Thursday, 11 August 2022

Self-employment Increase in Croatia This Year all Thanks to Women

August 11, 2022 - Employment in Croatia is always an interesting topic. The fluctuations of unemployment rates are in line with the tourist season, with the increase usually happening in August. This year's self-employment increase, however, all happened thanks to women who have started their trades or companies.

As Poslovni reports, a streak of five months of consecutive reductions in the number of unemployed in the records of the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ) ended in July.

At the end of last month, 109,571 unemployed people were registered, i.e., 3,772 more than the month before, and the first third of August also points to the beginning of a seasonal increase in the number of unemployed (compared to yesterday, an increase of about 900 persons was recorded), although currently there are more than 16 thousand vacancies.

Last year, the seasonal deflation only started in August, but a little later seasonal employment started to increase. All in all, in year-on-year comparisons, significantly fewer unemployed persons are still registered with the Institute. Compared to last July, that amounts to 13 percent or 16,431 fewer.

The latest figures from the CES show that during July of this year, slightly less than 15.2 thousand people were newly registered in the unemployment register, or about five percent less than last year.

Every third person from the sector of education

At the same time, the majority (about 70 percent) came to the Institute directly from previous employment, while for every third of them that previous job was in education.

More than 2,500 newly registered persons entered the unemployment register having graduated from regular education, and nearly 1,900 persons registered with the Croatian Employment Service after previously being inactive.

At the same time, last month there were about 30 percent fewer exits from the unemployment register than in July last year, while more than eight thousand out of 11.4 thousand exited the register due to employment.

Nine out of ten (or a total of 7,234 people) established a working relationship with an employer, and the other 824 had other business activities. More than half (448) of them became self-employed by registering a trade, and more than 220 of them did so by establishing a company, while the rest mainly involved earning income from another independent activity that exceeds the amount of the average guaranteed benefit.

There were 5,420 of those who were in the records of the CES and were employed based on these business activities (and not by entering an employment relationship) in the first seven months of this year, or about a hundred more than in the same period last year.

Although there are more men in that group (and the largest number refers to starting a trade or company), it should be noted that practically the entire year-on-year growth is the result of an increase in such (self-)employment among women.

Most of the new employees who entered employment contracts with their employers in July (as well as the newly registered unemployed) were in the tourism and hospitality industries and the trade and processing industry.

Considering the seasonal characteristics of July, last month among the counties, Split-Dalmatia and Osijek-Baranja counties led the way in terms of employment, which are also the counties with the highest absolute numbers of registered unemployed (in Split-Dalmatia there are more than 18.5 thousand or almost 17 percent of the total unemployed in the Republic of Croatia, and in Osijek-Baranja more than 14.2 thousand or 13 percent).

European statistics

The share of the unemployed who receive minimum benefits has been trending downward in recent years, and recently that has been approximately a fifth. In July, it meant about 22 thousand users.

The unemployment rate according to the methodology of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Croatia was at 6.3 percent in the middle of the year (according to ILO standards, there were 114 thousand people without a job), i.e. significantly below 7.7 percent at the same time last year.

Although this 6.3 percent is slightly higher than Croatia’s historically lowest rate, unemployment is currently very low throughout the European Union, with places like the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Malta, and Hungary where it is within (up to) three percent, while Spain and Greece were the only ones with a double-digit unemployment rate according to ILO standards in June.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Business section.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Women Entrepreneurs Check In: A Stylish Networking Event in Split

January 17, 2022 - The first Women Entrepreneurs Check In will be held at Heritage Hotel Santa Lucia in Split at 11:30 am on Thursday, January 20. A look at what's in store.  

The first Women Entrepreneurs Check In is set to be the ultimate networking event for anyone interested in lifestyle and new business connections, all while indulging in a tasty brunch dressed up in stylish attire. 

The Women's Entrepreneurs Check-in is organized under the Lifestyle Check-in brand, which organizes a series of B2B & B2C events focused on international fashion, beauty, and lifestyle companies, held in mesmerizing venues such as galleries, yachts, and hotels. Thursday's event is thus held at Kavana Central, part of the chic Heritage Hotel Santa Lucia, located at Narodni trg 1 in Split. 

The Women Entrepreneurs Check In aims to raise awareness about women entrepreneurs and affirm women’s role in the Croatian and Dalmatian economies. Speakers and journalists from Croatia, Austria, Italy, and Romania will join the event through a panel discussion about women's entrepreneurship to celebrate great business minds and up-and-coming entrepreneurs while highlighting the influential role women play in the business community.

The opening words will be shared by Joze Tomas, Director of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce - Split County Chamber, and Nevena Cikes, manager  of Heritage Hotel Santa Lucia.


Panel speakers include Tash Pericic (Connection, Collaboration & Community), Sara Miante (Social Entrepreneurship), Cornelia Rieger (Design the Future),  Rino Medic (Collectivism Vs. Individualism for Sustainable Growth), Hildegard Brandl (Green Village / a project in cooperation with Charlie Ottely), Barbara Markovic (Luxury Tourism), and Janine Widmann (Start-ups). 

Earth Wind Desire is a special touch to the event, an artist/architect duo helping people reconnect to nature and their inner self. It is founded by Larisa Cisic, licensed architect, and Daniel Poelzl, wood artist. Based in Croatia, the couple uses reclaimed materials found in nature to create exceptional artwork, architecture, and interior design. 

Singer Michelle Rowsell will perform during the panel breaks, bringing a diverse musical taste spanning from old classics by Sam Cooke and The Shirelles to modern pop songs performed in a stripped-back, acoustic style. International artist Suncica Kuzmanic Perisin Tomljanovic will conduct live portrait sessions, while Esther Canata will showcase her emotionally charged, moody, complex, and empowering artwork, embodying femininity, sensuality, diversity, and soulful depth of character. 

Poliklinika MakeOver will spoil guests with a "Beauty Corner" and reveal the newest treatments in the world of esthetics, and Pierre Lang jewelry from Austria will be on display.

The event is sponsored by the Central Dalmatia County Tourist Board and Amarea Travel, which will offer a city tour with a personal guide after the event.

On Thursday evening, journalists are invited to attend an elegant dinner at Zrno Soli in Split, sponsored by the Central Dalmatia County Tourist Board. 

A Covid passport, negative PCR or antigen test, or COVID-19 recovery certificate in the last six months is required to attend the event. 

Tickets & more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

For more, check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Minister Presents Agreements For Employment of Women Worth HRK 11.5 mn

May 24, 2021 - Labour Minister Josip Aladrović presented five agreements in Zadar on Monday worth HRK 11.5 million for the employment of 130 women who have trouble finding a job due to insufficient qualifications and women who care for the elderly in Zadar and Lika-Senj counties. 

The contracts are part of the second stage of the ministry's "Make a Wish" employment program.

"The contracts will enable the employment of 130 hard-to-employ women and women who care for the elderly. The purpose of the project is to help employ people who have been out of work for a long time and are more difficult to employ and to improve care for the elderly in Zadar and Lika-Senj counties," the minister said.

He noted that more than HRK 63 million in the two counties had been invested through 33 agreements to employ more than 500 women who provide care for the elderly.

The Make a Wish employment program is one of the best programs financed by the European Social Fund. Of the initially envisaged HRK 300 million, its value has reached close to HRK 1.8 billion, the minister said.

As part of a project designed to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of women on the labor market, 20 women will be hired in Zadar to provide care for the elderly.

For more news in Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Dubrovnik Marks Women's Entrepreneurship Day on 23 May

A special event is taking place in the Secondary school of economics in Dubrovnik

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Young Croatian Entrepreneur Giving Away Prom Dresses

The goal is to encourage young women to enter the world of business.
