 5G mobile networks, nor is their introduction planned within the next three years.
It is estimated that around 58 poles will be installed, however, the exact selection of their locations and their final numbers will be defined only by the Feasibility Study, the preparation of which is currently underway. In the proposal, it has been noted that the poles won't be placed in all acceptable areas defined through this public consultation, but in those confirmed by the Study as possible locations that will justify the economic profitability of the investment.
As part of the Study, the exact needs for certain types of communication and the need for signal coverage in precisely defined areas will be determined, and in accordance with the results, passive infrastructure will be built to connect the infrastructure points. Croatia also lags behind the EU average in this area (broadband infrastructure coverage), and although in the category of new generation fixed broadband network coverage, it has equaled the EU average, it is still far behind in the widespread use of 100 Mbps broadband access and isn't ready for the introduction of a 5G network.
In addition to all of the above, due to high construction costs and a reduced population, there are insufficient investments in digital development in more rural Croatian areas in general.
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June 21st, 2021 - HAKOM reports, in Q1 2021, a total of 4.3 million users spent 2.8 billion minutes on mobile networks in Croatia, which is a 6% increase year-on-year, and when it comes to the use of electronic communications, traffic across all broadband access technologies increased the most, by 54%, to 624.3 million gigabytes.
This is shown by market data from the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM).
"Internet traffic rose by 26.5% on the year. We talked much more on mobile phones, and total revenue in the electronic communications market went up by 3.3%," HAKOM said.
Continued decline in fixed and increase in mobile networks
According to HAKOM's data, fixed communications were the only segment in that market that didn't see an increase and continued to decline, with total revenue dropping by 4% compared with Q1 2020, to HRK 269.4 million, while the number of users decreased by 1.4%, to 1.2 million. They spent 404.2 million minutes in those networks, or 7% fewer.
Those networks also saw a drop in revenue from broadband Internet access services of 8.2%.
On the other hand, mobile networks registered an increase in total revenue of 2%, to HRK 889 million, while the number of users remained stable, 4.36 million.
However, due to the pandemic and less tourist traffic, phone calls made by Croatian users in international mobile networks saw a decrease of 14.2%. In comparison, phone calls made by foreign users in Croatian mobile networks saw a drop of 7.9%.
Mobile networks also increased revenue by 16%, or HRK 756.1 million, from broadband Internet access services compared with Q1 2020, while total revenue from those services went up by 5.4% in Q1 2021, to HRK 1.2 billion.
Market shares of mobile network operators remained similar to last year, with Hrvatski Telekom (HT) having the largest share of 46%, followed by A1 Hrvatska (35%) and Telemach Hrvatska (19.4%).
Total revenue in the electronic communications market increased by 3.3% from Q1 2020, with revenues increasing by 9.2% in the broadband Internet access market, by 3.5% in the television services market, and by 7.7% in the network and line rental services market, HAKOM said.
They stress that despite a slight decline in total investment in that market since the beginning of the year, investment in fiber access infrastructure saw a sharp rise of 140% on the year, which they consider important for maintaining the growth trend in the number of high-speed broadband connections.
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As many as 14,000 households in the area of Velika Gorica near the City of Zagreb will have the possibility of the use of ultra-fast Internet with speeds over 100 Mbit/s, and in the future these speeds will exceed 1 Gbit/s thanks to a large investment from Croatian Telecom.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 29th of July, 2020, Croatian Telecom/Hrvatski Telekom, the largest private investor in the Republic of Croatia, has started implementing the most modern optical infrastructure in the area of Velika Gorica which is situated close to the capital, the move will provide Velika Gorica's citizens with gigabit speeds and the best experience possible when using Croatian Telecom's telecommunications services.
The project worth around 29 million kuna will enable the connection of as many as 14,000 households to ultra-fast Internet with speeds over 100 Mbit/s, and in the future these speeds will exceed 1 Gbit/s. In addition to the superior experience of home internet connection, which is necessary for working from home, holding distance learning and enjoying entertainment such as gaming, the implementation of this project will improve the use of advanced digital products and services such as e-Citizens, e-schools, e -health, e-parking and other projects in the domain of smart cities, and the use of which requires high access speeds.
"Optical networks to households undoubtedly provide the highest quality and fastest access to the Internet and are an integral part of the digitalisation of society, increasing economic competitiveness and quality of life. We're very pleased that Velika Gorica is part of our optical investments, which will provide a large number of citizens with an advanced user experience through the enjoyment of ultra-fast connectivity. This year, in a challenging business environment, Croatian Telecom is continuing with its investment plans, as evidenced by the record 60 percent growth in covering Croatian households with optics, which we plan to realise this year,'' said Croatian Telecom's Boris Drilo.
"Nowadays, modern high-speed communication infrastructure is one of the most important preconditions for economic development and investment attraction, but it's also important in all other spheres of social activity, especially when it comes to education. In the City of Velika Gorica, in recent years we've been continuously working on the improvement of the communication infrastructure, from the development of a broadband internet development plan to the establishment of numerous access points for free wireless internet access. The planned investment from Croatian Telecom in the form of the optical infrastructure in the area of Velika Gorica is the most significant development project of this type so far, which is equally important for economic entities and institutions, as well as for households,'' said the Mayor of Velika Gorica, Drazen Barisic.
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There is a growing consumer interest in the direct delivery of fruit, which, besides its producers, is also being bought and sold through the Finoteka portal.
A step forward for communications as Croatian Telecom (Hrvatski Telekom) offers something new to customers.
Croats are surfing Internet at a slow speed and expensive cost: We are at the bottom in Europe for Internet speed but at the top for what we are paying for it.