A Croatian-Dutch cooperation.
Fancy taking a trip back through time in Croatia's capital city? Now you can!
It was a great year for the Klis fortress. With a 20% annual increase in visitors, it became an important destination in Inland Dalmatia. So to highlight it even more, here is a new website for the fortress, with a virtual tour, opening hours and ticket prices. There is even info about the fortress´history available in 8 languages (after you enter the virtual tour):
(photo: snapshot from www.tvrdavaklis.com)
"The Klis fortress, one of the most significant fortifications in Croatia, due to its strategic importance had a significant defense position. From the 2nd century BC this area was inhabited by the Illyrian tribe of Delmati, while the first records about the fortress from the 10th century speak of the Roman fortress Kleisa being besieged by the Avars and Slavs which hastened the conquering of Salona in the first half of the 7th century at the time of arrival of the Croats. Two centuries later Klis had already become the ruler's property and one of the centers of the Croatian state.
In the document issued by prince Trpimir in 852 the court is mentioned as his property, and it also became the center of the Early Croatian Littoral or Klis County (Parathalassia). The end of the 11th century was marked by the end of the Croatian national dynasty and Klis fell under the rule of the Hungaro-Croatian kings. One of them, Bela IV and his family used the Klis fortress as shelter during the Tatar siege in 1242, at which time his daughter Margita was born. Nowadays she is celebrated as St. Margita of Klis. By the end of the 13th century Klis was ruled by the princes Šubić's of Bribir, the mightiest family of Croatia, and from 1335 the town was again under the protection of the king and the administration of its fortress commanders..."
Enjoy the virtual tour and the view and read more here.
Dreaming about visiting Sinj? Or dreaming about being in Sinj again? In both cases, we have something to help you count those days until you are able to experience the city yourself. Take a virtual tour!! There are several of the most popular places, like Kamicak, or the Alka race track. So, get a comfortable chair and of you go..
A new edition to the Virtual tours of Inland Dalmatia - Tomisla Balić, the Director of the Dugopolje tourist board sent us these beautiful virtual tours through several locations in Dugopolje. You can now virtually visit The Vranjaca Cave or the St. Michael´s Church, or check out the Sports Centre or discover the King´s Cave and more. You can find all of the here. Enjoy!!