Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Spice Up Your Life: Chili Marathon Returns to Split!

This one is for those of you who enjoy hot peppers with a side of party.

Monday, 13 March 2017

Split Nightlife: Your Guide to the Best Bars and Clubs for a Big Night Out

Bottoms up! Where should you go on a big night out in Split?

Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween: Here Are Split's Happenings, Tonight

It’s a Monday, it’s October 31st, and it’s Halloween. With that said, there are plenty of options for you to enjoy on this Hallow-evening. Here is what Split has going on tonight.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

It's Sunny, It's Saturday, and It's Croatian Independence Day - What's on Tonight?

After what seems like an eternity of rain (it wasn’t), the sun is finally out, shining, and one day of Indian Summer is here. What is also special about today, October 8th, is not only that it is a Saturday, but that today is the day where Croatia celebrates their independence. With that said, here are the many ways you can help celebrate in Split, tonight.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Another Saturday Night in Split: What's On Tonight?

It’s another Saturday night in Split, and as the weather today feels warm, we hear we’re in for some cooler weather this week. In an effort to soak in the last bit of sun and enjoy the start of the winter season, here is what Split has going on tonight.

Friday, 2 September 2016

The First Night of a Split Weekend: Here is What is Happening Tonight

Friday: a six-letter word that sends chills down the spines of those so happy to have finally reached it. Friday: a day that recalls the end to a work week and the beginning of a weekend.  It’s your time to embrace all that is around you, get out into the world, and do something especially for you. With that said, here is what Split has going on for your Friday night out.

Friday, 26 August 2016

It's Friday Night: Here's What Split Has Going On

It’s that time again: the weekend. Friday night always brings in a chock full of activities to the town of Split, and we are here to help make your weekend decisions a bit easier with some TCN guidance. Here are our top picks for events going on tonight in Split.

Friday, 19 August 2016

It's Friday Night - Here is What Split Has Going On

It’s the weekend again! And since it is Friday night, our goal is to set you off on the right foot with a list of events going on in Split this evening. Although there are most likely too many good ones to choose from, we trust that you’ll make the right call.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Nightlife in Split: A Tour of the Nightclubs

One thing that Split is no stranger to: nightlife. One thing that Split locals and tourists both enjoy doing: partying. Today we bring you the plethora of nightlife institutions in the city of Split, whether you want to have a chilled out evening or dance until the early morning hours - fortunately there is something for everyone here.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Workshop: Lighting Design with Mirko Pivčević this Saturday!

The award-winning Split born cinematographer Mirko Pivčević is hosting a workshop at Klub Kocka this Saturday as part of a daily program put on by this year’s Split Spot Festival. The workshop will be about lighting design and is open to all professionals, enthusiasts and those who just want to learn something new about lighting in photography and camerawork.

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