
Split Police Warns Citizens: No Picigin, Riva and Popular Beaches Monitored

By 3 April 2020

April 3, 2020 - Even with the warm weather this weekend, citizens should not be tempted to ignore the measures of the National Civil Protection Headquarters. A message from the Split Police.

“Given that sunny and warmer weather is announced for the weekend, we would like to draw our attention once again to Decision on strict restraint on streets and other public places. This Decision applies to streets, squares, waterfronts, parks and all other public areas where a large number of persons can move and gather,” began today's statement by the Split-Dalmatia Police Directorate, in which they urge citizens to abide by the rules, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

“We know that Znjan, Bacvice and the Split waterfront are favorite places for citizens to gather, but in this situation, you cannot stay in these public areas. Especially not in large numbers because then you are not able to adhere to the rules on the distance between people.

Given the current situation, to prevent the spread of the infection, adjust your habits and exercise your leisure and outdoor activities in a shorter time, in places that you know are not visited by a large number of people. If you want to go outside, go to places where you are sure that more citizens will not gather.

We know that you follow the recommendations of doctors and epidemiologists, and we just want to remind you of their advice that when you are outdoors, keep the recommended distance. In this way, we will positively all contribute to reducing the spread of the infection.

Police officers supervise and implement the measures of the Headquarters daily, including these Decisions on the measure of strict restraint on streets and other public places, and will continue to do so throughout the weekend. Please follow the advice and warnings of police officers on the ground.

We thank all citizens who respect the Decisions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia. With responsible behavior, they protect themselves and all of us,” the police bulletin says.

The police also responded to a request from a Dalmatinski Portal journalist about playing picigin at Bacvice.

“Such behavior is contrary to the decision of the National Headquarters. Had police officers been there, they would have certainly warned the participants to disperse. You can walk, but picigin cannot be played under these circumstances,” Split police said.

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