
Split Advent 2020 to be held Without Holiday Houses on Riva

By 16 October 2020
Split Advent 2020 to be held Without Holiday Houses on Riva
Split Tourist Board

October 16, 2020 - This year, if the circumstances allow, the people of Split and visitors to the Dalmatian city will enjoy Advent, but without the famous holiday houses (kućice) on the Riva. A closer look at Split Advent 2020.

Dalmatinski Portal reports that since the event was first organized, the holiday houses on the Riva have been its trademark. However, for the 2020 season, they are no longer in favor because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"We chose the locations that are best epidemiologically covered, those where it is easier to create a controlled situation to meet epidemiological measures," says Ante Šunjić, director of Spalatum DMC, the city agency that issued a public call to participate in the Split Advent 2020/2021 event.

The Split Tourist Board has announced a call for offers for the ice skating rink in Đardin park.

This year, the houses will be located at that location and in front of the Art Gallery and the Croatian National Theater in Split. Šunjić claims that there will not be fewer of them than usual. They will be offered in the price range of 3,500 to 30 thousand kuna, depending on the location and activity.

"We are working as if everything will be fine, but we are also ready if everything is canceled at the last minute before the opening, as well as the possibility of work being stopped in the middle of the event. We explained everything in detail in terms of the tender. We will refund the money if Split Advent is canceled, that is, we will only charge the part that was used," says Šunjić.

Spalatum DMC said on Thursday:

In cooperation with the city of Split, the Split Tourist Board announced today a public call for a skating rink in Đardin and Spalatum DMC, a public call for renting houses located in Đardin, Kralja Tomislava Street (Gallery), and Gaja Bulat Square. The event should last from 28.11.2020. to 06.01.2020.

The public invitation for all interested parties and the draft and locations of the houses was published on the websites of the Split Tourist Board: and Spalatum DMC:

Thus, in Đardin, there will be: a skating rink, a central stage, 9 catering houses, 4 trading houses, and 3 sweet houses with fritters, Kralja Tomislava Street near the Gallery is a location for 4 trading houses and Trg Gaje Bulata 2 catering and 2 trading houses. The plateau in front of Fina and Prokurative should have a children's train this year as well.

The event's realization will depend on the epidemiological situation, and a music program is planned that will be held daily on the central stage in Đardin. Still, to avoid large gatherings, several smaller music programs will be held. The organization of all parties and events will depend on the epidemiological situation and the Headquarters' recommendations.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, numerous events worldwide have been postponed, but also in Croatia. It remains to be seen what the situation will be with the number of patients in the world, Europe, and Croatia in the winter months. Given that the conditions and possibilities of holding certain events have changed significantly due to the pandemic, we are currently developing possible scenarios. It is necessary to take care of the health and safety aspect, and then of all other things that make up a particular event. In that sense, we are in contact with the competent authorities of the City of Split and the National, County, and City Civil Protection Headquarters.

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