
Croatian Parliament Speaker Says Fines for Violating COVID-19 Measures in Croatia begin Saturday

By 2 December 2020
Croatian Parliament Speaker Says Fines for Violating COVID-19 Measures in Croatia begin Saturday

December 2, 2020 - In an interview with RTL Danas, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic spoke about the fines for violating COVID-19 measures in Croatia.

RTL Danas reports that the opposition is against the changes to the law because they believe that the government should have declared a state of emergency so that the law could be passed by a two-thirds majority.

"I do not agree with the opposition, everything is in accordance with the Constitution and the law. I believe that there is no need for a two-thirds majority. Everything is covered by Article 16. If the opposition thinks otherwise, let them ask the Constitutional Court to rule on constitutionality," Jandrokovic said, adding that the opposition only wants to put political pressure on the ruling party.

Jandrokovic revealed that the law on fines will be applied from Saturday.

"The plan is to vote on Friday, we have a majority and the text will be published in the Official Gazette that day. They will be in force from Saturday. The fines were passed because of a small number of people who don't follow the law. The vast majority of Croatian citizens already respect the measures that are necessary to curb the epidemic, and these measures are being adopted as an additional means to reduce the number of infected and dead," said Jandrokovic.

The bill stipulates that the implementation of supervision over the application of safety measures for the protection of the population from infectious diseases is also carried out by police officers, inspectors of state administration bodies responsible for civil protection, inspectors of the State Inspectorate, and inspectors of other state administration bodies.

A fine of HRK 10,000 to HRK 40,000 is prescribed for legal entities in case of non-compliance with measures prescribed by law, i.e., if they do not respect the ban or restriction of public events and gatherings and if they do not respect the ban or restriction of private gatherings. A fine of HRK 5,000 to 10,000 is prescribed for a responsible person in a legal entity, as well as a craftsperson and a natural person who performs other independent activities.

A fine of HRK 500 is in place for improperly wearing a mask, and a fine of up to 10,000 is in place for a house party. A natural person can be fined HRK 500 in case of non-compliance with the prescribed measures, i.e., the obligation to properly wear a face mask or medical mask. A fine of HRK 5,000 to 10,000 is prescribed for the owner of private property if they organize or allow a private gathering contrary to the provisions of the law.

Fines may be collected at the place where the offense was committed by a person authorized to supervise the implementation of safety measures to protect the population from infectious diseases.

To read more about coronavirus in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.
