Thursday, 24 February 2022

Parliament Speaker: We express Our Solidarity With The Ukrainian People

ZAGREB, 24 Feb 2022 - In the wake of Russia's military attack on Ukraine on Thursday morning, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković expressed solidarity with the people of Ukraine, saying he hoped military operations would be halted and that the Sabor would issue a declaration in that regard.

"I ask you to show solidarity. We are a country that experienced a similar situation in our recent past. We suffered huge casualties and property damage. We express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and believe and hope that military operations will be stopped," Jandroković said in the Sabor.

He called on the Foreign Affairs Committee to present the plenary with a declaration that will clearly support Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and harshly condemn Russia's military invasion and aggression.

"I call on the Committee Chairman Gari Capelli and Committee members to urgently propose a declaration that will call for an immediate cessation of military operations in an effort to prevent great casualties and property damage," said Jandroković.

He recalled that on 22 February the Committee adopted a unanimous conclusion expressing concern over the situation in Ukraine and supporting Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognized borders and a peaceful settlement of disputes.

Secure and stable Ukraine in Europe's strategic interest

The Committee expresses its firm belief that a secure, stable, and prosperous Ukraine is in the interest of the entire European continent, and condemns the violation of international law by the Russian Federation.

The Committee will continue to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and based on it will once again discuss the situation in Ukraine and its immediate surroundings, Jandroković read out the Committee's conclusions to MPs.

He called on lawmakers to be responsible and aware of what is happening and of the possible consequences which "might be inconceivable."

"I call on everyone to be very cautious, to follow what is happening and to be responsible to our duties and obligations," underscored Jandroković who met with the government prior to the Sabor sitting, in reference to the latest developments in Ukraine.

For more, check out our politics section.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Conflict of Interest Commission Looking Into Parliament Speaker Jandroković

ZAGREB, 5 Feb 2022 - The chair of the Conflict of Interest Commission, Nataša Novaković, said on Friday they were looking into media reports concerning Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković.

"The Commission is investigating facts concerning Mr Jandroković, and that's all I can say. I can't go into details. We are focusing on everything that has been published in the media, the relevance and truthfulness of those reports," Novaković told Nova TV.

The Commission is investigating the link between Jandroković and businessman Vedran Gajski. Jandroković has confirmed that Gajski contacted him because he was paying rent to the Državne Nekretnine state property management company for business premises that were not connected to the power grid and that Gajski then contacted the then state secretary in charge of state property, Krunoslav Katičić, and informed him of the problem.

Novaković said that the Commission is also gathering facts regarding the case of the prime minister's chief of staff Zvonimir Frka Petešić, after which they will decide on further steps.

The Commission is also looking into the case of Defence Minister Mario Banožić.

Nova TV said that Vanja Bilić, former assistant justice minister in the government of Zoran Milanović, had used a state-owned apartment even though he had a permanent address in Zagreb at the time.

Monday, 22 November 2021

Jandroković: It's Selfish to Think About Personal Freedom While Others Are Dying

ZAGREB, 22 Nov 2021 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Monday commented on Saturday's protest against COVID certificates and asked what sort of personal freedom it was that "brings death and takes numerous lives that shouldn't have been lost?"

"Those who are insisting on their own freedom and avoiding COVID certificates and testing evidently do not think that there are people who pay a high price for this epidemic," Jandroković said in an interview with Croatian Radio.

He said that the key issue was not COVID certificates but the fact that more than 10,000 people had died of COVID-19, including a record 73 in the current fourth wave today.

"I don't know what sort of personal freedom it is that brings death and takes numerous lives that shouldn't have been lost," he said.

He also wondered what sort of freedom excluded doctors and nurses who for the past 21 months have been working hard to save human lives and called for showing them some trust as they work in impossible conditions.

With reference to Saturday's protest, he said that it was heterogenous and that there were among the protesters "various false prophets and political profiteers".

Asked whether mandatory vaccination was being considered, Jandroković said that Croatia had adopted measures to curb the spread of coronavirus and that at the moment he could not say whether new ones would be introduced.

It all depends on how the pandemic will develop, he added.

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For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.

Friday, 8 October 2021

Jandroković: In Past 30 Years Sabor Has Fulfilled All Key Tasks

ZAGREB, 8 Oct 2021 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Friday, Parliament Day and the 30th anniversary of the decision on independence, that the Sabor had fulfilled all its key tasks.

Regardless of all the criticism, I believe that in these 30 years the Sabor has fulfilled all its key tasks and that it has adopted all important and big decisions, Jandroković said at a ceremonial session of the parliament in memory of 8 October 1991, when the Sabor adopted the decision to sever all state-legal ties with the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), which meant that Croatia had declared its independence.

He underscored that throughout history the Sabor symbolised Croatian statehood and that until the modern state, with "more or less success," it always defended the interests of the Croatian people. "It is the central place of political life and since 1990 also the keeper of the fundamental values of constitutional order."

With wise decisions and togetherness we achieved all objectives

He greeted those present, including former parliament speakers and heads of state and government, congratulating them on Croatian Sabor Day and the 30th anniversary of the decision on independence.

We were faced with crisis situations, under great pressure and sometimes even blackmail by the international community, however, with wise decisions and the vision of those who led the country, we achieved all our objectives, said Jandroković.

We are all Croatia

He called on colleagues to jointly seek solutions that will make Croatia a better country, telling them, "We are all Croatia."

Even today the future is uncertain and sometimes it appears that it will be more difficult than the present. Let's work together in matters that seek a compromise and show respect towards one another. We need to seek solutions that will make our homeland a better country, because "we are all Croatia," he underscored.

He told fellow parliamentarians that they need to take account so that their actions strengthen state institutions, develop a culture of cooperation and compromise when necessary. We cannot resolve problems with exclusion and radicalism, he said.

He recalled that over the past two years the Sabor has been faced with the challenges of the pandemic and earthquakes and said that he is confident that it reacted solidly.

He underscored that the times ahead bring other challenges such as climate change, natural disasters, and a changing geopolitical situation. We need to follow what is happening, particularly in our neighbourhood which is turbulent, he said.

As for short-term objectives, Jandroković noted reconstruction in the wake of the 2020 earthquakes, laws related to joining the Schengen Area and introducing the euro currency, and said that particular attention needs to be dedicated to Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. "We need to preserve their constitutionality and equality. There are also issues related to the status of Croats in Serbia," he added.

Tuđman, Domljan, Gregurić

Jandroković recalled all those who participated in making the decision of 8 October 1991, all those how participated in democratic processes, in preparing and adopting key decisions, the heroes of the Homeland War and all those who participated in any way in building the Croatian state and institutions, Croatian defenders, particularly the families of those who lost their lives.

He then individually thanked former heads of state and government as well as former and current parliamentarians for their contribution to the homeland.

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Thursday, 9 September 2021

Jandroković Meets With Chilean Counterpart: Croats in Chile Most Successful Diaspora

ZAGREB, 9 Sept 2021 - The Croatian diaspora in Chile is the most successful Croatian community in the world, Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković said on Thursday after meeting with his Chilean counterpart Diego Paulsen Kehr.

"A large number of Croats live in Chile. They are successful in politics, business, science, education, and many other areas," Jandroković said after the meeting.

"We consider the Croatian diaspora in Chile to be one of the most successful Croatian communities in the world," he added, describing the Croatian minority in Chile as a bridge between the two countries.

According to Chile's foreign ministry, there are more than 200,000 people of Croatian descent living in Chile, which is almost 1.3% of the total population, as reported by the Central State Office for Croats Abroad.

Paulsen is a member of the party of President Sebastián Piñera, one of the wealthiest people in Chile.

After the meeting with Jandroković, Paulsen said that his visit, as well as a forthcoming visit by Chile's defense minister, is aimed at developing economic cooperation. He added that of all the EU countries his country invests in Croatia the most.

Noting examples of good cooperation, the two officials mentioned the Lukišić family from Chile as one of the biggest investors in the Croatian tourism sector.

They said that the cooperation between the two countries in the coming period will particularly focus on multilateral organizations, especially with regard to sustainability, climate change and green policies, and the fight against autocratic regimes in the world.

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Parl. Speaker Hopeful "Best Candidate" for Supreme Court Head Will Be Elected

ZAGREB, 6 Aug 2021 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Friday expressed a wish for the best candidate to be selected in a third attempt to appoint the Supreme Court president.

"It is my wish, and I believe most of us involved share it, that this time the best candidate is chosen," Jandroković said during a visit to Split, on the last day potential candidates were able to submit their applications for the post of Supreme Court president.

The State Judicial Council on 7 July published a third public call for the head of the Supreme Court, with 30 days as the application deadline, which expires at midnight.

After the President of the Republic proposes one of the candidates, they will be discussed by the parliament.

Earlier this week, President Zoran Milanović confirmed that he would propose Zagreb Commercial Court judge Radovan Dobronić who in 2013 ruled against eight banks in a case concerning loans denominated in Swiss francs.

Jandroković said today that the ruling majority had still not discussed the candidates.

"We need to see their biographies, programmes, and what the Judiciary Committee and the General Convention of the Supreme Court will say," Jandroković said when asked if there was a consensus on Milanović's candidate.

He noted that it was not impossible the parliament would meet in early September to discuss the topic.

Milanović said earlier that he would nominate his candidate on time after his first candidate Zlata Đurđević did not receive majority support in the parliament.

After the term of Supreme Court president Đuro Sessa expired on 20 July, his deputy Marin Mrčela took over.

For more on politics, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Jandroković Extends Statehood Day Greetings, Calls for New Unity

ZAGREB, 30 May, 2021 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković on Sunday extended greetings on Statehood Day, calling for new unity and realising the vision of a Croatia with quality living for all Croatian people as an obligation to all who contributed to the creation of the Croatian state and freedom.

Faced with the challenges of the present and the biggest crisis since the Homeland War, caused by the pandemic and devastating earthquakes, we are called upon to achieve new unity, just as during the establishment and building of the state, Jandroković sad.

Together, we wish to realise the vision of a Croatia whereby we will enable quality living for all Croatian people, protect their health and rebuild homes, ensure that they stay and make the economy competitive and crisis-resilient. We also need to be connected with and care for Croats abroad, he said.

By celebrating Statehood Day, we observe the inauguration of the first democratically elected multi-party parliament on 30 May 1990, which was a key step in the realisation of the Croatian people's centuries-long striving for its own free and independent state, said Jandroković.

Many contributed to the realisation of that goal, but defenders, the families of killed and missing defenders and the first president, Franjo Tuđman, deserve special gratitude, he said, adding that today one should also remember all those who participated in the creation, defence and affirmation of Croatia in various ways.

Today, when we live in a modern and democratic state, a member of the European Union and NATO, we have the obligation to teach new generations that the Croatian state and freedom were not granted but won in war, struggle and sacrifice, Jandroković said.

But, he added, it is because of young people that we must turn to the future and ensure for all our citizens the best life possible.

The development and progress of modern technologies, the issue of demographic revitalisation, environmental protection and the ecology, youth mobility, security and stability are our challenges as well as opportunities, Jandroković said.

An opportunity for Croatia to be a successful country of satisfied people by strengthening solidarity in society and responsibly governing the state, focused on problem solving. In doing so, we must not forget to cultivate the rich cultural heritage and protect our Christian values. That's our obligation to all the killed and missing defenders and civilians as well as members of their families, thanks to whom today we can proudly celebrate Statehood Day, he added.

For more news about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Croatian Parliament Speaker Says Fines for Violating COVID-19 Measures in Croatia begin Saturday

December 2, 2020 - In an interview with RTL Danas, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic spoke about the fines for violating COVID-19 measures in Croatia.

RTL Danas reports that the opposition is against the changes to the law because they believe that the government should have declared a state of emergency so that the law could be passed by a two-thirds majority.

"I do not agree with the opposition, everything is in accordance with the Constitution and the law. I believe that there is no need for a two-thirds majority. Everything is covered by Article 16. If the opposition thinks otherwise, let them ask the Constitutional Court to rule on constitutionality," Jandrokovic said, adding that the opposition only wants to put political pressure on the ruling party.

Jandrokovic revealed that the law on fines will be applied from Saturday.

"The plan is to vote on Friday, we have a majority and the text will be published in the Official Gazette that day. They will be in force from Saturday. The fines were passed because of a small number of people who don't follow the law. The vast majority of Croatian citizens already respect the measures that are necessary to curb the epidemic, and these measures are being adopted as an additional means to reduce the number of infected and dead," said Jandrokovic.

The bill stipulates that the implementation of supervision over the application of safety measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases is also carried out by police officers, inspectors of state administration bodies responsible for civil protection, inspectors of the State Inspectorate, and inspectors of other state administration bodies.

A fine of HRK 10,000 to HRK 40,000 is prescribed for legal entities in case of non-compliance with measures prescribed by law, i.e., if they do not respect the ban or restriction of public events and gatherings and if they do not respect the ban or restriction of private gatherings. A fine of HRK 5,000 to 10,000 is prescribed for a responsible person in a legal entity, as well as a craftsperson and a natural person who performs other independent activities.

A fine of HRK 500 is in place for improperly wearing a mask, and a fine of up to 10,000 is in place for a house party. A natural person can be fined HRK 500 in case of non-compliance with the prescribed measures, i.e., the obligation to properly wear a face mask or medical mask. A fine of HRK 5,000 to 10,000 is prescribed for the owner of private property if they organize or allow a private gathering contrary to the provisions of the law.

Fines may be collected at the place where the offense was committed by a person authorized to supervise the implementation of safety measures to protect the population from infectious diseases.

To read more about coronavirus in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Jandrokovic: Let's Realise Vision of Croatia as Safe Country

ZAGREB, Aug 4, 2020 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic on Tuesday sent his greetings on the occasion of Victory Day, Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans' Day in which he called for realising a vision of Croatia as a safe country with legal and social certainty.

In his message he recalled that 25 years ago the military-police operation Storm liberated Croatia and reinstated Croatian sovereignty over the majority of occupied territory, paving the way for the process of peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region.

He said that along with Operation Flash, Operation Storm was the key operation that led to the end of the Homeland War.

On this day we express our gratitude to all brave Croatian defenders and their families, to all heroes who won a victory in the Homeland War which is the foundation of the free, independent, democratic and sovereign Croatia, Jandrokovic said.

It is our obligation, today and in the future, to protect the dignity of the Homeland War and to continue building Croatia on the values that we showed in the Homeland War, he added.

"With the faith in our own abilities and knowledge, let's realise the vision of Croatia as a safe country with legal and social certainty, social justice, solidarity and inclusiveness, a country with a strong and sustainable economy and a country of knowledge and innovation in which young people will find opportunities to realise their personal and professional lives and contribute to its demographic vitality," said Jandrokovic.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Speaker Says Will Continue to Ask All MPs to Wear Masks in Chamber

ZAGREB, July 28, 2020 - Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said on Tuesday the parliament presidency was agreed today about recommending that all MPs wear masks in the chamber and that he would continue to ask all to do so.

Speaking to the press after a presidency meeting, he said wearing masks was, for now, a recommendation and that, depending on developments, "we will see whether to ban those who don't want to or avoid wearing a mask from being in the chamber."

"I firmly believe everyone will listen to the recommendation because it doesn't come from us but from experts," said Jandrokovic. He added that as of September if the coronavirus situation deteriorated, stricter measures could be imposed.

Capak hasn't become burden because of Hrebak case

Jandrokovic said he did not think that Krunoslav Capak, head of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, had become a burden because of the case of MP Dario Hrebak. He said Capak had been doing a good job from the start and that the criticisms against him were wrong.

He would not comment on the possibility of President Zoran Milanovic being brought into an awkward situation at the August 5 anniversary of Operation Storm.

"He is responsible for his statements, sometimes also for the problems those statements cause. The government and the prime minister have done a lot both for veterans and for a dignified marking of Storm's 25-year anniversary, so any booing would be inappropriate and I don't expect it. I think something like that certainly won't happen."

As for representatives of the authorities attending the Grubori commemoration, he said they had neither discussed it nor made a decision.

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