Saturday, 15 August 2020

Opatija Mayor Urges Croatian Government, Headquarters to Divide Country into Epidemiological Regions

August 15, 2020 - Opatija Mayor, Ivo Dujmic, asked the Croatian Government and National Headquarters to divide Croatia into epidemiological regions as soon as possible. Dujmic believes that the counties of Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar should not bear the consequences of the unfavorable situation in Split-Dalmatia County.

We have transmitted his post on Facebook in its entirety:

"Urgently divide Croatia into epidemiological regions"

"This way, I must express my dissatisfaction with the current situation, i.e., that the Civil Protection Headquarters is avoiding dividing Croatia into regions and thus save the tourist season in those counties that have a favorable epidemiological situation.

I am primarily thinking of Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Istria counties, which have, by far, the most tourists in Croatia and, in addition, have a very favorable situation with the coronavirus. We must keep these good tourist figures, that is, take care of the existence of many families, entrepreneurs who depend on tourism, but also the budget of our cities, counties and the state itself.

I don't even have to say how many problems the citizens of Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Istria counties have who work in neighboring countries and go to Italy or Slovenia daily or weekly. Why do the new measures of the Headquarters apply to the whole of Croatia, i.e., why do our entrepreneurs have to bear the consequences of the bad epidemiological situation in Split-Dalmatia County?!

Therefore, I ask the Government and the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia to urgently divide Croatia into epidemiological regions, i.e., green, orange and red regions, which would be a clear message to other countries, especially those on which our tourism depends. I also ask that the measures be determined by regions and not linearly for all counties.

We don't have time anymore; decisions must be made as soon as possible!”

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Friday, 31 July 2020

760,000 Tourists Currently in Croatia, No 'Ferragosto' this August?

July 31, 2020 - According to e-visitor data, there are currently 760,000 tourists in Croatia, of which 126,000 are domestic. Most are from Germany, said Kristjan Stanicic, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board, on Thursday.

T.portal reports that in addition to Stanicic, the coordination meeting of the Croatian National Tourist Board, with the tourist boards of Split-Dalmatia County, was attended by the director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, Josko Stella, and 34 representatives of tourist boards of cities and municipalities from Split-Dalmatia County.

"Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva counties are the most affected because air traffic has decreased because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am glad that we currently have intensified air traffic. I believe we can be more optimistic in the coming weeks, as we will intensify marketing campaigns in certain markets and do our best to do this tourist season the best we can," said Stanicic.

He pointed out that marketing campaigns are underway in Germany, Austria and the UK. "Currently, we record the most guests from our most important markets - in the first place is Germany, followed by Slovenes, Austrians, Czechs, Poles and Hungarians," said Stanicic.

When asked how he commented on the negative campaign towards Croatia from some European countries, in which Croatia is placed on the list of undesirable countries for the arrival of guests, Stanicic said that it was part of the market competition because some competing countries had significantly lower tourist traffic than Croatia this year.

"We react to negative PR promptly and immediately through the network of our representative offices and publications in foreign media. We react with concrete, continuous positive campaigns and try to mitigate negative signs about Croatia. This is all the context of market competition by our competitors, which are below ten percent of this year's tourist traffic compared to the same period last year, while Croatia this year is cumulatively at 45 percent compared to the same period last year," said Stanicic.

Referring to 'Ferragosto', during which a large number of Italians traditionally come to Croatia, Stanicic said that given the situation in Italy, it is "irresponsible and unserious to expect" that Italians will come to us in numbers this year as before. "We must be aware that the situation in Italy is not good," he added.

The director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, Josko Stella, pointed out that in July this year, the number of overnight stays was 53 percent compared to 2019, and that there is a tendency to increase if the epidemiological situation remains stable.

He also said that there were almost as many Germans in the county as last year, i.e., 96 percent compared to last July. "Almost all Germans who were in Split-Dalmatia County last July came this year as well," he said.

Responding to a journalist's remark that the British, who have been the most numerous guests in the Split area in recent years, are almost non-existent this year, Stella said that marketing actions had been taken in the British market to encourage them to come to Split-Dalmatia County.

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Thursday, 9 July 2020

First Week of July Sees Rapid Tourism Growth in Dalmatia

July 9, 2020 - In the first six months of 2020, 1.6 million tourists came to Croatia and achieved 7.6 million overnight stays - about 30% of last year's result for the same period. Most guests are in the northern Adriatic, and the least in Croatia's southern parts, or Dalmatia. However, things are starting to change. 

"In Split-Dalmatia County, the beginning of June was not promising, but now June is at around 20%, meaning 485,000 overnight stays. And if we look at the first six months - then we are at 19%, which would mean 785,000 overnight stays. In this situation, we are relatively satisfied with this data," said Josko Stella, director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, for Studio 4 HTV. 

Dalmacija Danas reports that a reason for the unpopularity of Dalmatia for tourists this year, compared to, for example, Istria, is distance.

"Going to Dalmatia is a little different than going to Istria on a weekend or similar. The shorter the distance, the easier it is to get there," Stella said, adding that the situation has improved with the opening of more airlines at the Split Airport.

"Specifically, last weekend, we had 10,000 passengers, and the whole of June at the Split airport, there were 28,000 passengers. That tells you how big the jump is now," Stella said.

He added that more than 40 new direct airlines had been announced.

"Most importantly, we will have England, or Luton from London, a daily line, so we expect 200,000 passengers through July, which is not at the level of last year's 700,000 passengers, but it is a really big shift, because we expect even more passengers to come by land or car," Stella said.

That makes a big difference between this year’s first six months and the first five days of July.

"The first five days of July, we had 400,000 overnight stays. Compared to 785,000 overnight stays in the first six months. See what the difference is. That makes the figure for July 40%, so it can be seen that these few days are a significant jump in Dalmatia," said Stella.

There are problems with reservations and cancellations, because, as he says, European countries are urged not to travel, that is, to travel only within the borders of their countries.

"Until this situation is completely resolved, until Europe is united on this issue - there will always be problems with cancellations. But they are arriving and occupancy is rising," Stella said.

From July 17 to 19, he said, a group of 40 journalists and agents from Germany are coming to the Makarska Riviera.

"Also, we as the County Tourist Board, in cooperation with the Tourist Board of Sibenik-Knin, Zadar and the Croatian Tourist Board - are organizing the arrival of journalists by car from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic - precisely so they can see how safe we are, how easy it is to get here, the condition of our tourism and how safe we actually are. That is why we are organizing this study trip for journalists and agents," Stella said, adding:

"All these actions are aimed at as many tourists as possible, but let's not forget: everything I say, this big plus, it can all change in one day. We must all be responsible: both tourists and hosts and citizens - and do everything to minimize the risk, to follow all instructions, to be careful, to keep our distance, masks and everything else that is needed."

Many believe that lower prices would attract more guests, but of course, some do not agree and are keeping higher prices.

"We as a tourist board do not go with these recommendations, because we believe that the market makes its own and it can be seen that the entire Mediterranean is moving in the direction of putting pressure on lower prices - of course, not in every type of accommodation and not in every destination," Stella said.

As an example, he mentioned the Makarska Riviera, where the prices of private accommodation are reduced by 20 to 30%, and everyone is more or less satisfied and capacity is filled with these prices. In contrast, some luxury accommodation is reduced minimally or not at all.

"But in general, yes, there is a reduction in prices throughout the Mediterranean," Stella told HTV.

He also said that all the big hotels that have been closed so far are slowly starting to open.

"Because they see that an increasing number of guests are coming and they see that they could still have more than we expected from this season. Of course, it’s far from those numbers, from the records that were in 2019 and the like," Stella concluded.

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Sunday, 5 July 2020

354,000 Tourists in Croatia: "Positive Epidemiological Situation Biggest Promotional Tool"

July 5, 2020 - There are currently 354,000 tourists in Croatia - and almost 40,000 tourists enter the country daily.  The Tourist Board Directors of Istria and Split-Dalmatia County comment on the current situation.

Dalmacija Danas reports that most tourists in Croatia are in Istria, then Kvarner, while tourists in the south are still hard to come by, as they mostly arrive by air. But even that should change soon, given the larger number of airlines announced in July. 

Joško Stella, director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, and Denis Ivošević, director of the Istria Tourist Board, spoke about the situation in tourism.

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Ivošević said that Istria currently has about 100,000 guests, mostly Germans, Slovenes, Slovaks and Czechs. Forty percent of tourists are in private accommodation, 40 percent in camps and 20 percent in hotels.

Stella said that at the beginning of June in Split-Dalmatia County, the situation regarding tourism was horrible and that the number of tourists was 10 percent compared to last year.

"When we look at the first six months, we have a turnover of 19 percent compared to last year. That is 770 overnight stays compared to last year when we had 4 million," he said, adding that already now, at the end of June, and at the beginning of July, exponential growth can be seen.

He emphasized that the introduction of new airlines is beginning and that the introduction of routes from Great Britain is especially important.

"According to current estimates, about 200,000 passengers are expected. That is not much compared to last year, which had 700,000 passengers, but it is a lot compared to June," he pointed out.

Slovenia placed Croatia on the 'yellow list' of less safe countries. When asked whether this will affect the arrival of tourists and whether smaller bookings are already being recorded, Ivošević stated that bookings did not fall, but that it was the wrong message for Croatian tourism.

"I believe that after the elections, our Government will be in negotiations with Slovenia. I think it is important to emphasize that no tourist in our country was infected through local transmission, but all these were imported cases," he said, adding that protocols against coronavirus in Istria work very well, so tourists can feel safe.

Stella pointed out that last year in the first six months in Split-Dalmatia County, there were one million overnight stays of guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"They are as important to us as the guests from Slovenia. The markets of Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina accounted for over 50 percent of our turnover last year, so we took action to bring journalists and bloggers from those countries in cooperation with the Croatian National Tourist Board to show them that Croatia is a safe destination," he said.

Ivošević said that our priority is to maintain a positive epidemiological situation because it is the largest promotional tool with which we can communicate that we are a safe destination.

"We hope that in July and August, we will reach a figure between 30 and 40 percent compared to the same period last year," he stressed.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Split Tax Administration: Tourist Traffic Dropped 98% due to COVID-19

June 8, 2020 - What suffered most in Split-Dalmatia County during COVID-19? The head of the County Tax Administration spoke how much was spent, and how much activities lost during the corona period. 

On March 19, the coronavirus pandemic put the key in the lock for all activities and craftspeople, except those necessary for the normal functioning of life, such as food stores, gas stations, pharmacies and the like.

However, Slobodna Dalmacija asked Ivica Kusić, the head of the Tax Administration in Split-Dalmatia County, how much we actually spent and which activities lost the most in that period.

"In the first five months of this year, Split-Dalmatia County generated a turnover of around 4.6 billion kuna, while in the same period last year it generated around five billion kuna, which means that a decline of about nine percent was recorded," explains Kusić.

When we analyze these data by activities, the largest loss in the first five months was realized in arts, entertainment and recreation, where compared to the first five months last year, a decline of 66 percent was recorded.

A drop in turnover of over 60 percent was also recorded in administrative and support service activities (64 percent) and professional, scientific and technical activities (62 percent). At the county level, the turnover amounted to HRK 757 million in April. For comparison, 1.1 billion kuna was realized in April last year, so that a drop of about 31 percent was recorded.

When we look at the activities, the biggest decline in April this year compared to last year was in the activities of providing accommodation and food preparation and serving. Last year, the turnover in April amounted to around HRK 159.9 million, and this year to HRK 3.2 million, which is a drop of around 98 percent! A large decrease compared to last year is also in education, where in April 2019, HRK 2.7 million was realized, and in 2020, HRK 116,023, or 96 percent less.

Administrative and ancillary service activities last year generated a turnover of around HRK 31 million, and this year HRK 1.5 million. Arts, entertainment and recreation recorded a decline of about 90 percent, and other service activities about 87 percent. In transport and storage in April this year, compared to last year, turnover fell by about 77 percent, and in construction by about 49 percent.

At the county level in May, the largest loss of turnover compared to the same month last year was recorded in administrative and service activities. Last year, HRK 43.8 million was realized, and this year HRK 4.3 million, which is a drop of about 91 percent.

This is followed by arts, entertainment and recreation activities where the drop in traffic is about 85 percent. Last year, they earned around HRK 5 million in May, and this year a little more than HRK 750,000.
The activities of providing accommodation and food preparation and serving earned HRK 268.8 million in May last year, and HRK 45 million in the same month this year, which is a drop of 83 percent.

Transport and storage activities in May this year compared to the same month last year, recorded a decline of about 78 percent. That is, last year they generated revenues of HRK 41 million in that month, and now HRK 9 million.

"Data for May show us that the level of consumption or turnover is rising slightly after the restrictive measures related to the coronavirus pandemic were lifted. In the cumulative view from January to May, we can link good results to the very good first three months of 2020. With the complete relaxation of measures, the realized turnover in all activities will grow," concludes Kusić.

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Tuesday, 21 April 2020

A Tough Year Ahead for Tourist Boats in Dalmatia

April 21, 2020- The coronavirus pandemic is causing significant damage to all segments of the Croatian economy, with the tourism sector among the most affected. For tourist boats in Dalmatia, this year will be especially tough.

Dalmatinski Portal writes that in proportion to the number of new ships on the market, the number of passengers in the traffic of tourist boats increased from year to year, and according to the data of the port of Split, the third-largest in the Mediterranean, the number of passengers increased by 20% last year. This growth was expected this year, when an estimated 15 new tourist vessels were to sail in Split-Dalmatia County and five more from other coastal counties.

"At the moment, in the situation caused by the coronavirus, Dalmatian tourist boat companies are struggling to keep their reservations so far as they are being postponed to future dates, and by subscribing to Government measures and agreements with banks, regarding the extremely large loans that are a condition for building, renovating and preparing boats for the season, they are trying to overcome this difficult and uncertain period," says the President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy - Split County Chamber Joze Tomas, where the headquarters of the National Association of Tourist Boaters of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce is. According to the information received from the boat owners, the works on boats under construction have been stopped.

The President of the Association of Tourist Boaters of the Croatian Chamber of Economy, Ante Rakuljić, emphasizes that these boats are a real Croatian product, from construction and equipping to servicing in Croatian shipyards, employment of almost exclusively Croatian seafarers and supply of local food and Croatian products. Therefore, boating companies hope that their needs will be met and that banks will have an understanding and approve a moratorium on loans for a minimum of one year. For boat owners not in credit obligations, this situation will force them to take out loans to cover current liabilities and retain their workforce.

Like the rest of the business world, small tourist boat companies are keeping a close eye on the situation and are adjusting their plans day by day. A problematic business year and a possible complete absence of the season for boaters is certain. Unless the full return is possible, tourist boat companies believe that they will be able to adapt to new business conditions in terms of maintaining distance and hygiene, but this will require additional changes and investments, which means new responsibilities and reduced capacity and number of passengers.

At the moment, they are at a standstill. The current loss is also confirmed by one of the leading travel agencies in Croatia, the Katarina line, known precisely for cruising the Adriatic in luxury ships, which during normal circumstances, would have already been 15 days into the season, welcomng the first guests and groups.

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Monday, 20 April 2020

Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board Director: The Real Hit is Yet to Come

April 20, 2020 - Josko Stella, the director of the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, was a guest of N1 television, where he spoke about how tourism is affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and whether prices would be reduced for domestic tourists on the coast this year.

Stella said that they've already been hit hard, but not so much considering it is still the preseason. "That real hit is yet to come," he reckons.

He points out that they expect that a bigger tourist influx could occur in August.

"Of course, there may or may not be a tourist season. Our Government and our Headquarters have made every effort to stop the spread of this virus. I ask everyone to stay home and stay on track and in this situation, our tourism will take precedence over others," said Stella.

"There is really a need to consult epidemiologists who need to define the rules of the game, or how the hoteliers and caterers will have to behave. We have 600 to 700 thousand beds in private accommodation, and almost 200 thousand of those in Split-Dalmatia County, which do not need too much preparation. I think we will be ready the moment things can open. It will be known long before and there will be time to prepare."

Asked about Croatia's advantage as an auto-destination, Stella replied: "It helps us because a lot of countries that are our traditional markets are auto-destinations, although I think airlines will work as well."

"To be clear to all, we now expect between 10 and 25 percent of the tourism we have had in recent years. Surely our tourism is structured primarily for foreign tourists, but it can also be adapted for domestic tourists. From the field, we have a situation that even peak season bookings are coming and there are no cancellations for the peak season. There is no change in prices, though everyone expects it to happen when things open," Stella told N1.

He thinks we must have a part of the season, no matter how small it is because of all the people in the tourism sector.

"It's clear to everyone that we want next season to be a lot better than this one," he points out.

"I think those in private accommodation will adjust the fastest, unlike caterers, hoteliers and others. The sooner we stick to the rules, the sooner this will end," Stella concluded.

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Friday, 3 April 2020

Split Police Warns Citizens: No Picigin, Riva and Popular Beaches Monitored

April 3, 2020 - Even with the warm weather this weekend, citizens should not be tempted to ignore the measures of the National Civil Protection Headquarters. A message from the Split Police.

“Given that sunny and warmer weather is announced for the weekend, we would like to draw our attention once again to Decision on strict restraint on streets and other public places. This Decision applies to streets, squares, waterfronts, parks and all other public areas where a large number of persons can move and gather,” began today's statement by the Split-Dalmatia Police Directorate, in which they urge citizens to abide by the rules, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

“We know that Znjan, Bacvice and the Split waterfront are favorite places for citizens to gather, but in this situation, you cannot stay in these public areas. Especially not in large numbers because then you are not able to adhere to the rules on the distance between people.

Given the current situation, to prevent the spread of the infection, adjust your habits and exercise your leisure and outdoor activities in a shorter time, in places that you know are not visited by a large number of people. If you want to go outside, go to places where you are sure that more citizens will not gather.

We know that you follow the recommendations of doctors and epidemiologists, and we just want to remind you of their advice that when you are outdoors, keep the recommended distance. In this way, we will positively all contribute to reducing the spread of the infection.

Police officers supervise and implement the measures of the Headquarters daily, including these Decisions on the measure of strict restraint on streets and other public places, and will continue to do so throughout the weekend. Please follow the advice and warnings of police officers on the ground.

We thank all citizens who respect the Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia. With responsible behavior, they protect themselves and all of us,” the police bulletin says.

The police also responded to a request from a Dalmatinski Portal journalist about playing picigin at Bacvice.

“Such behavior is contrary to the decision of the National Headquarters. Had police officers been there, they would have certainly warned the participants to disperse. You can walk, but picigin cannot be played under these circumstances,” Split police said.

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Monday, 24 February 2020

Transport Minister Announces Projects Worth 487 Million Kuna to Fix Split Traffic

February 24, 2020 - The Croatian Roads plan for this year includes projects worth 487 million kuna in the area of Split-Dalmatia County, which should address the paralyzing traffic, which is particularly pronounced in the summer months. 

Dalmatinski Portal reports that these are the projects that were agreed at the Government session in Split almost two years ago. The Minister of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butkovic, said that the government was well aware that Split and Split-Dalmatia County were behind the rest of Croatia in terms of traffic.

“All projects are planned, which means that they will be realized. We are working on preparing quality documentation so that we can apply for EU funds and secure financing.  We will not be able to apply all projects, but what cannot be covered will be financed from the state budget,” said Butkovic.

The Solin area was defined as the biggest problem, which has seen a 20 percent increase in traffic over the past five years, and the busy intersection in Stobrec with over 50,000 vehicles passing through it daily. The solution is the fast road to Omis, and the project is being prepared for EU funds.

“With the implementation of these projects, southern Croatia will be in line with northern Croatia and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County,” said prefect Blaženko Boban.

The plans include reorganizing the Split network, which will include the continuation of the Split bypass to Omiš, the overpass at Širina, leveling the intersection in Stobrec, the first phase of the Vučević-Kozjak tunnel junction, which will also allow the construction of the tunnel itself, and further connect to the Adriatic highway towards the Ferry port. It also includes a bridge over the Bay of Kastela. As for the huge traffic jams through the Ferry Port, an emergency solution with a junction to Poljička Road is planned, and the exit from the Ferry Port will go over two lanes. The plan also includes the construction of Solinska Street and Zagorski put as a new entrance to Split, and a second ramp will be built from the National Assembly to Poljička. Public procurement for works on the Mravina ramp will start in September.

Mayor of Split, Andro Krstulovic Opara, says that he is pleased that the segments of the Master Plan for the Development of the City Port and Kopilica are being adopted through the planned projects.

“The Split Ferry Port is the most important island facility. This is where most of the demographic problem is addressed. The ferry port and Kopilica mean not only the connection of the islands, but also all of the south,” he said.

In the County, Croatian Roads also plans to work on the intersection in Makarska, reconstructing the Makarska-Vrgorac road, the Imotski-Zagvozd-border road with BiH, constructing the road on Hvar Poljica-Sucuraj, and the connection via Drvenik to the Ravča junction, Dicmo bypass. Croatian motorways will upgrade the Dugopolje and Rašćane juctions, and HŽ plans to continue with the design and construction of stations on the route planned to connect the Ferry and Airport by the railway.

Following the presentation on what is currently being done on each project, Butkovic signed contracts for a grant of around 20 million kuna for port infrastructure projects for the Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva counties.

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Monday, 17 February 2020

Underwater Heritage of Split-Dalmatia County: 28 Sites, 3 Museums Presented in New Guide

February 17, 2020 - The first tourist guide for Croatia’s underwater cultural heritage has been presented in Split-Dalmatia County. 

HRTurizam reports that "Underwater Heritage of Split-Dalmatia County” is the name of a new tourist guide presented by County prefect Blaženko Boban, Head of the Department of Tourism and Maritime Affairs Stipe Čogelj, and Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board director Josko Stella. The new guide was also presented by archaeologists Saša Denegri and Silva Kukoč, and Tea Katunarić Kirjakov, archeologist and art historian at the Art Academy of the University of Split.

The project, funded by Split-Dalmatia County in the framework of the Call for Proposals for Financing Projects from the Program of Development, Protection and Valorisation of Maritime Heritage in Split-Dalmatia County in 2019, is the first of its kind in Croatia

There are more than 200 underwater archeological sites in the marine area of Split-Dalmatia County, ranging from single isolated finds of small artifacts to preserved shipwrecks carrying amphora loads and wrecks from World War II. The goal of developing a cultural and tourist guide for the underwater heritage of Split-Dalmatia County is to promote underwater archeological sites to get a complete picture of the richness, diversity and importance of the underwater world, and further develop archeological and diving tourism in Split-Dalmatia County.

The new cultural and tourist guide presents 28 underwater sites and three museum collections with underwater archeological finds. The guide is designed in such a way that the waters of Split-Dalmatia County are divided into five geographical areas (the waters of Split and the Bay of Kastela, the waters of Brač island, the waters of Hvar island, the waters of Vis and Palagruza islands), and covers the period from prehistory to World War II. All localities are approximately indicated on maps, and different colors indicate different depths of sites. 

A separate section also features the Battle of Vis as the most significant naval battle on the Adriatic and the three wrecks that participated in the battle as one of the most significant underwater finds in the Adriatic. The guide represents different types of cultural property from all historical periods, covering the entire waters of the county (ancient remains of architecture and shipwrecks, late medieval shipwrecks, and the remains of modern-day wrecks and planes from World War II). In addition to the historical and geographical information, each site has its depth and accessibility for visitors. The guide is available in Croatian and English.

“With the introduction of this guide, we offer something that should be recognizable, especially to the clientele who will not stand for busy roads and terminals, and their financial potential is exceptional. For this purpose, the underwater heritage of our county stands out as an additional value of our tourist offer. Through the guide presented, almost all the localities of our county are listed, with all the directions, depths, and a breakdown of what is allowed at these locations. In addition to tourism, this guide will serve to protect these beautiful sites. I believe that through the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, tourists who want to see these cultural and tourist values in an organized manner can now become acquainted with them. I also thank the authors of the guide, as well as the county services who have done something extremely valuable and of good quality,”  said Boban.

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