Friday, 4 December 2020

Split Advent: Saint Nicholas Day Celebrated with Art and Help of Social Media

December 4, 2020 - Saint Nicholas Day in Split may look a bit different this year, but no less fun! A look at how the famous saint will be celebrated at this year's Split Advent.

Every year during Split Advent, Saint Nicholas brings joy to the youngest citizens of the city. In this particular year, he will help us put aside all adversity and make the world a place of togetherness.

Thus, for Saint Nicholas Day, a creative competition has been announced for the smallest artists in the Split area, in which ten of Saint Nicholas' favorite drawings will receive gift packages to their address.

"The drawings can be published by parents on the Split Tourist Board Facebook. After random selection, parents will then submit their address to the Tourist Board. The drawings are collected until Sunday, so don't waste time and submit your artwork for comment here today," said the Split Tourist Board.

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"Saint Nicholas has always cared for other people, especially the youngest, and today he is known as a saint who gives to good children. As a bishop, he lived near the village with many children who had no toys. Diligent children cleaned their boots every night to wear them shiny again the next day. As Saint Nicholas was very skilled with wood, he began to make wooden toys to give to children on his name day, hoping to bring a little more joy. When Saint Nicholas grew old, and he could no longer make toys as before, his parents continued his tradition and started putting whatever they had in the house in children's boots, such as candy, nuts, or fruit, wrapped beautifully. Such a custom has continued to this day.

In 2020, more than ever, the primordial connection between people is important, which is the guiding thought of this year's Advent in Split under the slogan "Love unites us". From November 28 to January 6, Split becomes a source of new hope, relying on the love that unites every person with their loved ones, even when, during a pandemic, they are deprived of intimacy and embrace.

The entire event, therefore, will be held following the measures of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, which is why we rely more than ever on many actions via the Internet.

Follow the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter of the Split Tourist Board for news about Saint Nicholas, as well as all other events and awards," concluded the Split Tourist Board. 

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Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Split Advent 2020 Under the Slogan 'Love Unites Us'

November 24, 2020 - In 2020, more than ever, the primordial connection between people is important, which is the guiding thought of Split Advent 2020, which will be held under the slogan 'Love unites us'.

From November 28 to January 6, Split will become a source of new hope, relying on the love that unites each person with their loved ones, even when, due to the pandemic, they are deprived of intimacy and the warm embrace of others. During the Advent period, Christmas and light installations, pine trees, and decorations will be set up in many locations throughout the city, and a varied outdoor music program has been prepared.

The concept of Split Advent 2020, 'Love unites us', is based on four Advent candles as symbols of Christmas time. In the first week of Advent, the prophet's candle is lit and brings hope and anticipation of the great celebration of Jesus' birth. With the second Bethlehem candle, we approach that day through the symbolism of peace and forgiveness. The third, shepherd's candle, brings joy and happiness, while the final angel's candle is the largest and symbolizes love. According to the themes of each candle, Split Advent will be imbued with messages of hope, peace, joy, and love, and this year's Advent logo has been appropriately enriched. On certain letters, there is a flame motif to connect it with the four candles, the Split Tourist Board announced.

Because of the epidemiological situation, visitors will be best able to express their love for their loved ones at Advent events by respecting prescribed safety measures such as mandatory protective masks or keeping a physical distance. Longtime organizers of Split Advent, the City of Split, the Split Tourist Board, and Spalatum D.M.C, place the health of citizens in the absolute first place, which is shown by committing the extremely popular holiday houses with food, drinks, and souvenirs from the entire Advent offer of the City.

Love will connect visitors to the four main locations of Split Advent 2020 on the Riva, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Park (Đardin), Marmontova, the Chapel of Holy Arnir and Gajo Bulat Square and at several other smaller, but equally attractive, locations and events:


The city waterfront will be a source of beautiful music and gorgeous light attractions. At the new, but also already traditional concerts every weekend from 11:00 am, the sounds of classical music, opera arias, and many other styles and performers will resound, which will evoke a sublime Christmas atmosphere. The youngest will be delighted by special programs to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas and St. Lucia, as well as Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve at 10:30 am. There is also the Advent Split Gourmet Expo, an exhibition of restaurants that will awaken all the senses. Stop for a walk through this unforgettable location, see the illuminated fountain and palm trees, multimedia attractions on the sea's surface, listen to music bands and record that moment at one of the themed Christmas photo points.


Split's favorite Advent location, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Park, better known as Đardin, will create Christmas magic with its vibrant decorations. Don't miss the lighting of the first Advent candle, one of the symbols of this year's Advent, on November 28 at 6:00 pm. The lighting of the first candle also marks the grand opening of this year's Split Advent, which will be magnified by opera soloist Franka Pleština Stanić and pianist Zoran Velić. This music duo is part of the program of the 50th anniversary of the Music Youth of Split and the 24th International Choral Festival CRO PATRIA, an event that has been successfully complemented with Advent in Split for years. In the middle of the romantic space of Đardin, you will be able to enjoy the intimate atmosphere of the ice skating rink under Advent lights and Christmas decorations.


Leading up to Christmas, Marmontova Street turns into a photo exhibition titled 'Turn to Love' by the Split Photo Club as a way to recall the memories of people full of joy, love, and hugs. The sponsorship of OTP banka allows you to see the exhibits from the time when we wandered carelessly through the streets of the city and celebrated Christmas, and will convince you that one day, everyone will be together again.

Museum of Fine Arts & Chapel of Holy Arnir

The main attraction within this year's Art Gallery will be the Christmas nativity scene by artist Loren Živković Kuljiš. From mid-December, all passers-by will be able to visit the Chapel of Holy Arnir and enjoy this indispensable part of the Christmas holidays.

Gajo Bulat Square

The ramparts that complete the otherwise magical Gajo Bulat Square will shine with messages of hope, peace, joy, and love, as well as attractive light installations. Leave your Christmas messages in the 'Box of good wishes', under the auspices of the Croatian Lottery. The most sincere and beautiful messages will be rewarded via social networks. A special musical treat will be street musicians, the magic of the theater square.

This year, the Bethlehem Light, organized by the Split Scout Choir, will arrive at the Saint Domnious Cathedral, while holiday tastes will be emphasized by the well-known Gastroadvent event by Olja Martinić. Every Sunday, Split restaurants will show their culinary skills with the festive lighting of Advent candles and the flavors of Mediterranean fish. The programs Advent on Pjaca, Advent on Obrov, Advent on Marmontova, and Advent in the Park should not be missed.

For the first time, this year, as many as three culinary events are also included in the Advent program in Split. At the Split Gourmet Expo 2020, the 15th Pearl of the Sea & the 6th Grand Gourmet, organized by the Chefs of the Mediterranean and European Regions (ŠKMER), you can follow the bartender competition, the presentation of top gastronomy, and the restaurant exhibition. The Advent cultural program in Split will be held in cooperation with museums and theaters, while the Croatian National Theater, the City Puppet Theater, the City Youth Theater, and the Golden Gate Cinema will have a special Advent program, too.

Source: Dalmatinski Portal

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Friday, 20 November 2020

Split Advent 2020 Without Any Holiday Houses: Safety of Visitors Comes First

November 20, 2020 - The latest on Split Advent 2020, which will be held without the famous holiday houses this year.

The safety of visitors is a priority of the City of Split, the Split Tourist Board, and Spalatum D.M.C., longtime organizers of Advent events in Split, reports Dalmatinski Portal and Slobodna Dalmacija.

"Following the epidemiological situation in Croatia and keeping in mind the health of its fellow citizens and visitors, a decision was made that this year's Advent offer in the city will still take place without houses that serve food and drinks and sell souvenirs. The company Spalatum D.M.C., otherwise in charge of their maintenance, will continue its engagement as technical support at Advent, as every year so far," D.M.C. announced.

"It is almost unthinkable nowadays to set up Advent in any city without the favorite houses, but the epidemiological situation and the health of our fellow citizens must come first. We monitor the situation in the country every day to respond in a timely manner to all instructions and warnings related to the SARS-CoV-19 virus because Advent is made up, above all, by humans. The decision on the absence of houses was made as a proactive measure, which, I believe, will significantly increase the security of the entire event. I thank all the caterers and craftspeople who have expressed interest in participating in Advent, and I hereby ask them to understand. I believe that we will all work together to ensure that we have the opportunity to work together again next year," said Ante Šunjić, director of Spalatum D.M.C.

Advent in Split will be held this year, but in a different edition than ever before. The program is still being finalized in accordance with all the necessary epidemiological measures and will be available soon, both on the Split Tourist Board website and on social networks.

Stay tuned.

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Thursday, 29 October 2020

Split Advent 2020: 11 Offers Received for Holiday Houses and Latest Info

October 29, 2020 - As it stands now, Split Advent 2020 will be held from November 28, 2020, to January 6, 2021. The latest info on the potential of the event. 

Dalmacija Danas reports that a total of 11 offers arrived (two did not have all the documentation, and nine are valid) for the popular Split Advent 2020 holiday houses (kućice). Most offers, as expected, were for catering and trade. The director of Spalatum DMC stressed that he would hold a second round for offers because there are vacancies left.

"Last year, there were equal or even more offers in the second round than in the first round. You all know that we have set more favorable payment conditions and prices this year, given the situation with the pandemic - payment will be made only a few days before the start of the event when we know for sure that Advent can be held following epidemiological recommendations. If, for the same reasons, it is interrupted at some point, there will be a reciprocal payment," said Ante Šunjić. Thus, Director Šunjić eased the concerns of entrepreneurs, especially those for whom this is their first experience.

Provided that Split Advent 2020 is held at all because of COVID-19, many are interested in if the festivities will remain with a small number of exhibitors?

In the second round, many offers will arrive, Šunjić assured, while Marijana Pivalica from the Split Tourist Board (as a member of the Commission that opened the offers) mentioned another possibility if there is no offer for all houses, which is likely.

In such a case, in agreement with the bidders, the Advent festivities will be held at a reduced number of locations - Jardin is safe in any case. Of course, "safe" if the national and local headquarters approve the event at all, and until November 28, when Split Advent 2020 should open, anything can happen.

Four locations are planned - next to Strossmayer Park, in front of the Gallery, Prokurative, and Gaja Bulat Square. The valid bids that Spalatum DMC received in the first round were priced within the planned range - between three and five thousand kuna for trading houses for the planned duration of the Advent festivities from November 28 to January 6, 2021, and up to 30-40 thousand kuna for catering facilities.

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Friday, 16 October 2020

Split Advent 2020 to be held Without Holiday Houses on Riva

October 16, 2020 - This year, if the circumstances allow, the people of Split and visitors to the Dalmatian city will enjoy Advent, but without the famous holiday houses (kućice) on the Riva. A closer look at Split Advent 2020.

Dalmatinski Portal reports that since the event was first organized, the holiday houses on the Riva have been its trademark. However, for the 2020 season, they are no longer in favor because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"We chose the locations that are best epidemiologically covered, those where it is easier to create a controlled situation to meet epidemiological measures," says Ante Šunjić, director of Spalatum DMC, the city agency that issued a public call to participate in the Split Advent 2020/2021 event.

The Split Tourist Board has announced a call for offers for the ice skating rink in Đardin park.

This year, the houses will be located at that location and in front of the Art Gallery and the Croatian National Theater in Split. Šunjić claims that there will not be fewer of them than usual. They will be offered in the price range of 3,500 to 30 thousand kuna, depending on the location and activity.

"We are working as if everything will be fine, but we are also ready if everything is canceled at the last minute before the opening, as well as the possibility of work being stopped in the middle of the event. We explained everything in detail in terms of the tender. We will refund the money if Split Advent is canceled, that is, we will only charge the part that was used," says Šunjić.

Spalatum DMC said on Thursday:

In cooperation with the city of Split, the Split Tourist Board announced today a public call for a skating rink in Đardin and Spalatum DMC, a public call for renting houses located in Đardin, Kralja Tomislava Street (Gallery), and Gaja Bulat Square. The event should last from 28.11.2020. to 06.01.2020.

The public invitation for all interested parties and the draft and locations of the houses was published on the websites of the Split Tourist Board: and Spalatum DMC:

Thus, in Đardin, there will be: a skating rink, a central stage, 9 catering houses, 4 trading houses, and 3 sweet houses with fritters, Kralja Tomislava Street near the Gallery is a location for 4 trading houses and Trg Gaje Bulata 2 catering and 2 trading houses. The plateau in front of Fina and Prokurative should have a children's train this year as well.

The event's realization will depend on the epidemiological situation, and a music program is planned that will be held daily on the central stage in Đardin. Still, to avoid large gatherings, several smaller music programs will be held. The organization of all parties and events will depend on the epidemiological situation and the Headquarters' recommendations.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, numerous events worldwide have been postponed, but also in Croatia. It remains to be seen what the situation will be with the number of patients in the world, Europe, and Croatia in the winter months. Given that the conditions and possibilities of holding certain events have changed significantly due to the pandemic, we are currently developing possible scenarios. It is necessary to take care of the health and safety aspect, and then of all other things that make up a particular event. In that sense, we are in contact with the competent authorities of the City of Split and the National, County, and City Civil Protection Headquarters.

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