Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Magical Stina Wines Combine with Brasserie on 7 for 5-Course Special

The summer may be over and most of the best gourmet evenings of the year behind us, but there are still some gems to be had before Split launches itself into another Advent in Split early next month. 

Of all the wineries I have visited in Dalmatia, one of the stand-out performers, both in terms of style and quality, has been Stina from Brac. Located in a majestic huge stone house on the Bol waterfront, home to the oldest wine association in Dalmatia, dating back to 1903, passers-by would be forgiven for thinking there was nothing going on inside, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

Traditional old Dalmatian stone building on the outside, very snazzy and modern upcoming winery on the inside, and the stylish interior and presentation of the Stina brand takes most visitors by surprise. And that is before they come across the award-winning labels, one of the cleverist I have seen. Check out the video below - art at work. 

And what does all this have to do with Split, I hear you cry? Stina wines have teamed up with the fabulous ladies from Brasserie on 7 to offer a five-course special with Stina wine pairings, for 230 kuna a person. This Friday, 20:00. If you thought the winter nights were going to be long and boring, have a look around - there are still some great nights to be had. This will be one of them. To reserve, call 021/278 233 or mob. 095 542 0289, or contact B7 on Facebook


Napoleon od granny smith jabuke, sirove korabe i hobotnice & zimska salata
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Servirano sa čašom Plavac mali Barrique Majstor 2011 g.
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Servirano sa čašom Prošeka 2011 g.

CIJENA MENU-a: 230,00 HRK po osobi.

REZERVACIJE primamo na: tel: 021/278 233 ili mob. 095 542 0289

Vidimo se!
