Wednesday, 13 June 2018

HNS Represented at FIFA Congress by Executive Director with Prison Sentence

The Croatian Football Federation has authorized a man with a prison sentence to represent Croatia in front of the world. 

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Mamić Responds to Croatian Prison Sentence from Medjugorje: "I'm Surprised, But I Feel Good"

Mamić responds to the verdict from Medjugorje. 

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

"My Truth": Zdravko Mamić Holds Two Hour Long Press Conference

Dinamo's advisor Zdravko Mamić held yet another long press conference about, quite literally, his entire life. 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Der Fall Mamić: German TV Releases Film about Corruption in Croatian Football

Do you understand German and want to dig a bit deeper into Croatia’s corruption in football? This new German TV documentary is a good start.
