The Hottest August Day Ever - New Record Set

By 13 August 2015

Many of us might have had the feeling, that those last 44 days are breaking all existing temperature records and it got hotter with every single day of the summer.

Well, today it is actually true and the record for the highest August temperature measured in Split in 1971 (38,1 °C) was broken with today‘s 38,5 °C measured at the official weather station in Marjan.

According to Dalmacija News, the absolute record from 1950 is 38,6 °C, which means we were pretty close to break that one too.


With Friday and Saturday, there is still "hope" to set a new absolute record as the temperatures should be similar to those we had for the last 2 days. The weather forecast is showing some cooling down on Sunday, which should end these unbearable heats. Fingers crossed for that one..

Read the whole article here.
